Returning Hatred

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" Minimi! Apprentice Shaman of the sureen! Children of the Monkey Matron Kooji! where is your mentor and head Shaman Aliskaad? Why has she not answered Estaad's summoning?" The Jaguar's priestess's voice thundered with so much authority you almost found yourself searching for an excuse.

The young girl slightly flinched under the strong glare of the woman. Even her cat companion lifted his head and encased her in a hard sanguine stare. The monkey at her feet chattered nervously, nibbling at her fingers as she wrapped her tail around herself.

" Aliskaad is currently not here. She is helping a stranger that came into our camp a week ago. He was desperate, asking for help to save his mother. She has traveled with him back up to Urani's hold in the ice above. In her place, I stand as shaman of the Sureen until she returns." The girl's soft, high pitched voice sounded out.

The woman slowly blinked. A clear unimpressed expression over her face. She said no other word to the timid girl before turning her gaze over to you. At first, you thought she was looking at Bobazo, but after a minute you realized she was sizing you up and down with her eyes.

She took in every visible scar, the missing arm, and the blind eye. She squinted at the stark white snake around your body. Tsking to herself as she leaned back into her stone chair.

" If the mother snake herself had not brought you into her curls and into Bobazo's teachings to be his apprentice I would have been outraged by the sight of a foreigner sitting in that chair." She snarled over at you.

You were surprised at how straight you were able to keep your face. Keeping your back up in a strong position as you held her in an equally unimpressed expression. Her hard glare softened slightly, however, she still looked like someone just ate her entire supply of Rachu nuts.

" However I hear nothing but good things about you. After all, the Empress herself summoned you here! It is not my place to question her judgment." She finished, giving you a respectful nod from behind the fangs of the Jaguar skull she adorned on her head. You returned the nod, not saying a word. Though relaxing your shoulders as Bobazo placed a comforting hand on them.

The woman turned her gaze to all of you. A look of worry crossing over her and she almost looked like a completely different person without her scowl.

" My friends... It is no question as to why you were all called here. The Outhradii have overstepped their boundaries once more. Many years ago we pushed them to the brink of the Jungle. We thought we had beaten them. Karribou had risen again! She moves her servants into our territories. Slaughtering our people and shaming the names of our mothers! it is time for us to join forces once more and exterminate the entire tribe!" She shouted into the air. Bobazo shuffled next to you and Minimi's head jumped up.

" Kooji is not for killing entire establishments. As much as the Outhradii has hurt us they have innocents among their ranks as well!" She counted. The Jaguar woman rubbed at her chin in distaste as she glared at the small girl. Bobazo ribbed your shoulder a tad tighter before speaking up.

" Both you and Owlowi make very strong points Minimi. The snake mother wants revenge for her children that were killed in cold blood. However, she is also not against the complete slaughter. She will not become what she hates so much about her sister.

The Jaguar Shaman Owlowi lunged forward. Gripping tightly onto the rock arms of her chair as her cat growled into the air. She glared forward at all of you.

" Estaad is not so easy to mercy. They are all born Outhradii under the rule of Karribou. If we went the way you all suggest, the young are spared. They would grow up remembering how he killed their parents and the people who have guided them their entire lives! They will plot against us and Bring back karribou's reign of evil once more! Karribou had her chance to lead her children to good and glorious lives as all our mothers have done. However, she thinks she is above all the others. She has turned her children into slaves and they obey her without question!" She seethed onto the hot air. What came out of your mouth in response was unexpected even to you.

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