Chapter 23 Gone

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Chapter 23

            Scott and Mitch walked out of the hospital totally blissed out. They couldn’t believe what a beautiful experience they had just had with one of their very best friends. Kirstie and Jeremy looked so happy. They were exhausted but when the boys looked at them they could see nothing but love and admiration. The way Jeremy looked at Kirstie with love in his eyes was so sweet and inspiring. They saw him kiss her head and tell her thank you for giving him two beautiful children. They were so close and they were finally a family. Out of all their friends they had always pictured Kirstie as a mom and now she finally was.

            Scott let Mitch wait by the E.R. doors as he went to get his car from the parking garage. Mitch was tired and beaten ready to get some rest from the emotional day he had shared. Scott pulled up and got out to help him into the passenger seat. He lowered him down and reached across to buckle his seatbelt. Mitch grabbed Scott’s hand and pulled him in for a sweet kiss before releasing him with a smile and letting him shut the car door. Scott felt a blush come to his cheeks as he walked around the car and got in to drive them home.

            Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch’s shoulders and they walked up to their apartment. He held him as close as he could without being one of those annoying couples hobbling down the side walk at one mile and hour. Scott opened their door and led Mitch into their bedroom. He helped him remove his shoes and strip down before both climbing into bed and snuggling close. “As much as I want to give into you Scooter, Mommy is tired and needs some sleep.” Scott smirked and pulled Mitch closer. “Hunny we have the rest of our lives for sex. Right now I just want to hold you as close as I can and have some wonderful dreams about when we are the ones having kids.” Mitch smiled as he felt Scott squeeze as tightly as he could to his body. Mitch loved being the smaller one so he could be the little spoon in their cuddle sessions. “Do you want kids some day?” Scott smiled. “As long as they are with you, I will have as many kids as you would like.” He thought about what he was about to say but couldn’t help the words spilling from his mouth. “Do you know how much I would love to watch you grow with our child inside of you? I would love to see you get bigger everyday so I could rub your feet when they hurt. I would give you back massages and rub your swollen belly. I would talk to our child and play him or her music so they could get a taste of what their world would be like.” Mitch felt the motions start to tease him. “I wish for that too Scottie. We have so much to work out but I know I don’t want to have children with anyone else but you. I want you to be my whole future.” Scott kissed his cheek before settling in to get some sleep with his lover.

            The boys slept well into the late morning before waking up to the sound of Scott’s phone. “Ugh for the love of God who is this? It better be an emergency or someone is going to pay.” Scott answered grumpy to be woken up so early. “Is that how you talk to the woman who brought you into this world Scott Richard Hoying?” Scott chuckled. “Sorry mom long day yesterday. How are you?” Scott loved his mom he hadn’t seen her in a while with everything going on he really should pay her a visit. “I wish this was more of a social call my beautiful boy but unfortunately it isn’t. Are you somewhere safe? Is mitchie with you?” Scott started to get kind of scared. “Yeah mom I was asleep. Mitch is right here he is sleeping still. What’s going on? Are you ok?” Connie sighed, “I’m ok my love but your dad is not. I got a call this morning that he was in a car accident late last night and he didn’t make it. I’m so sorry to tell you this over the phone but he’s gone hunny.” Scott was stunned into silence and let out a quiet sob waking Mitch from his slumber. “Scott sweetie are you ok?” Mitch asked him gently rubbing up and down his arm. “Who’s on the phone love?”

            Scott couldn’t move he was frozen in place. Mitch grabbed the phone from him and held it to his ear. “Hello, who is this?” Connie smiled to herself at hearing Mitch’s voice, “Its mom Mitchie. Is Scott ok? I had to call to tell him about his dad. I’m sorry to spring this on you guys in the morning but I had to let him know what’s going on. Will you take care of him son? I have to go make arrangements for Richards’s funeral and I will call you guys later to see how you are doing.” Mitch felt a tear streak down his cheek. “Of course mom I’ll take care of him. Do you have someone to take care of you? I can come with you if you need some moral support?” Connie let out a big breath. “Thank you sweetie but I’ll be ok. I haven’t loved Richard for a long time but to know the man who helped me bring Scottie into this world is gone is kind of terrifying. We will get through this just take care of my boy until I get there ok?” Mitch nodded forgetting Connie couldn’t see him. “I will mom I promise.” “Thank you son I love you.” Mitch felt more tears leave his eyes. “I love you too Mom.”

            Scott still sat with complete stillness not sure how to process what his mom had told him. Mitch hung up the phone and looked to his boyfriend. He didn’t say anything he just took him into his arms and held him tightly hoping he could give him the comfort he so desperately needed. Scott cried into his shoulder until he felt like he couldn’t produce anymore. He pulled back to look Mitch in the eyes. “He’s gone, he’s really gone.” Mitch wasn’t sure what to say. “I know sweetie I’m so sorry. Nothing I say can make it better but I will be here for whatever you need.” Scott looked deeper into Mitch’s eyes taking his hands. “No you don’t understand he’s finally gone. I’m free.”

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