The Hatchlings

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A magical light illuminated your face in the shadowed space under the branches. The soft eggs were nestled peacefully against one another. There were four of them in total, each casting off a soft white light.

Y/S/N slid off of your shoulders and climbed the small branches that held the nest in the air. She peaked her head in at the eggs. She looked almost hypnotized by them, and in all honesty, you felt a little bit tranced too.

The branches and plant life around you shifted, and Bobazo slid into the little area, his face is lit up just as yours was. The space itself was not the biggest, so the two of you barely had room for your torso's. In fact, he was actually holding himself up above you, his left hand on your left side while his right leaned him down slightly so that his chin was nestled up against your temple.

" It is one of the Shaman's most important jobs to check this place at least once a month, It is unknown when or how many will appear, but when they do the shaman must come back every few days to make sure nothing has happened to them." He explained.

" Are... Are they?..." You tried to ask, but the words would not leave your throat. You had seen an egg like this once before. You only saw it for a second, in a hazy vision much like a dream.

It was right after the polar bear mauled you. When the tribespeople found you and brought you to bobazo. If you thought hard you could remember the slight details you were able to see that time.

Your vision was mostly dark as you could barely open your eyes. There was a big fire in the background, with figures dancing around it and singing.

There was a figure in front of you, leaning his hands down as he cradled a small glowing white form that lit up the lower area of his face.

It was Y/S/N's egg that he was holding. See cracked out of the shell and touched you, it was right then and there that your bond with her formed.

That's what these were. They were eggs of snakes just like her and Y'avashaak. Bobazo nodded above you, his chin scratching your head slightly.

"The Mother puts them here every few months, in case someone of the tribe is fatally wounded, we might be able to save them with a bond from her hatchlings." He said.

" What... What happens if they don't bond with someone?" You asked, still looking at the eggs, but focusing more on Bobazo who was practically laying on top of you right now. Your back and head burned where he was close.

" If they do not bond with someone right as they come out of the egg, then they transform into other jungle snakes. It is impossible to tell what they will become, but they always vary. Some of them though, just can't live without a bond, and they die." You gasped at his words.

They would just die? You looked over at your snake, you could not even imagine that happening to her. Just the thought of her curling up and stop breathing made tears start to slip out of your eyes.

" That's horrible Bo." You said.

"It's the way it is." He replied. " Also, do not touch any of them before they transform, if you do it could send both you and Y/S/N into a catastrophic state and kill her painfully." He uttered. You went completely stiff, What?!

Then one of the eggs pulsed brightly, and the soft surface bulged before a small white head poked itself out. All panicked feelings left you in an instant and Your eyes went wide and your mouth hung open in awe.

The little white snake flicked its tongue out, tasting the air for the first time... and hopefully not it's last. Hit watched the two of you for a minute before starting to slip the rest of its slimy body out of its egg.

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