Chapter 20 The Talk

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Chapter 20

            Scott woke up to an empty bed and an empty feeling in his heart. He felt cold missing the warmth of Mitch next to him and knew he should get up hoping the boy would just be in the bathroom or getting coffee. He laid in wait for about 15 minutes until he knew he wasn’t going to come back to bed and decided he should get up. He slowly stood and walked to the bathroom for the necessities. He took a long hot shower hoping a certain brown eyed brunette would join him but that didn’t happen either. He stepped out allowing himself to air dry as he walked from Mitch’s room to his own to get some clothes. He didn’t notice Kirstie sitting on the couch until she whistled at his naked form. “Damn Scottie you do have a rocking body babe. Why are all the hot ones gay?” Scott ran to his room blushing like crazy and quickly picked out his favorite outfit before walking back out to Kirstie. “Kirstie you could have made some kind of sound jeez. You got quite a show there.” Kirstie smiled, “If I knew that was under all those clothes I would have tried to snag you from Mitch in high school.” Scott blushed again and laughed. “Yeah right like you didn’t have your own man to worry about Mrs. Lewis.”

            Kirstie smiled, “Hey it was worth a shot. So where’s Mitchie? Did you guys work anything out? Judging by you walking out of his room in your birthday suit.” Scott smirked remembering their night together. “We didn’t really talk Kirst but the night went very well. I’m just kind of concerned that he’s not here right now. I woke up and he was gone. Have you talked to him?” Kirstie shook her head. She didn’t want to worry Scott but she was concerned too. “Let me try to call him maybe he is just sitting at Starbucks window gazing. He does tend to daydream a lot.” Scott nodded as she called Mitch. He didn’t answer so she resorted to texting.

Scirstie: Hey cutie where are ya? I’m at yours and Scotts place but you aren’t here.

Queen Bee: I’m ok. I’m just driving around trying to think. Is Scott awake yet? Does he seem ok?

Scirstie: Yeah hes ok just worried about you. Is everything ok with you guys? He said you didn’t talk yet but I caught him doing the naked walk from your room to his.

Queen Bee: Ha ha well that was an ok night but no we haven’t talked yet. I don’t really know what to do Kirst. I love him but do I love him enough to go through this again.

Scirstie: I don’t think I should be the one answering that question sweetie but I think you guys can work it out. You really are meant to be. We all know it but it’s up to you guys to make it happen. Come back and talk to him.

Queen Bee: You’re right Kit Kat thanks I’ll head that way do you need anything?

Scirstie: Just you sweets. I want to see you are ok before I head out so you two can hash this out.

Queen Bee: See you soon love.

Scirstie: XoXo

            “He’s ok Dot he’s just driving around trying to think. He’s headed back here now so you guys can talk. Are you ready for this? Do you know what you’re going to say?” Scott looked around. “Honestly Kit I don’t even know. I just want things to be right between us. I feels like it’s been nothing but bad lately except when we are in the bed and as much as I love being with him obviously I want more than just sex. He is so much more than that and I’m not sure he realizes it.” Kirstie grinned. “That was so sweet Scott. That is what you need to say to him. I have an idea that might help ease the tension and make him happy but you have to promise me you won’t get back in the bed with him until you guys talk all of this out. If I help you and he ends up getting hurt again it will be a big problem. Don’t make me get Avi and Kevin to handle this.”

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