Servants of Karribou

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was a member of the ZucI!! What on earth happened here?! You rushed forward, dropping down onto your knees at the man, Y/S/Nslidd off of your shoulders and over to where the children were, nuzzling their little cheeks.

The man barely lifted his head as you knelt down next to him. His wide eyes were full of sadness and fear. You lifted your hand up, unsure of what to do.

Before you could do anything he snatched your wrist in his hand. Heaving one hard breath that caused blood to spill from his mouth like a geyser.

" My Children." He choked out, and then was gone. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his head fell back onto the ground. His grip on your arm went limp and his chest stopped moving.

You stared hard at the body for only a moment before crawling to where the children were. There were two boys and one girl, none of them could be any older than five with how small they were.

You crawled over to the first boy and turned his little body over, immediately leaning over to the side and letting all of this morning's breakfast spill out of you.

The poor boy's face and neck were clawed to the point where nothing but the flesh was shown. Teeth and eyes were missing and the throat was so slashed that the head was barely still attached.

You started to sob at the site, this was just a tiny boy, who would do this!?! You shakily crawled over to the other boy. He was not as cut up as the first boy, but there was no pulse and no breathing when you got to him, he was gone too.

You let out an angered cry as you crawled over to the little girl, flipping her over and looking down at her. She was still breathing! she was heavily clawed up but she was still alive!!

You needed to get her to the village now! how could you do that though? you could not carry her. Y/S/N! you would send her back to get Bobazo! You shouted over to her and she turned and slithered into the bushed up to the stepps.

You reached out and brushed some clumped hair out of the little girl's bloody face. Talking to her and making sure she knew someone was there for her.

You felt eyes on you, and you knew in your heart that whatever did this was not too far behind, it was some type of animal, and some type of person. Something had clawed these children and someone had shot the father with arrows.

The little girl coughed up some blood and weakly started to cry. You continued to talk to her but a bit more frantically. Where was Bobazo!

Your thoughts were interrupted by shouting from a distance. You glanced over where it was coming from when the large white feline figure of Devis surged through the bushes and into sight. Carrying not only Y/S/N on his back but Y'avashaak and Motuk as well.

The snakes slithered off of his fur and made there way over to you. You held the little girl up a tad higher so Y'avashaak could see, therefor Bobazo could see as well. All the animals moved over to you and Your snake slithered up onto your shoulders.

You glanced up to the tree again but the bird was gone. Tribe members burst through the foliage with the mighty green-haired shaman leading the party. He immediately ran to you and slid to his knees next to you, taking the girl in his arms as you handed her to him.

" Y/N, are you hurt?" he shuddered out as he looked you and the girl over.

" I'm fine Bo, but the girl needs help now!" You sobbed out, reaching out subconsciously and grabbing onto his shoulder and Y/S/N squeezed a little tighter around your neck in a comforting manner. You moved your hand from Bobazo to her, petting along her long scaly body.

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