To Antarctica

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" Wait, what?" You asked your father. Not entirely sure what he just said. Your father stood nervously in front of you. Shifting the weight of his frame from foot to foot and twiddling his thumbs in front of his stomach.

" I would like you to come with me to Antarctica." He said slowly. Darting his eyes from side to side as if he was trying to not look you in the eyes. You stood there quiet for another few seconds. That's not all he said the first time.

He was leaving something out like he was hoping you had not noticed it the first time. You placed a hand on your hip and slowly squinted at him

" Hold on." You said, Raising your other hand with your index finger pointed up. "What did you mean earlier about going to Antarctica to help my uncle? I Have never heard anything about you having a brother before." You said, looking at him closely.

He sighed in defeat before lowering his hands to his sides and finally bringing up his eyes to land on your own. His E/C orbs were full of regret and they were slightly wet as if tears were going to start falling soon.

" Yeah... I have a brother, and... He lives in Antarctica as a researcher with your cousin Addily." Your eyes grew wide at the confession. You were never told you had an Uncle and cousin from your dad's side. The only other family you knew you had was your aunt from your mom's side and her Husband rick.

Why did it look like it was breaking his heart to tell you this? You brought your hands up to your father's arms as he brought one of his up to pinch at the bridge of his nose.

You urged him to sit down as he looked like he was about to break apart. his shoulders slightly shook as he took a seat at the kitchen table and you sat down right next to him. what happened to make him so sad like this? You thought to yourself as you took a hold of your father's hands in yours.

" Did something happen?" You asked, looking at him closely in the eyes to he knew you were paying attention. He gave another defeated sigh in response.

" Yes... Many years ago my brother and I had a big falling out. We were both in South America on a study when... something happened." He said unsurely. About to go a whole different way with his story but apparently decided to not tell the whole tale now.

You would not push him. Yes, you were a bit upset that he never told you about your uncle or your cousin. However if whatever happened was that much of a painful memory with him than you would not push it... too much.

" So, why after all this time are you guys getting back together?" You asked him a bit hesitantly. Not wanting to have it be any more hard for him than it needed to be. He took a deep breath in through his nostrils before answering your question.

" I don't know, he contacted me a couple of days ago asking me to come to the arctic with him to look at something he found. I decided since it has been so long that it's about time I go and see him. I would really appreciate you coming with me. I would like you to meet the rest of your family and.. it would make me feel a lot better if you were there in all honesty." At the last part he looked down a little in embarrassment.

You thought about it for a moment. All of this news was just so sudden. An uncle, a Cousin, Antarctica. Granted even though it was sudden you still very much wanted to meet them.

What were they like? Did your uncle look anything like your dad did? what did your cousin act like? would the two of you get along? You opened your mouth and went to talk but your dad quickly cut you off.

" I mean! you really don't have to if you really don't want to as your an adult now you can do whatever you want. I just thought you would like to as you've never met them before. And they're in Antarctica! that would be quite a trip to tell in the future, wouldn't it?

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