Chapter 6 Who are you?

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Chapter 6

            Scott walked slowly around the block over and over again. He didn't know what to do. He loved Mitch so much and he couldn't imagine his life without him, but he cheated. It's not like he just said something wrong or even kissed someone else. He allowed someone else access to his body. To something that only Scott had been a part of and now it was tainted. Scott stopped and sat on a bench in a park nearby their apartment. If he was totally honest with himself, he didn't want to stray far from the apartment in fear that Travis would come back or Mitch would go back to him. He didn't know what he was going to do yet but he for sure didn't want those two going for round 2. The thought of Mitch with another man made Scott's blood boil. "That is my man. No one should be touching him or seeing him but me." Scott grunted almost animalistic. He put his head in his hands as he tried to clear his mind and think about what was best for the both of them.

            As he continued to think someone else sat down on the bench next to him. The person didn't say a word but just sat there. After no interaction Scott lifted his head to find Travis sitting there looking at him. He was ready to kill him. He jumped up and got right in Travis' face. "Who the hell do you think you are? Why would you come anywhere near me? You just ruined a perfectly happy couple by putting your d*ick in places it doesn't belong. Get f*cking lost before I end up in jail and you end up with a gravestone." Travis smirked at Scott's rage making him even angrier. "I'm not going anywhere. You f*cked up a good thing all on your own. I was only planning to hit it and quit it but after getting a little taste I think I want to stick around. Mitch is a hottie. I don't know what you were thinking giving that up but what is one man's trash is another man's treasure and let me tell you Scottie boy he is a full treasure chest of goodies I am happy to sample."

            Scott was ready to pounce on Travis. "He is not some piece of a*s you can just use whenever you want to. Mitch is so much more than that. He is kind, loving, beautiful, adorable, annoying, self-indulgent, insecure, amazing, and so many more things. All of the good and the bad are what makes him so irresistible. I don't know who you are or where you came from but there is no way in h*ll that I'm giving him up without a fight." Travis stood and pushed Scott back. "Well bring it on then big boy because once I'm done with your little Mitchie-poo he won't even remember your name."

            Scott tackled Travis into the bench. It broke under their weight but that didn't slow Scott down. He began to pound Travis in the face as many times and as hard as he could. He then stood and kicked him in the sides and stomach reaching down to punch him in the process. As he continued his assault on Travis, Mitch came running up and grabbed him by the waist. Scott turned around and landed a blow to Mitch's cheek before realizing who it was and stepping back. He was immediately subdued and sank to his knees. "I'm so sorry Mitchie I would never hit you on purpose. This d*ckwad said some awful things about you and I couldn't help myself. I blacked out. All I could see was his face meeting my fist." Mitch turned to Scott with tears in his eyes. "I consider myself a fairly tough guy. Lord knows I can take a hit considering what I went through as a kid, but for you to ever lay a hand on me. Why Scott? You know how I feel about abusers." Scott crawled to Mitch on his knees, "Mitchie, I swear I didn't know it was you. I was so angry I didn't think. Please forgive me. Let's just leave and we can forget all of this even happened."

            Mitch scoffed, "You aren't the Scott I fell in love with so many years ago. My Scott would never hurt me physically. He wouldn't mentally abuse me and he wouldn't beat someone to within an inch of their life and then say to just leave them to die." Mitch bypassed Scott and walked over to check on Travis. "Are you ok Trav? Can you stand? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Travis slowly sat up and gingerly took Mitch's hands. Scott watched the scene unfold in front of him in disbelief. This guy had insulted Mitch and now he was comforting him. "Mitch, not two seconds ago he was basically just calling you a good lay. He is a douchebag. Why would you help him? If you had heard what he said you wouldn't be acting this way. Please just call him an ambulance if he really needs it and then go home with me. We can work this all out. I forgive you. I can't forget or unsee what I walked in on but I can forgive. You are worth it. I love you so much."

            Travis glared at Scott with the one good eye he had left after the beating. "I would never say anything bad about Mitch. You see Mitch he talks to you like you are his dog and then he makes up lies about me. I was just walking by in the park and he attacked me. I never said a word to him." Mitch looked back at Scott with almost a sad look before turning his attention back to Travis. "Come on let's get you up and checked out. You need to make sure nothing is broken and you don't need stiches." Scott stood at the same time as Travis. "Mitch seriously, this guy is awful. You're going to pick a stranger over the love of your life?" Mitch felt a tear streak down his cheek, "The love of my life died when he raised his fist to me. You are nothing but a stranger in my past loves body. I'm leaving Scott. Don't follow me. I'm going to make sure Travis is ok and then I'm packing my things and moving out." Scott begins to sob, "Please Mitch don't do this to us. He is not worth it. He only wants you for sex. I want you for life. Don't do this you will regret it." Mitch looks back at him with contempt, "The only thing I regret is wasting so much of my life trying to make you happy. I should have known from the first time you spoke your hateful words towards me that this would never work but I lived in the fantasy that someday you would appreciate me. I was an idiot. I won't be that guy anymore. Goodbye Scott either have your stuff gone when I get home or I will be packing up and leaving." Mitch put his arm under Travis' arms and helped him limp away. Scott stood there devastated unsure whether to chase after him or just accept defeat.


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