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A few weeks had passed and Jasmine was most definitely endeared by the cat that spent the majority of his time in her living room. There had been no other mishaps while she was petting him. She always made sure to avoid the tips of his ears and to use light pressure. And whenever she had to go to work, Taehyung would either entertain himself by watching movies or going to Jimin's house to play games with Jungkook. Today was no different. Jasmine and Jimin were busy holding the fort down at work while the hybrids stayed at Jimin's house.

Jasmine was at a standstill. She didn't know how Taehyung would feel about her wanting to officially adopt him. After sighing for the millionth time, Jimin grabbed her arm to stop her from wiping down one of the tables and glared at her, hands on his hips.

"Alright Jazz, what's going on? You're sighing my ear off." Jimin grumbled, concern etched in his pretty features. Jasmine pouted, putting down the cloth in her hand. The coffee shop was nearing closing time, and the last of the regulars had just left the shop.

"I just don't know what to do about Taehyung."

"What do you mean? Is he hurting you or bothering you in any way? I'll have a word with him when I get home!" Jimin scowled, crossing his arms.

"What - no! He's been amazing, a perfect companion. I want to make it official and adopt him but you know how he is about having an owner. I just don't want to make him feel uneasy if I bring it up and trigger any bad memories he might have." She explained, hugging herself. Jimin's eyes softened.

"Aww, come here, love." Jimin pulled Jasmine into one of his signature bear hugs that she hasn't been on the receiving end of in a while. She wrapped her arms around him and tucked her face into his chest. Jasmine let out a sigh of contentment.

"Thanks Jiminie, your hugs always make me feel better." She pulled out of his embrace and sent him a small smile. He sent her a warm smile back, the kind where his eyes wrinkled and disappeared and his cheeks puffed out adorably.

"No worries Jazz. But you should just ask Taehyung. You're special to him so don't stress too much about it. I'm sure he's already come to terms with it in his head and is just waiting for you now."

"You think so?" Jasmine asked in a small voice, looking at him hopefully. Jimin couldn't help but pull her into another hug because she was just so precious.

"Yes love, I'm sure of it. Now get back to work!" Jimin playfully slapped her butt, making her yelp before scowling at him, wiping down the tables with more enthusiasm. She felt much better about her predicament after talking with Jimin. It felt like the burden on her shoulders had been halved.

Jimin and Jasmine worked efficiently to close the store and get stock ready for the next day before leaving the coffee shop. They both drove separately to Jimin's house and walked through the doors, Jasmine walking in first so that Jimin could lock the door behind her. Before she could even think, something came barreling toward her. Jasmine screamed and jumped to the side just in time as Jungkook threw himself at Jimin.

"Jiminie hyung~!" Jimin didn't have time to prepare himself for the extra weight and ended up toppling over, landing on his butt with Jungkook on his lap, arms and legs wrapped around him like an octopus. He groaned in pain, giving up and just laying down on the floor. Jungkook's body followed, his legs sliding out on either side of Jimin's body, refusing to release his arms from around Jimin's neck. Jasmine cackled loudly at the scene beside her, body bent over as she wheezed for air. She had never seen Jimin look so defeated before and the expression on his face was priceless.

Slowly, Jimin struggled to sit up as Jungkook stayed latched into him, rubbing his face into Jimin's neck and along his cheeks. Jasmine watched, confused but fascinated at what Jungkook was doing. She had no idea why Jungkook was rubbing his face in every crevice and why Jimin didnt look startled at all. It seemed intimate yet normal, and it felt like they did it more than often.

"Done!" Jungkook shouted and bounded off Jimin, rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet, his nose twitching excitedly.

"He was scenting me." Jimin explained as he helped himself off the floor. "He does it every day when I come back from work." Jasmine nodded, not completely understanding but brushing it off as another hybrid habit. She spotted Taehyung on the side of the hallway, watching the scene before him. He didn't look very impressed and she wondered why.

"Ready to go Taehyung?" Jasmine called, catching his eye. He nodded grumpily and trudged slowly to the front door. Jasmine looked at Jungkook questioningly.

"Did something happen while we were gone?"

"No, Taetae was super happy all day because we won in all our games and he carried the team three times! Maybe it's because you smell like Jiminie hyung!" Jungkook chirped, sniffing the air around Jasmine lightly. Jasmine huffed. She always smelt like Jimin when she came back from work apparently but Taehyung has never been this grumpy because of it.

"Thanks for letting me know Kookie. You're such a good boy." Jasmine cooed, giving his fluffy chocolate brown ears a scratch. He purred happily, foot thumping against the floor.  Taehyung sat down beside the door and slipped his shoes on.

"Thanks for having me over Jimin." He mumbled gruffly, pushing his hands into his pockets.

"You're welcome, buddy." Jimin smiled warmly, clapping the cat on his back. His tail flickered in irritation but he didn't make a move to do anything else. Jasmine sighed at him, exasperated.

"Thanks for letting him stay over. I'll see you at work later." Jasmine said, giving Jimin a quick hug and Jungkook another scratch behind his ears. She swore she heard a low growl from behind her but she wasn't sure.

"Anytime, love. I'm just glad Kookie has someone to play with while I'm gone. Drive home safe!"

Jasmine and Taehyung got into her car in silence. As they drove, Taehyung stared out the window, his armed crossed against his chest.

"Did you have a good day with Kookie today?" Jasmine asked, taking a quick glance at him. He just hummed in response.

"I heard you carried three games today, that's pretty amazing, huh?" She prompted, hoping he'll take the bait to talk about his favourite game. All she got in response was a muttered "yeah." She didn't make any further conversation after that.

When they arrived home, Taehyung got out of the car quickly and stomped to the front door, unlocking it with his set of keys before sitting down on the couch and turning the TV on. Jasmine followed after him quietly, standing beside the couch they usually sat on together.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?" She asked quietly. Taehyung scowled at her, twitching his nose.

"You stink." Jasmine furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean? Don't I always smell the same when I come back from work?"

"No. You smell even more like Jimin than usual. I don't like it. He touched you didn't he!" Taehyung couldn't hold back the hiss in his voice, his ears pressed back flat against his hair.

"I mean, we hugged at work? Among other things." Taehyung stood up and leaned in toward Jasmine, sniffing around her neck and face. His nose wrinkled in disgust.

"Ugh! I can't stand it! It's hurting my nose." Taehyung was exaggerating but he hated that Jimin's smell had replaced his scent on Jasmine. She was his and not Jimin's.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Maybe I should shower so some of the smell will come off." Jasmine pondered, scratching her chin.

"Let me scent you."

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