Chapter 3 Mother Knows Best

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Chapter 3

            "I'm not actually here you always were a dumb f*ck but you are your mother's son so big shock there." Phil said "You can't really be here. Please I worked so hard to get you out of my head. I'm not dumb. Scott taught me how much I'm worth." Phil laughed raucously, "If you're so great, why did Scott walk out on you? This is what you're thinking, not me. You know how worthless you are. I'm all in your head. Just accept it, Scott never loved you he just loved the idea of you." Mitch sobbed tears of sorrow, "Why is this happening to me. He's right. Scott hates me. I'm such a f*ck up. I should just rid the world of my uselessness and be done with it."

            Scott wiped away his tears as he jumped into his car to head to his moms. They didn't live far from her and he just needed her reassurance that he was making the right choice. The further he got away from Mitch the worse he felt. He knew Mitch was under a lot of pressure and was probably scared Scott would leave him before they even had the argument. The more he thought about it, he said some really unnecessary things to Mitch. He knew how sensitive he was and that wasn't right. "No, I deserve to be happy too. He should have been happy for me no matter what. I worked hard to get the grades I needed to get into USC." Scott muttered as he pulled into his mom's driveway.

            He removed his overnight bag from the trunk of his car and walked into his mom's house without knocking like he always did. He found his mom in a rather compromising position with her new boyfriend. " you want me to go to my room for a while?" Scott said quietly while looking everywhere but at his less than dressed mother. Connie's face turned cherry red, "Oh Scottie I'm so sorry. I didn't expect you to be back. This is Bob. Give us a minute would you?" Scott nodded and walked back out to the porch. Fresh air sounded good after seeing that. He was glad to see his mom happy again. It had been a struggle since the whole Phil ordeal.

            She had recovered from her suicide attempt and really been a great mom to him and to Mitch. Nell really tried for the first year after Phil was gone. After that she met a new guy who was so much better but instead of trying to make it up to Mitch she started a family with him and pushed Mitch out. She was more than happy to let the boys live together so she could move with her new boyfriend and two new sons. Mitch still tried to talk to his mom as often as possible but he was closer to Connie than he would ever be with his biological mom. Connie tried her best to fill the hole that Nell had left in Mitch's heart and sometimes it really seemed to work but there were still those nights Mitch would wake up screaming and Scott just couldn't seem to calm him down. He would go to Connie and she would embrace Mitch until his crying subsided so Scott could go back to bed with him. She was the greatest mom Scott could ask for and he knew he was so lucky to have her.

            Connie walked out onto the porch and kissed Bob goodbye, "I'll see you later hot stuff." She grinned as she slapped his butt and bit her bottom lip. Scott stifled a laugh but Connie still heard it and turned around to glare at him. She faked anger, "What I don't deserve some happiness?" Scott smiled, "You deserve all the happiness in the world I was just laughing because I don't know how many times I have done the exact same thing you just did. Biting my bottom lip drives Mitch crazy." He suddenly saddened as Mitch came to the fore front of his mind again.  He felt a single tear escape his eye and tried to wipe it away before his mom noticed but he should have known better.

            "What's wrong with my amazing son?" Connie asked as she sat down next to Scott on the porch swing. Scott just shook his head. "I messed up mom. I don't know why after all this time I don't remember how sensitive Mitch is but he was so upset and it honestly hurt me. I got accepted into USC..." Scott was interrupted by his mom screaming and embracing him. "That is amazing Scott. You worked so hard." Scott smiled a little at his mom's enthusiasm but went back to his state of darkness when he remembered what happened when he told Mitch. "Mom, Mitch didn't get in. He was so sad and I tried to hide it from him but he found out and we got into a fight. I said some really mean things to him but it was all true. It's just too much to handle. I can't do it anymore. It's so much work."

            Connie eyed her son. She waited a minute for him to come to a realization and when he didn't seem to she smacked him upside the head similar to how she did when she was in the mental facility. "Ouch mom what the h*ll." Connie smiled at Scott and patted his knee. "Son you knew when you first met Mitch that it was going to be hard. You knew what he went through and that he was going to have a tough time after we got him away from that horrible man. He has had a hard time of his life and you are his shining light. I know you are young and if you truly don't think you and Mitch should be together I can respect that although I don't agree. Either way you owe that boy at least your friendship. I am so proud of you for making it into the school of your choice and I hope you choose to go and start this new chapter in your life but imagine if the situation were reversed. Mitch is scared hunny. He loves you and he relies on you."

            Scott thought about what his mom has said. "You're right mom. Somehow you are always right." Connie laughed and hugged him. "Of course I am always right I'm mom. Duh..." Scott hugged her back and walked back into the house to grab his overnight bag. "I'm going to go back mom. I have to make this right with Mitch. He was pretty upset when I left." Connie pulled him into one more hug. "Do the right thing my son. I trust you and I want you to trust in your heart. Remember Mitch has and always will have a part of your heart." Scott squeezed her tight before heading back to his apartment and to his boyfriend.

            Scott walked into the apartment and felt an eerie silence. "Mitch are you here? Where are you? Please answer me. I'm sorry. I acted too fast. Come talk to me baby." Scott slowly searched each room until he happened upon Mitch's bedroom door. He slowly opened it not sure what he was going to find. He didn't expect what he saw. "Oh my God Mitch, why?"

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