An unexpected visitor

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Addily tapped her fingers against the table in irritation, wanting nothing more than to stop hearing about her stupid uncle. Her father would NOT. STOP. Talking about how he worried about his brother after what had happened to Y/N.

Nobody knew the truth. Nobody except her that was, and no one else could ever know the truth. In all honesty, it was a spur of the moment! She did not really mean to kill her cousin.

Yeah, she hated Y/N but she never planned to kill her. When the bear attacked though it took no second thoughts, it was her or you. She already loathed you so it just happened to be convenient.

But now she had to listen to her father worry all day long. It had been almost a year since what had happened, after the funeral her father and her had moved to her uncles hometown to keep a closer eye on him.

Her father tried to contact him regularly but he hardly spoke anymore. Hardly talked, hardly ate, he was just withering away now. Serves him right. After everything he did to her family, taking her mother away from her, he deserved everything he got.

She followed him with bored eyes as her father paced around the living room. Scratching at the bearded he was starting to grow. She wanted to try and say something to him to get him to stop but did not. Afraid that if she did the tone in her voice would give away how little she cared about everything that happened.

Instead, she watched him for a moment longer before sighing and standing up. She could not look at this anymore. She left the living room and made her way to her own room.

She quietly shut the door, even though her dad probably would not even notice if she was gone in the first place. She turned and jumped slightly. She was not alone in this room.

Her window had been opened, and resting on the seal lazily was a great white animal. Looking at her with sinister red eyes, the same color of blood much like that of the blood she remembered seeing on the day she killed her cousin.

- -

The dream you were having was not a good one. It was of your dad, of him crying at your death. His sadness turning into anger as he morphed into a demon. Telling you how much he now despised you for not finding him and telling him you were alive.

You tried to tell him you were still too weak to get to the surface but he swatted away your words. Glaring down at you like you were nothing but a worm. You did not know it, but tears were streaming down your face, even in the real world as you twitched a whimpered in your sleep.

Y/S/N darted her head to your face, flicking at the tears with her tongue. But you never felt any of that. You did not feel anything other than your scars burning.

You woke up with a jump, though it was nothing more than a big twitch since your body had such a hard time moving around anymore.

You groaned and opened your eyes to see nothing but a blurry vision. You raised your hand to rub at your eyes. Blinking a few times to keep them open.

When your vision cleared you realized that you were now laying on your back and not your side. Y/S/N was curled in a ball on your stomach, but she was awake. Looking over and flicking her tongue out at who woke you up.

You looked over, expecting to see Bobazo looking down at you. You jumped slightly when there was a small furry head peeking over at you instead. Tugging at your shawl with his little hands.

It was Motuk, Aliskaad's familiar howler monkey. He chewed something slightly crunchy in his mouth as he continued to yank on your clothing. Even though it was quite obvious you were awake now.

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