Thirty Six.

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"Taehyung is in heat."

Jasmine's mouth dried at what Jimin had just revealed.

"T-taehyung is in heat?!" Jasmine exclaimed, eyes bulging out of their sockets. "Are-are you sure?" She asked unconfidently. Jimin nodded solemnly.

"B-but I thought you said that he would have to be exposed to pheromones or something like that. I don't have pheromones!" She exclaimed, gesturing to herself. Jimin gave her a flat look.

"Humans give off pheromones but we can't detect it. Hybrids, however, can. Has Taehyung ever told you that you smell good while you're kissing or other?" Jimin asked. Jasmine blinked.

"Well - yes." Jimin shot her a triumphant look.

"Well there you go! That's your body releasing pheromones and hence, affecting Taehyung. And if he's been exposed to it for a while - which we now know he most definitely has - it will onset his rut. And that's why he's now in heat." Jimin explained. Jasmine nodded along as she listened, feeling a lot less clueless than before.

"Oh! I also have a question to ask..." Jasmine trailed off, embarrassed. Jimin regarded her curiously.

"What is it?"

"Well..." she started. "When we... kiss, there's this unbelievably good scent in the air and I just don't know what it is. But it's like the best thing I've ever smelt. I was just wondering if you knew what it was?" She was hoping that Jimin, as her unofficial hybrid expert, would know the answer to her question. Jimin looked at her, unimpressed.

"That's his pheromones, you dummy. He's releasing his pheromones to see if you're a possible suitor to be his mate. It's made to seduce you and get you aroused." Jimin couldn't stop his tinkling laughter at Jasmine's stunned yet embarrassed expression.

"Well, that explains a lot." Jasmine laughed nervously. "So what do I do now?" She asked.

"Well he's definitely going to be in a lot of pain right now until he - you know - as I told you before. I have a friend that had a female hybrid if you wanted -"

"No." Jasmine interjected immediately. Another hybrid wasn't an option. She felt the bitter taste of jealousy on her tongue at even the thought of Taehyung being with someone else.

"Okay," Jimin appeased. "Well if you leave him for too long, he's going to be in a lot of pain. Was he in pain when you left the house?" Jimin asked. Jasmine shook her head.

"No, he was completely fine and was still asleep. He looked tired but I think he hasn't been sleeping well for a couple nights, so he's probably just catching up on his sleep. I don't think he's even awake right now. He usually texts me when he's up."

"Well that should be fine then. Did you want to leave work early to check up on him?"

"I think it should be okay." Jasmine replied unsurely. But if Jimin said it should be fine, then she will give him the benefit of the doubt. If Taehyung really was in pain, he would call her to tell her.

"Alright, love. Back to work!" Jimin exclaimed, passing her the sandwiches that he had been making as they had been talking. Jasmine took the tray and began filling up the display cabinet just in time for the bell on the front door to ring.

Jasmine looked up only to reel back in shock. There in all his glory was Namjoon. He was dressed smartly in an expensive suit with clear frames perched on his nose. His hair was now a striking platinum blonde which complemented his lightly tanned skin so well.

"Namjoon!" Jasmine called, surprise evident in her voice as she walked over to give him a hug. Namjoon reciprocated and hugged her back warmly.

"Hey Jazz," he chuckled awkwardly. "I hope it's not too weird for me to have dropped by. I missed Jimin's coffee." He said, his eyes flitting around the coffee shop, looking anywhere but at her. Jasmine's heart felt a pang of sadness but she knew he still needed time.

"Oh, don't be silly! It's not weird at all. I'll get you your usual. Having here?" Jasmine asked as she walked around to put his order through. Namjoon lifted up his left wrist to look at his expensive watch.

"Ah, to go please. I've got a meeting to prepare for soon." His dimpled smile winked at Jasmine as he finally looked at her. Jasmine smiled back in understanding.

"Always so busy, Joonie." Jimin teased the older man as he walked by, nudging him with his elbow.

"Always got time for your magical beans though," Namjoon snickered, giving Jimin a one-sided hug. Jimin fake-swooned at his words, the back of his hand resting on his forehead as he pretended to faint.

"Words to my heart, Joonie. Love, can you add an extra red bean bun in his takeout bag for me?" Jasmine laughed lightly but did as Jimin asked.

"You don't have to Jimin!" Namjoon said in light panic.

"I want to! It's been a while since I've seen you last and it's nice seeing you around." Jimin brushed Namjoon off as he continued to clean the tables of their coffee cups. Jasmine rounded the counter to hand Namjoon his coffee and bun. He took it from her gratefully, looking back down at his watch.

"Well I'll be off, thanks again Jimin. I'll see you guys around?" He called, waving at Jasmine and giving Jimin another hug.

"We'll be here." Jimin grinned. When Namjoon finally left, Jimin turned to Jasmine and let out a whoosh of air.

"I didn't expect to see him so soon but it was really nice." He said to her. She didn't have time to respond as the lunch rush starting to stream into the shop.

When they were finally done for the day, Jimin shooed Jasmine out of the shop as he locked up. Jasmine was exhausted. After Namjoon had left, it stayed busy until the coffee shop closed for the day. It was by far the busiest the shop had been all year - Jasmine didn't even have time to think.

Slowly, she trudged home, her feet feeling like lead. When she arrived home, she immediately collapsed onto the couch, eyes closed tiredly. After a few moments, she slowly sat up. Usually Taehyung would have greeted her by now or would have been sitting on the couch, ready to scent and cuddle her.

Stumped, she made her way to his bedroom only to find it empty and the bed still made.  A muffled noise could be heard reverberating in the hallway which was unusual. Jasmine followed the sound to her closed bedroom door. Pressing her ear against it, she heard a deep, guttural groan and heavy breathing. Her mind raced and heart pulse sped up.

Taehyung was in heat!

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