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Chapter 10

            Scott wiped away a tear as Mitch woke up looking scared and disoriented. He didn't want to shock him by running to him even though every muscle in his body ached to see those beautiful orbs of chocolate pointed in his direction. He wasn't even sure if Mitch would want him here but there was no way he was leaving this hospital. If Mitch truly hated him he would wait in the family waiting area but he was not leaving until he had the full story about who he had to kill for hurting his Mitchie. He had a pretty good idea of what happened but he wanted to try to be level headed and think this through before he did anything crazy like beat Travis' door down and strangle him.

            Scott had come home to visit with his mom. After all the feelings he was experiencing with Alex he wanted to take a break and clear his head. As much as he loved California, Indiana with his mom and their modest house would always be home. He told Alex he just needed to take a breather and visit with his mom. It was a break in school so he wasn't missing any classes and he could enjoy his time without the worry of schoolwork piling up. Scott was sitting in his old room looking at pictures of his years growing up and especially his memories with Mitch. He sat on his old bed and remembered the first time Mitch had climbed through his window. It seemed like just yesterday he had taken Mitch not only into his bed but into his heart. He could remember every sound Mitch made and every breathy utter of his name. Scott missed Mitch more than he could ever admit and as much as he loved being home, being surrounded by all these memories just confused him more about Alex and where they stood.

            As Scott was reminiscing he heard a banging on the front door. He ran out to find Nell frantically beating on their door. He opened it to her running into his arms and begging him to come help Mitch. At the thought of his long lost love, Scott felt a slight urge to run and hide away from whatever was going on but he knew Nell wouldn't be there if it wasn't necessary. He followed Nell slowly past the fence that separated their houses to see Mitch lying on the ground next to his car. He ran over and yanked Mitch into his arms bursting into tears as he examined his swollen and bruised face. Mitch stirred slightly and cradled his arm. Scott gently pulled back his sleeve to reveal a nasty bruise and what he was for sure was a broken bone. "Please help me." Mitch mumbled before losing consciousness again.

            Scott sprang into action. He wiped his tears and pulled Mitch into the safety of his strong arms. He laid him down into the backseat of his rental car and told Nell to meet him at the er. He drove with lightning speed to the much needed medical care Mitch was in requirement of. He parked in front of the ambulance doors not caring if he got a ticket and ran inside for a wheel chair. He pulled Mitch gently from his car and placed him onto the wheel chair before barreling into the doors screaming for help. The nurses came running and wheeled Mitch away leaving Scott to lay in wait for what was going to happen to the love of his life. Scott slumped back outside and moved his car into a parking space before taking a deep breath and finding a seat inside the waiting room.

            His head was swirling with thoughts of what could have happened to his poor Mitchie. He looked terrible. He was covered in marks worse even than when Phil was still around. Then the wave of guilt hit him. If he hadn't messed up and would have fought harder he could have prevented this. He promised to always protect him but instead he had given up and left him to be beaten within an inch of his life. Scott felt like the worst person in the world and was wallowing in self-pity when a nurse came and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me sir, did you come in with a brunette male earlier?" Scott looked up with glassy eyes ready to run with the sobs he felt in his chest. He sniffled back the onslaught of pain trying to escape his icy blue eyes, "Yes I did. Please tell me he is ok." The nurse looked down at the clipboard in her hand with a look of sadness. "I can't tell you much sir but the only thing I know is he needs a cast on his arm and we are taking him into emergency surgery to explore the chance of internal bleeding. Are you able to consent to surgery? Are you family?" Scott looked horrified at the seriousness of Mitch's condition. "Yes, I'm his husband and I consent to surgery. Do whatever it takes to save him. He is my heart. This world without him would be a place not worth living in." The nurse nodded and handed Scott paperwork to sign for the surgery. She also gave him more paperwork to get all of Mitch's information.

            As Scott filled out the paperwork, Nell entered the waiting room looking irked and tired. "Where is he Scotty? Have they given you any information?" She asked as she sat next to Scott and took his hand into hers. "They told me he needs a cast on his arm and they had to take him into surgery to check for internal bleeding. I told them he was my husband so they would let me sign the paperwork to allow the surgery. I hope that's ok Nell but I couldn't wait and let something happen to him. What happened? Do you know?" Nell looked away sadly and Scott could tell she knew what was going on but was reluctant to say. "Nell, if you know what happened I deserve to know." Nell looked back at Scott with fire in her eyes. "You don't deserve a d*mn thing. You left my beautiful boy to suffer. You turned your back on him and left him to die."

            Scott wasn't surprised by Nell's reaction but her words still stung, especially because in his mind they were true. "I know Nell, I know but I still love him. That will never change." Nell's face softened and she leaned against Scott. "I'm sorry sweetie that wasn't fair of me. I'm just scared is all. When you two broke up he was a mess. He got with this Travis guy and he has done nothing but abuse him mentally and physically. He got so depressed he stopped caring about anything. He let himself go, gained weight, and allowed Travis to do whatever he wanted to him. I have tried for this entire year to get him away from him but he won't listen. He says he deserves it." Scott felt rage hit him like a ton of bricks. "I will kill that sniveling son of a b*tch for ever laying a hand on my sweet little Mitchie."

            Nell looked to Scott sadly. "I don't think it would matter Scottie. If he can't have you he won't be happy ever again. You seem to be his light and without you his world is nothing but darkness and pain." Scott felt the rage drain and be replaced with guilt and pain. "I never wanted to leave him Nell please believe me. I have had a hard time too." Nell hugged Scott close. "I know sweetie." As Nell and Scott hugged, the same nurse from before came out and approached them. "Hello Mr. Grassi-Hoying. Your husband is back from surgery now. He is still woozy from the meds but you are welcome to come in and see him. We can only allow one person in right now though. Is this his mother would you like her to go back first?" Nell smiled at the nurse. "Thank you hunny I am his mother but I believe his husband would like to see him first." Nell squeezed Scott's leg before he stood to follow the nurse. "Take care of my boy Scotty. He needs you now more than ever." Scott smiled and turned back to hug her. "I will mom thank you so much."      

            Scott followed the petite nurse to the ICU where Mitch was being housed. He walked into the room encased by glass doors and took in the sight of his love covered with tubes and bandages. He looked so small and innocent in that big bed with the bright pink cast on his arm. Scott chuckled slightly at the color choice before feeling the dam of emotions threatening to break behind his eyes. He got himself in check and turned to the nurse. "What happened? How did the surgery go?" The nurse rubbed his arm before walked towards the doors. "He is ok. Thankfully there was no internal bleeding. We had to stitch a laceration in his liver but other than that he is going to fully recover. It will take a while but he should be back to normal." Scott thanked her and made his way over to the chair in the corner of the room. He wanted nothing more than to hold Mitch tight and tell him how much he loved him but he knew it wouldn't be best. He had to wait for Mitch to wake up and see how he reacted.  

            As Mitch started to awaken Scott felt his heartbeat quicken and his breath hitch. He was so scared of what Mitch's reaction would be but he was overwhelmed with joy to see those beautiful eyes. When they landed on him he felt like he could get lost in them for all of eternity. He grinned at Mitch said his name. "Scott" before going back to sleep. He looked so peaceful Scott reached for his hand and kissed his knuckles. He felt a small squeeze and saw a smirk on Mitch's face as he slept off the rest of the effects of the medications. "This is going to be a good thing." Scott said aloud as he rested his head next to their joined hands. He quickly fell asleep to the steady beating of Mitch's heart on the machines.


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