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Chapter 11

            Mitch awoke hours later and felt a weight on his good hand. He looked over to see blonde hair rested on his side and a big warm hand gently cradling his own. He was scared at first before he realized the person's frame was too big to be Travis. While Travis was tall he was very thin and twinkish. This person was built very nicely and was nowhere near as waifish as Travis. Mitch felt whomever this person was breathing lightly and it sent chills up his arm. He moved slightly to gain feeling back in his arm when the guy sat up abruptly and looked him in the eyes. "Scott? You're really here? I thought I dreamed you." Scott smiled back at Mitch and touched his sharp cheekbone with the tips of his fingers.

            "I'm really here baby. I brought you to the hospital and I will be here always. I'll never leave again I promise." Mitch examined the blue skies that used to envelop his every thought. He concentrated on the angles of Scott's beautiful jaw and cheeks. He ran his hands along the sides of his face and felt his soft blonde hair. Usually Scott was meticulous about his hair being done or at least under a snapback but today it was messy and disorganized. Mitch loved the disheveled look Scott had right now. Scott closed his eyes and reveled in the touch of the one man who could make him shiver with just the tips of his fingers meeting his skin. He enjoyed every caress and didn't care what the past year had been. All he knew was that he would never be happy if he didn't have his Mitch back and he would do anything to be his man again.

            Mitch suddenly pulled back and seemed to sink into himself. Scott opened his eyes and noticed the shift in attitude and wasn't sure what to say. He slowly met Mitch's eyes only to have him turn and look in any direction but him. Scott sat back in the chair. They sat in uncomfortable silence until Scott couldn't take it anymore. "Mitch, I..I'm so sorry. I didn't know this was happening. I tried so hard to get you back home in my arms but you changed your number. Your mom wouldn't tell me where you were and I was heartbroken. I've missed you every day since you have been gone. Please let's get through this together. Press charges against Travis. Get him put away and we can start our lives together like we always planned. I love you hunny that has never stopped. Give me the chance to prove it to you." Mitch didn't even look up until Scott stopped talking. Instead of the happy response Scott was expecting he got a Mitch he didn't even know existed.

            Mitch looked at Scott with hate filled eyes. "You left me. You downgraded me. You talked to me worse than you would your worst enemy. Why would I be so stupid to leave a good man like Travis to go back to be abused by you. He didn't mean to hurt me he just got mad. He will be sorry and it won't happen again. I'm not going to leave him just because you decided I was finally worth showing up for." Scott felt his eyes sting but he refused to let Mitch get hurt ever again even if he did hate him. "You're right Mitch. I treated you like sh*t and I deserve every bad word you send my way but I will not leave you again. I don't care what you say you will not be going back to Travis. I won't let that happen. I promised to protect you and I have failed to do that. I won't make the same mistake twice. You can't get rid of me that easily."

            Mitch scoffed, "Why won't you learn a lesson? You gave up on me easily before why is now any different. I deserve what I got. I'm lucky it wasn't worse. I messed up and I got punished. It's how I was raised and it's how it's supposed to be. As long as I behave and listen to what I'm told this won't happen. He just got too angry this time and didn't think. I know he didn't mean to hurt me he loves me." Scott felt his face heat up with anger. "Are you just plain dumb or did he knock you stupid? You don't deserve this. This isn't how it is supposed to be. Didn't you learn a damn thing from your mom and Phil? Is that what it is you want to be abused like your Mom was? Is that the only way you feel complete?" Mitch didn't show a single reaction to Scott's harsh words. "Just like always you attack me with your disgusting words and I'm guessing you have some reason for saying them. If that's how you truly feel about me why are you even here? Just leave me the f*ck alone Scott. Travis might be a d*ck but at least he is sorry afterwards. You just continue to beat me down with your words and they hurt more than anything Travis could do to me."

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