Chapter 7 You and I

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Chapter 7

            Scott sat alone in the park for what felt like hours. He watched the sky darken into the purples and blues before finally getting up and making his way back to the apartment he used to share with his boyfriend. It was a slow walk home. He felt like breaking down in the street terrified that he would go home and Mitch's stuff would all be gone. He finally made his way to the door of his apartment and sighed deeply. He put his key in the door and walked in. He was surprised to see Mitch hadn't been back. "I guess I hurt Travis more than I realized if it's taking them this long at the hospital." Scott muttered as he closed the door of the apartment and made his way inside. He checked Mitch's room just to be sure and everything was still in its place.

            Scott walked back out to the living room and sank onto the couch. He was so lost and didn't know what to do. He knew Mitch was very serious about the ultimatum he laid out before walking away. Scott thought hard and knew he had to at least make one last ditch effort to try to win Mitch back. He left again down to the closest store. He picked up roses and all of Mitch's favorite things. He rushed home and set the scene that he hoped would at the very least get Mitch to sit and talk to him. Once everything was set he took a quick shower and got dressed up in his nicest suit he owned. Scott sat down on Mitch's bed with a dozen lilies waiting and hoping Mitch came home and was alone.

            Mitch parked his car in his spot and groaned. "Ugh could this day get any worse?" He wiped his hand across his face and got out of his car. He walked exhausted and spent up to his apartment for possibly the last time. A part of him hoped that Scott was just gone but a small part of him was hoping Scott was going to try to fight for him. He was so angry at Scott for how he treated Travis but he couldn't help loving him. It was all his heart had known for so long. Mitch opened his door and gasped. He walked into rose petals scattered in a path on the floor leading to his bedroom. There were candles lit all over the apartment and John Legend was playing in the background. As tears filled Mitch's eyes, Scott walked from his room with a handful of lilies and began to sing.

You fix your make up, just so

Guess you don't know, that you're beautiful

Try on every shirt that you own

You were fine in my eyes a half hour ago

And if your mirror won't make it any clearer I'll

Be the one to let you know

Out of all of the boys

You're my one and only boy

Ain't nobody in the world tonight

            Scott walked towards Mitch handing him the flowers and running his hand down his cheek. He wiped away the tear and continued to sing.

All of the stars, you make them shine like they were ours

Ain't nobody in the world but you and I

You and I

Ain't nobody in the world but you and I


You stop the room when we walk in

Spotlight's on everybody's staring

Tell all of these boys they're wasting their time

Stop standing in line, 'cause you're all mine

And this evening I won't let the feeling die

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