Chapter 2 Acceptance and Heartbreak

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            Scott didn't know if he should tell Mitch that he got a letter from USC and he knew it was an acceptance. On one hand it was his dream but on the other so was Mitch. He had always hoped to find someone he loved as much as he did Mitch and he didn't want to lose that just to go to college. Maybe he should just keep it to himself and hope they got into some other school together. Mitch could see Scott was battling some inner demon and he couldn't understand why he didn't tell him. They didn't keep secrets from each other so he knew it had to be pretty big if Scott wasn't sure enough to tell him.

            Mitch looked up at Scott, "Whatever it is Scottland you can tell me. You know you can always trust me. After everything we have been through how can you even begin to doubt that?" Scott looked back into Mitch's eyes, "I don't doubt you at all my love. I just don't want to hurt you or make you think I won't be here for you through everything, always." Mitch looked away and saw the flowers Scott brought home for him. He walked over and gave them a smell. He got him stargazer lilies. He knew those were Mitch's favorite. Something was going on, Scott was pretty romantic but he usually only got him flowers on special occasions.

            "Sweetie you got me my favorite flowers, what's going on? You didn't do something bad did you? Did you cheat or something?" Mitch was honestly a little frightened because he couldn't think of anything that would be special enough for Scott to go out of his way to get his favorite flowers. Scott looked up in surprise. "Mitch how could you even think that? We have been together for 2 years why would I cheat on you I love you. Can't I do something nice just because I love you?" Scott was getting pretty pissed that Mitch still didn't trust him. He had never cheated on Mitch or really even looked in the direction of another boy. Mitch was his everything.

            Mitch started to get defensive. "Of course you could do something nice for me but you never do this unless there is a reason behind it. We don't have an anniversary for a few months and there is nothing going on that I know of so why wouldn't I question it. It's not like you make a regular habit of buying me flowers what am I supposed to think?" Scott walked into the kitchen and pulled out the envelope he had hidden. "The special occasion is I got accepted into USC. I thought you would be happy and we could celebrate. I thought this was the next chapter in our lives together. Then I saw you were so hurt and I read your letter so I didn't want to hurt you. I hid the letter and thought the flowers would cheer you up. I don't even think I'm going to go since you can't but I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to have a special evening with my boyfriend and celebrate. I'm sorry you can't get out of your own head long enough to realize that I am a good guy and I have never been anything but loving towards you."

            Mitch is taken aback as Scott unloads on him throwing the envelope in his direction. The papers scatter across the floor as Scott turns on his heels and makes his way back to his bedroom that he rarely uses unless he wants some time to himself or they are fighting. "You know Mitch, I have been through so much to be with you. I deserve better than this. I almost died for you. What more do you want from me?" Mitch began to cry as he realized his mistake and felt even worse than when he opened his rejection. "I'm sorry Scottie." He whispered as Scott's door clicked shut and the lock was put in place. Mitch sat down on the couch defeated and guilty. It wasn't Scott's fault that he didn't get accepted and Scott had never been anything but good to him. He had to make it up to him.

            Mitch knocked on Scott's door. He waited but there was no response just shuffling behind the door. He knocked again with the same outcome. "Scott please I'm really sorry. I am having a bad day and I took it out on you. I didn't mean to hunny I'm so sorry. I love you. Please let me apologize to your face instead of through a door." Mitch felt his eyes sting with the vicious threat of tears as Scott ignored his plea for forgiveness. He was about to walk away when Scott's door opened abruptly. Scott walked out carrying two suitcases and had a bag thrown over his shoulder. Mitch felt his heart break into a million pieces. "You promised you would never leave me. I said I was sorry Scott please don't do this. I can't apologize enough. Let's talk this out. Don't leave me alone. I can't be alone." Mitch was sobbing at this point and got down on his knees latching onto Scott's long legs. Scott looked down into the eyes of the man he had fallen so deeply for in the few years they had known each other. "You promised to love me the way I deserved. You even promised my mom and you did nothing but lie. I have done nothing wrong and still you accuse me. I am done with this. I'm done with your emotional issues and just dealing with you in general. You have brought me nothing but pain and I can't handle anymore. I'm going to stay with my mom until school starts then you will never have to see me again. I'm moving to California and I'm going alone. Goodbye Mitch. Get some help you need it you're a psycho." Mitch released his hold on Scott's legs and ran to his room. He threw himself on his bed as he heard the door slam taking with it the only love he had ever known. "He's right you know, it's all over now. Told you a long time ago you were worthless boy and now you know. Not even Scott can love you."

            Mitch looked around the room trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. He looked over to see the monster standing in the doorway to his room. "No you are dead. You can't be here. I am seeing things. You are dead!!" 

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