Mothers Mission

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The Sleep you were able to get that night was cut short. You had only drifted off for about thirty minutes when you felt Y/S/N's snout poking into your nose and cheek. Her tongue flicking in and out to tickle you.

You snorted and jumped a little, opening your eyes and looking over at her. The moon was now the only source of light in the tent, and it shown its beam down on your snake.

The light made her scales shimmer and glow like diamonds or snow, her scars little pink lines across her scales. There were so many of them. She looked at you with her big round eyes, one being a slightly pink redd while the other was a mirror of your milky white blind right eye.

Her tongue flicked out again and you stretched your legs and arm out while glancing at Bobazo. He was sound asleep, facing you while his green dreadlocks fell across his face. Y'avashaak was curled into himself as he rested in the crook of Bobazo's arm.

Both of them were breathing calmly in their slumber. As quietly as you could you stood up, being careful not to lose your balance on your shaky legs and stumble back down.

You picked up Y/S/N too, hefting her up with your one arm, she was almost too heavy to be picked up off of the ground anymore. She was now as long and thick as Y'avashaak was, the snake who was about five feet long and as thick as a firefighter's pole.

She wrapped her long body around you, she was still able to wrap comfortingly around your shoulders, but she had to have her tail slide off down your back or sides.

You grabbed your staff and limped over to the other side of the tent, to where the little girl was sleeping. Her breathing was rugged and rattled. They came out with soft little impress. She was covered in leaf bandages and you could smell a kind of citrus scent. It was the herb that was used to help with her infection.

You let out a sad sigh, if she lived she would be almost as scarred up as you were. She would still have both her arms and eyes of coarse but her body would be riddled with reminders of what happened to her and her family.

You took another glance at her before walking back over to the living side of the hut. You stopped at the opening flap though, deciding to go out and get some fresh air first.

There was a cool breeze flowing outside, making the jungle chilly, especially with half the village practically floating on water. You hobbled over to one of the bridges, sitting down and sticking your feet into the cold water, letting the flow soothe you.

You had only been sitting down for a couple of seconds when a hand was placed on your shoulder. You jumped and almost shouted but you caught yourself. You did not want to wake up the entire village.

Looking up, you expected it to either be Bobazo, Misaha, or Aliskaad. Instead, it was a face you knew, but never really interacted with. It was the warrior with the high hanging top knot. The one with the snake that had the nose ending in a point like a needle.

He smiled down at you and you gave a small smile back. He took a seat next to you and his snake immediately stretched his neck out to sniff at Y/S/N. She shied back from his touch, usually, she would curl up into your shawl. However you no longer had your shawl, in fact you were almost naked right now. You had kind of gotten used to it though.

" What are you doing up so late? I would imagine that Bobazo would rather you be resting your wounded body." He asked you puffed up a little his question.

" My Body is just fine!" You replied with a snap. " And Bobazo will just have to live." You finished. He closed his eyes and let out a few deep chuckles, reaching up to pet down his snake's snout. After a minute you found yourself smiling and giving a little laughter of your own.

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