Twenty Nine.

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Jasmine was now mid-thigh deep into the waves, turning back to smile and wave at Taehyung. She saw his smile and his small wave back. The water was nice and cool against her legs, so she trailed her fingers against the top of the water as she turned to look at the horizon, where the sun was beginning to set.

Suddenly there was a splash close by that splattered saltwater all over her, drenching her bikini bottoms and splashing up her torso where the edge of her bikini top got wet. She reeled back in shock at the cold water splattering on her skin, her hands up to deflect any further water. Looking to the source of the splash, she noticed a lean boy standing up abruptly in shock. He was drenched from head to toe and it seemed like he had slipped and fell into the water.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asked, approaching him. He turned to look at her smiling sheepishly, and she almost swooned. He had dark brown hair that had water droplets dripping from the edges onto his handsome face, where his smile beamed at her like the sun.

"Well, that's definitely not how I was expecting to introduce myself." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Jasmine's eyes widened in realization that he had come over to talk to her before he slipped. A giggle passed through her lips.

"It was definitely a first impression to remember." She chuckled.

"I'm Hoseok, by the way." He put his hand out and she slipped her hand in his to shake it. "My name's Jasmine."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He flirted, his fingers lingering in her grip before she pulled her hand back, laughing awkwardly.

"Aww, you're so sweet Hoseok, but I've got to get going, it's getting dark." She said, pointing to the sun. Hoseok took a step closer to her.

"What are you doing later? I was wondering if you'd want to go get a bite to eat?" He asked hopefully, his dazzling smile catching her off guard.

"Well-" Jasmine was interrupted by a strong arm snaking around her bare waist before being pulled into a firm chest. She melted into his familiar touch.
Jasmine felt warmth in her chest knowing that he didn't like saltwater at all but was willing to come into the water to 'protect' her.

"She's busy." His husky voice reverberated behind her and she trembled at the vibrations that passed through his chest onto her back. Hoseok put his hands up in surrender, looking between you and your irritated hybrid behind you.

"Oh sorry man, I didn't know." He replied, taking a step back at the threatening aura Taehyung exuded.

"Uh, I'll take my leave then. It was nice meeting you Jasmine, maybe I'll see you around sometime." He looked at her with his signature bright smile. She couldn't help but smile back - it was contagious.

"You won't." Taehyung replied flatly, pulling her impossible closer to him. Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"It was nice meeting you too Hoseok." She waved at him as he waded back to the shore. "He was nice," she said as she turned around in Taehyung's grasp to look at him. "Maybe I should go have dinner with him after this." She teased. He hissed, pupils slitting at he looked down at her.

"I was kidding, tiger. It's a joke. Or do hybrids not know how to joke?" She taunted, slipping out of his grasp and running the opposite direction. She could hear Taehyung splashing behind her as he caught up but she didn't dare look back, the water was already preventing her from running already, she didn't need another distraction.

An arm grabbed her shoulder as the other swooped behind her knees to pick her up bridal style. She let out a screech as she wrapped her arms around Taehyung shoulders.

"You think you're funny, don't you baby?" Goosebumps arose on her skin at his tone. She looked up at him cheekily. "I'm the funniest." She retorted playfully.

"I think I'd be funnier if my hands just slipped and you fell into this horrid tasting saltwater, don't you?" He looked down at her mischievously, grip loosening slightly. Jasmine tightened her grip around his neck and shook her head, panicked.

"Or, you could put me down nicely because you're a good kitty, right?"

"Hmm, a good kitty you say?"

"The best kitty in the world!" Jasmine was gripping at straws but she really didn't want to be thrown into the water. Taehyung contemplated for a few moments before looking down at her evilly.

"It's too bad I don't like being called kitty, baby." Jasmine looked at him in horror before bracing herself. Cold enveloped her body as she plummeted into the water. Standing up swiftly, she gasped in shock. She was drenched, and rightfully so.

"Baby, it's cold." Jasmine complained, wrapping her arms around herself. Taehyung's heart flipped in his chest. He stood closer to her and rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

"What did you just say?" He asked, hoping to hear the pet name pass through her lips once again.

"I said you're being a baby." She deadpanned, smiling evilly at his defeated expression. She hadn't meant for the pet name to slip but she found it so adorable how he reacted to it. She would keep it in mind for future reference.

"That's not what you said." He grumbled glumly.

"It is," she insisted. "Now let's go home before I catch a cold."

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