Twenty Four.

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After showering and getting ready for bed, Jasmine slipped under the covers of her blanket, and kept her eyes on the door, waiting for Taehyung's looming shadow to appear. After thirty minutes had passed, she huffed, turning her body to the side to get in a comfortable position to sleep and closed her eyes, evening out her breathing.

As she lulled herself into an unsettled sleep, the sound of feet padding against the floor and a large body slipping into the blanket behind her awoke her slightly, but not enough for her to want to open her eyes. A soft sigh left her lips as Taehyung wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his body. She turned around and rested her head on his chest, tangling her legs with his as she got comfortable.

"You smell nice," she said groggily, sniffing his shirt under her head. A soft purr vibrated through his chest into her ear at her compliment. "Not as good as you." He whispered, pulling the blanket more securely around her so she wasn't cold.

"You were gone for so long that I thought you were going to sleep in your own bed tonight. I thought you were mad at me or something." She placed her hand on his firm chest and lifted up her head to rest her chin on it, looking at him sleepily. Taehyung smiled, stroking her hair on the top of her head, his other hand tucked under his head.

"I don't think I can sleep alone anymore," he admitted. "Not when I know how it feels like to fall asleep and wake up next to you. And I wasn't mad. I can never be mad at you." His voice washed over her, making her heart feel light and butterflies rush through her stomach. She closed her eyes and laid her head back on his chest, hugging him tighter around his waist.

"Sing me a song?"

"I don't sing."


"Fine." Taehyung sighed, racking his brain for a song he knew the lyrics to. When he finally began to sing, Jasmine's eyes opened in wonder. His voice was so deep and so soulful, she could feel the emotion clinging onto every word as he sang an unknown melody. It was a slow tune, something that tugged at her heartstrings which only intensified with his beautiful voice. Jasmine didn't realize it but tears had filled her eyes and dropped onto his shirt as she listened to him.

Taehyung stopped mid-tune as he felt the warmth of her tear seep onto his skin and pulled her up gently to look at her. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked gently, wiping her eyes with his thumb. Jasmine blinked, lifting her hand up to her face to feel the water there.

"Oh, I didn't even realize I was crying. Your voice is so beautiful, Tae. Why didn't you tell me you could sing?"

"My previous master didn't like me making any noise and punished me when I would sing. So I never have from that point." Jasmine cupped his face and looked into his eyes. "You never have to worry about that again," she said seriously. "Your voice is beautiful, you never have to hide it again. I would love it if you sang whenever you wanted, you can do whatever you want here, you aren't bound by anything anymore." Taehyung leant into her hand and looked at her adoringly, turning his face to press a kiss into her palm.

"How are you so perfect?" He murmured.

"You're the perfect one, tiger. You amaze me everyday." He purred at her words, pulling her into his chest once again.

"I love you, J. Now go to bed, I can see you fighting the urge to sleep." He said quietly, turning a little more to get comfortable. Jasmine hummed noncommittally and closed her eyes. Taehyung began to hum a soft melody that lulled her to sleep in minutes.

The following morning, Taehyung had nagged Jasmine that he wanted to take her somewhere. It wasn't that he couldn't go himself but he wanted to go specifically with her. There was a place he would always visit that was a hike through the small forest by the side of her house that he would often trek when he was a kitten. Jasmine wasn't impressed as she wasn't much of an avid trekker and a walk through the first didn't sound nearly as enticing as cooping up on her couch. But Taehyung was too excited and eager that she couldn't say no, so she packed a few sandwiches and snacks in a back back, slipped on her shoes and began walking through the forest.

The trees themselves weren't that thick so she was able to see light spread through the small forest with every step she took. Taehyung was so excited, running over trees roots nimbly and balancing on his toes as he launched himself through the forest before racing back to her and tugging on her arm. She didn't know how he was moving so gracefully, even with the backpack weighing him down but he was.

When they finally approached the clearing about 15 minutes later, Jasmine gasped in wonder. There was a small meadow filled with sweet smelling flowers around the edges of the clearing and at the end of the clearing was a free flowing stream which seemed to go on endlessly. The light splashing sound of the water hitting the rocks as it flowed, coupled with the soft tweets of the birds in the forest made her feel so at ease. It was so peaceful and relaxing.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung prompted, placing the picnic blanket that he yanked out of the backpack  on the floor as Jasmine walked around slowly, admiring the nature surrounding her.

"It's amazing! I can't believe something like this exists so close to me and I never even knew it!" She said exasperatedly, spinning in a slow circle with her arms outspread, laughing joyfully. Taehyung smiled fondly as he watched her.

"This is where I used to go all the time as a kitten. Now and then I come here to think but I haven't come here in over a year now, since I've met you. It hasn't changed at all." He commented, sitting down and patting the space beside him. Jasmine took a seat, laying her head in his lap so that she could look up into the sky.

"Will you cloud watch with me?" She asked, pulling on his arm. He smiled and moved her head into the blanket softly and then shuffled to lay down beside her. Grasping her hand in his and twining their fingers together, he turned his head to watch her. Her eyes were bright and curious as she watched the sky.

"Look that one looks like an elephant. Oh and look! That one looks like a cat!" She called, pointing at the sky. Taehyung's eyes softened, a small smile tugging at his lips as she began talking animatedly about all the shapes she could see. His heart filled with warmth, overjoyed that she was enjoying this special place with him.

Jasmine turned to look at the hybrid as he hadn't responded to her in a while, to see his facing her with eyes closed. He looked so peaceful. She edged herself closer to him and just looked at him. From the straight edge of his brow bone, to his closed eyes that were filled with thick, sooty lashes, to his strong nose that had a slight curve to it and the little beauty mark under there, to his rounded full lips. He was her definition of beauty. Even the way his lips puffed as he blew air out of them while he slept was endearing to her.

Ever so slowly, he opened his eyes and gazed into her eyes. She gazed back, just content with watching him. Minutes or hours passed, she wasn't sure, but she was sure that she was indeed falling in deeper in love with Taehyung.

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