Chapter 22 And baby makes....4????

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Chapter 22

            Scott sat on the couch thinking about how he would approach this subject with Mitch. There was a dark secret in his past that needed to come out so that he could begin to heal and hopefully put an end to his rage. He didn’t know what to do about how to even begin to talk about it with anyone especially Mitch. After everything they had been through could he really just tell Mitch this awful truth and expect him to accept it. What if he was angry that Scott kept it from him or he was disgusted with him and didn’t want to be with him anymore? He was so confused and scared. The scary turned into anger and he ended up putting his fist through the wall leaving a sizeable hole. “Wow I have got to deal with this somehow. I need help but from where and from who.”

            As Scott walked to the bathroom to clean his hand and find some type of wrap for his bleeding knuckles if phone rang out Beyoncé’s crazy in love (his ringtone for Mitch). He ran over to answer, “Hey babe you ok? Everything go well at KK’s house?” He could hear heavy breathing and someone yelling in the background. “Scottie meet us at the hospital. I don’t have a lot of time to explain but Kirstie’s water broke and I need you there with me now.” Mitch hung up on a panicked Scott running around the apartment shutting of light and grabbing the necessities. He ran out the door almost forgetting to lock it but running back to twist the lock before hauling his tall frame down the stairs and into his mustang. He tore off and made his way as fast as he could to the nearest er in the l.a. evening traffic. It took him forever to find a parking spot but he finally got his car safely tucked away high in the parking garage and made his way to where he hoped they would be.

            “Hi I’m here for Kirstie Lewis-Maldonado. Can you direct me to her room please?” Scott said nicely to the nurse at the front desk. The nurse looked through her computer and answered him, “She hasn’t arrived yet sir, the ambulance is in route and they should be here any minute.” Scott frowned. How had he beaten them here? Just as he was about to ask the nurse to check again he heard his best girlfriend scream from behind him and saw Jeremy and Mitch running behind the gurney pulling in their good friend and her very round belly.

            Scott ran over to Mitch and followed after them as they took Kirstie into the first available room. “I’m sorry sirs but we only have room for one in the room. Are any of you the father?” the head nurse asked the 3 men. “I am replied Jeremy but these two are her brothers can’t you let them in too.” Mitch and Scott felt tears sting their eyes at Jeremy’s acceptance of their friendship. “I’m sorry sir there just isn’t enough room. If an emergency happens we need to be able to get your wife out quickly and we just don’t have the room or time to fight over people. You may go in with your wife and I will direct her brothers to the waiting room. I will keep them informed for you I promise.” The nurse stated as she pushed Jeremy in the direction of Kirstie and showed Scott and Mitch to the family room designated for the maternity ward.

            “You two boys wait right here while I check in with your sister. I’ll come back once I have some answers. Sorry you couldn’t be in there with her fellas.” The nurse smiled and patted both their knees before walking quickly in the direction of Kirstie’s room and her screaming voice. “Get these babies out of me now. It hurts so much.” The door shut behind her thankfully blocking out the screaming from a very pregnant and angry woman.

            “What happened Mitchie? I thought you were going over to talk but how did her water break?” Mitch felt his face heat up slightly as he explained how he found the couple and what they were doing. Scott snickered and put his arm around his love. “Well glad someone is getting some around here. Who knew that old myth about making love would bring on labor was true.” Mitch smiled and nudged Scott with his elbow. “You behave Mr. or I will have to teach you a lesson or two.” Scott grinned and took Mitch’s hand in his own intertwining their fingers. “I’ll take you up on that sugar.” Mitch just shook his head and squeezed Scott’s hand.

            “I didn’t get to talk to them about us but I don’t think I need to. I have been thinking a lot my love and I just want us to be together. I just want to forget the past and move on. Let’s try to do whatever it takes for us to be happy and let go of the bad stuff that has happened. I want to make new memories with you. I want to have a family with you. I want to have babies with you Scott Hoying.” Scott wiped away the tears that had collected at the corners of his eyes. “I would love nothing more than to spend every day trying to make you happy.” He knew he should tell Mitch they needed to talk but now was not the time for it. He was going to bask in the glow of his beautiful lover for a while before approaching the subject he dreaded with every fiber of his being.

            The boys did everything they could to distract themselves while they wanted on news from the nurse about their friend. They played cards, walked the hospital, raided the vending machine, and talked about everything. They talked about their relationship, the year they were split apart, L.A., and anything else they could think of that they needed to catch up on. As they were playing heads up on Scott’s phone the nurse entered the room. “Congratulations sirs you have a beautiful niece and a handsome nephew. Would you like to come and see them?” Scott and Mitch nodded and followed the nurse over to the room they had moved Kirstie into after she had the babies. She ended up needing a C-section because one of the babies lodged its head in her hip bone. As they entered the room they saw Jeremy holding a pink blanket and Kirstie holding a blue one. They moved towards their friends in awe and slight fear. Neither of them had much experience with babies but they had to see.

            “Hi guys I’m so glad you’re here. Do you want to hold them?” Kirstie asked the boys and they came closer. “More than anything Kit Kat can we please?” Scott asked as he approached Kirstie in her hospital bed. “Of course Scottie come sit down and I’ll hand you your nephew and Jer will give you your niece Mitch.” Scott grabbed the nearest chair and got as close to Kristie as he could and Mitch placed himself next to Jeremy on the couch. Kirstie handed the little boy over to Scott and smiled as she watched fear clash across his features. He cradled the little boy like the rarest gold and he knew he was instantly in love just like Mitch was with their beautiful little girl. Their little boy had jet black hair, green eyes, and dark skin like Kristie’s. Their baby girl had blonde hair with blue eyes and was very alert and searching the room with her tiny eyes. Where her brother was dark skinned she was very light more like her daddy than her mommy. They were perfect.

            “Here you go Uncle Scott meet Stephen Richard Coby Lewis-Maldonado.” Scott smiled through happy tears. “You gave him my middle name. Thank you what an honor. Oh you guys he is the best. I can’t wait to teach you all about Beyoncé my little friend.” They all giggled as Jeremy handed Mitch their beautiful little girl and said, “And here you go Uncle Mitch. This is Sophia Esther Grace Lewis-Maldonado.” Mitch held his arms out awkwardly and took the sweet little girl in his embrace. “Hi baby girl I’m your uncle Mitch and I am going to show you the wonders of the world.”  Scott and Mitch met gazes and they knew exactly what the other was thinking. ‘this will be us someday’

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