Thirty One.

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It had been four hours since Jasmine had left to work. Taehyung was bored out of his brains. He had eaten and cleaned up the house. His current position was laying upside down on the couch, with this head hanging over the edge and his feet hanging over the top.

Unusually, Taehyung's skin was feeling prickly and warm and all sorts of tingly, so he had another shower - this time it was a warm one - but it didn't seem to help. He growled, shaking his body to try to get rid of the feeling. It wasn't anything too strong, but it was like an annoying buzz that hummed around his body. Not painful or anything, but just borderline irritating. And it was killing his mood. His ears pressed flat against his head and he sat up, his tail twitching.

Maybe he should go visit Jasmine at work. That usually helped him feel better. So Taehyung slipped on his shoes, put on a cap and headed toward her workplace. The walk was calming, he didn't have to think about the prickly sensation as he focused on going the right direction.

When he finally arrived, he pushed the door open, welcoming the smell of freshly baked goods and his most favourite smell of all - vanilla and lillies. Jimin had spotted him first, pulling the hybrid into the store with a gentle smile and guiding him to a seat.

"Hey, Taehyung! Didn't expect to see you here today." Jimin said as he brought over a blueberry muffin and warm milk.

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd be here either." He mumbled, picking up the glass of milk and licking the top of the milk, savoring it's flavour. Jimin chuckled - Taehyung was so cute when he was meek and not hostile. Jimin noticed that Taehyung hadn't taken his eyes off of Jasmine from the moment he walked in, save for the moment he greeted Jimin.

Jasmine had yet to notice her hybrid as a never ending torrent of customers were coming in to order. Jimin had excused himself and gone back to work to help deal with the mass of customers while Taehyung waited, patiently picking at his muffin and sipping his milk. He wasn't sure why he wasn't craving the blueberry muffin, as usually he would have devoured it immediately.

The prickling sensation had subsided the moment that Jasmine had locked eyes with Taehyung. Her eyes brightened as she flashed a pearly smile his way, serving the final customer before walking toward him.

"Hey tiger, what are you doing here?" She asked, pulling off his cap to give his ears a quick scratch. Taehyung let out a soft purr as he leant into her hand, his ears twitching.

"Bored at home." He replied, reaching out to grab her hand. Jasmine placed his cap back on his head to cover his ears and smiled down at him.

"I still have a couple hours left of my shift here. Are you happy to wait until I'm done? Jimin's invited us over for dinner again." Taehyung nodded, clinging onto her hand. She tugged her hand out, smiling apologetically as she got back to work. Taehyung continued to watch her work, playing with his muffin.

"He hasn't looked away from you since he arrived, you know?" Jimin nudged Jasmine as he gestured toward the seat where her hybrid was sitting. Jasmine looked at Jimin in surprise, looking over and sure enough, his piercing gaze lingered on her frame.

She stared back at him, expecting him to look away but he remained undeterred. A staring contest broke out between them and it didn't take long before Jasmine's eyes began to sting, her body willing her to blink. But Jasmine was stubborn. She continued to stare across the room at Taehyung challengingly, however it was like Taehyung's eyes didn't need moisture; he didn't even look affected from their staring contest.

Wincing in defeat, Jasmine looked away and blinked rapidly, reaching up to rub her eye. She heard the scraping of a chair and a flurry of movement and there, in all his glory, was Taehyung.

"Baby are you okay?" Taehyung fussed, tilting her chin up with his finger, crouching down to inspect her eyes. His other hand had held onto her waist protectively. Jasmine couldn't help the puff of laughter that escaped her at his worry.

"I'm fine, tiger. Some people need to blink to survive, I'm not sure if you knew that." She joked. Taehyung frowned, unimpressed. Jasmine reached your and bopped his nose right on top of his mole, causing him to wrinkle his nose in amusement as a smile spread across his face. Taehyung loved when Jasmine showed him any type of affection, today especially.

Jimin coughed loudly, hitting Jasmine with the side of his hip as he whistled past, winking at Taehyung in the process. Jasmine fumbled and fell into Taehyung's firm chest, his hands on her waist holding her securely.

"Get a room, you two." Jimin teased.

"Do you have one in the back available?" She jested in return, her eyes falling into crescent shapes as she humored herself with her own joke. Taehyung's hands had tightened marginally on her waist at his words, no doubt getting his hopes up.

"Oh ha ha," Jimin replied dryly. "I do, but it'll cost you." Jimin said cheekily, raising his brows suggestively. "How much?" Taehyung's gravelly voice contained excitement as his eyes brightened, his large eyes widening further. Jasmine could imagine his tail swishing around if it wasn't tucked into his pants.

"He was joking tiger." Jasmine responded, noting how a pout surfaced on his beautiful face, his shoulders drooping in dejection. She parted his shoulder and stepped away from him, about to clean up the remaining tables left in the store.

Taehyung made a noise of displeasure in the back of his throat, gripping onto her arm as she slipped away.

"You're awfully clingy today." Jasmine commented, pulling her arm away from his again. It felt like deja vu from when they first met and he wouldn't let her out of his sight - or hands.

"I feel a bit strange today," he explained. "My skin felt all prickly but now it's not so bad. You make me feel better." He added, looking at her affectionately. Jasmine's cheeks warmed and her heart skipped a beat, a soft smile spreading across her face.

"Well aren't you cute." She said coyly, pushing his shoulder fondly. Taehyung laughed and pulled her close once again.

"For you, I'll be anything." He said seductively, gazing at her in a way that made her stomach clench.

"You have to tell me if you're still not feeling well though, okay tiger? We're going to Jimin's for dinner but if you aren't up for it, we can go home."

"We can go." He replied simply, following her around as she flurried around the cafe.

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