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Chapter 4

            Mitch decided to walk around town. He hoped the fresh air would give him the umph he needed to get out of this funk he was feeling about his fight with Scott. He knew Scott didn't truly mean what he said. Every time they fought, Scott had a tendency to say really mean things that he knew would shake Mitch to his core. He always apologized but none the less it cut pretty deep. Mitch wondered around until he came to a little restaurant on the corner. He decided to have a seat and see if they had some decent coffee. This was definitely a caffeine emergency after the day he had.

            He picked up a menu knowing he should probably eat since he hadn't had anything all day. He tended to do that when he was stressed. He was in no way anorexic but when he was stressed he just couldn't eat. It was like his body rejected the food and it wasn't a pleasant event. As he perused the menu the waiter walked up and asked for his order. Mitch didn't pay attention as he ordered his turkey club sandwich with French fries until he handed the waiter his menu. He looked up into a beauty he didn't imagine could exist outside of Scott. The waiter was blonde but more of a dirty blonde almost brown hair. He had blueish/green eyes and he was tall but not Scott tall. He was thin and reminded Mitch of what he could call a twink. He could tell right off the bat he was gay. The biggest clue was the way he was looking at Mitch as if he were something to order from the menu.

            The waiters cheeks burned red as he realized Mitch saw him staring and he walked away to put in the order for Mitch. In all his staring Mitch forgot to order his coffee. He walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder. "I'm sorry I forgot to order a coffee. Would you mind I am in serious need of a good cup of joe." Wow that was cheesy Mitch thought as the waiter nodded his agreement and he made his way back to his table. The beautiful stranger brought over Mitch's coffee and slipped a piece of paper onto the table. He smiled as he walked back over to the counter to wait for the rest of Mitch's order. Mitch lifted the paper and read: Call me sometime I'm very interested in knowing more about you Mr. Brown Eyes. Travis 226-562-6510. Mitch was shocked. He had never really had a lot of interest from any other boys so to have this beautiful boy want to know him was amazing.

            The waiter he now knew as Travis, brought his food over and lingered waiting for some kind of response from Mitch. Mitch wasn't sure what to say. He felt so wrong talking to someone else. He knew Scott would eventually come back but deep down he wondered. They had fought many times but Scott had never packed his stuff. He usually said something mean and then left for a little while. He would come back apologize and Mitch would always forgive him because he knew that was who he wanted to be with even if he was mean sometimes. He looked as Travis started to walk away. "It couldn't hurt just to talk to him right?" Mitch thought.

            "Hey Travis wait. When do you get off I would love to get to know you better also. Just as friends though I have a boyfriend." Mitch said hoping that wouldn't scare Travis off but he had to be honest up front. Travis turned back and smiled, "That would be great Mitch. You are actually my last customer. Would you mind if I joined you for lunch? Then maybe we could take a walk and just get to know each other?" Mitch smiled back and agreed. Travis grabbed his lunch he had prepared to take home and sat with Mitch. They talked about Scott and what had happened today. Mitch told Travis all about his past and was surprised to hear Travis came from a rough childhood as well. On his end it was his mother who abused him but he didn't get out until he moved out on his own. Mitch so rarely told his whole story to anyone but something about Travis told him that he could say whatever he wanted. It was so easy with him.

            The boys decided to take a walk. They walked around the block several times deep in conversation before they both started to get tired from all the walking. "Would you like to come back to my place?" Mitch asked Travis. "We could talk some more and we wouldn't have to wear out the soles of our shoes." Travis smiled back at him and nodded yes. They each got into their cars and Travis followed Mitch to his apartment. They walked up together and Travis leaned against the doorframe. As Mitch opened the door, Travis pushed him inside and crashed his lips against Mitch's. He shut the door with his foot without breaking contact with him. Mitch pushed him back and scoffed. "I told you I have a boyfriend. What are you doing?" Mitch said walking away to his living room. He was regretting allowing Travis into his home. Travis walked over to him and took his hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be aggressive but Mitch you are adorable and amazing. You don't deserve to be treated in a bad way. Scott isn't good for you or to you. I would never talk to you the way he does." Mitch began to tear up. "He's not all bad. We have been through a lot together. I can't just cheat on him like that." Travis grabbed his face and pulled him close. "If he were still your boyfriend he would be here. He wouldn't have walked out on you Mitch. A boyfriend doesn't walk away from his love, he stays and works it out. You are worth a lot more than he is giving you credit for."

            Mitch looked into Travis' eyes and even though he didn't want to believe him, he couldn't help but agree. He was being so sweet and so nice. Scott could be that way too but lately it was nothing but downgrading and telling Mitch how crazy and awful he is. He finally gave in and met his lips with Travis' praying he wasn't making the worst mistake of his life. It quickly escalated from a small kiss into a heavy make out session. Mitch stopped to catch his breath and try to think. He pushed Travis away again and walked into his bedroom. He just needed a little space. He had never kissed anyone besides Scott. He had only been anything with Scott. Every first was shared with him. The feel of another man's lips felt wrong but exciting.

            Travis followed Mitch into his bedroom and quickly resumed his attack on his lips. He moved his hands down his sides and gently took Mitch down to lay on the bed. Mitch tried to resist but he knew his resolve was wavering when Travis licked and sucked on his earlobe. That was his sweet spot. He was putty in his oh so willing hands. Mitch gave himself to Travis in a way that only Scott knew him. It was exciting as new. Just as he was about to climax he heard his bedroom door open and heard a familiar voice. "Oh my God Mitch, why?"


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