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"I like you."

Jasmine sputtered, almost choking on her muffin. She looked at him incredulously, her cheeks growing warm.

"Well that was a bit random. What suddenly brought that about?"

"I just missed you so much. And I never got to tell you before, so I don't want to miss this opportunity." Jasmine smiled sweetly, pulling off his beret and reaching to ruffle his ears lightly. He leaned into her hand, a soft purr emitting from with in him.

"I like you too, Tae. Come on, we've got to get back home, it's getting late. Shall we order in tonight?" Jasmine stood and out her hand it for him to take. Taehyung furrowed his brows in displeasure. He knew she didn't understand what he was trying to say but he didn't want to push it. Instead, he pulled his beret back over his head and took her hand.

They got home and unpacked all of the shopping into Taehyung's room before ordering in pizza and settling down on a couch with a movie on.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" Jasmine asked, turning to look at Taehyung. He was situated on the other side of the couch which he deemed was too far away, so instead he laid down and nestled his head onto Jasmine's lap. She paused for a moment before glinting her fingers through his hair.

"I did J. Thank you for everything. You didn't have to buy me so many things. I'm happy just being where you are."

"You're welcome tiger." The nickname slipped out of her lips so naturally that Taehyung reeled back in shock, lifting his face to stare at her. Did she remember? She smiled at him innocently, lifting her hands higher to scratch his ears. He started purring lowly, the sound starting deep within his chest, resting his head back down on her lap. The white tips of his ears glinted at her from the top of his head. Something about them was oddly familiar to Jasmine but she couldn't figure out why. Lifting her hands, her fingers lightly traced the tips of his ears. A powerful purr resonated in the air and Taehyung shivered violently in her lap. Jasmine paused, afraid she hurt him. Taehyung gripped her hand and placed them back on his ears.

"Don't stop, feels nice." Taehyung's voice was deeper than usual, taking on a huskier note. Jasmine shivered unconsciously and her body began to warm. She didn't like how easily she reacted to him. She wanted to be someone he could rely on and trust wholeheartedly, not someone like his previous owner who just wanted to use and abuse him for his body. But she didn't want to deny his request.

She continued to pet his ears, slowly moving her hand up and massaging the tips between her fingers. Taehyung whimpered in pleasure, tucking both of his hands under her thigh, gripping the underside while nuzzling further into her warmth. Jasmine jumped at the sensation, accidentally scratching the base of his ears. A low moan escaped past Taehyung's lips, his back arching in pleasure. There was a sweet smell flowing through the air, something so mouthwateringly delicious that it made Jasmine shift in her seat as heat started seeping through her pores. Taehyung was gripping and ungripping the back of her thigh, kneading it, as he keened under her fingers, letting out little mewls of pleasure. Jasmine's breath quickened and she applied more pressure to the base of his ears. The doorbell rang.

Jasmine jumped off the couch like she had been electrocuted. No, no, no, what am I doing? Her heart was pounding in her ears and there was an undeniable wetness between her legs. Jasmine internally facepalmed. She told herself that she didn't want to use him like a plaything, and here she was, getting wet from petting his ears. She was horrible.

"I - um - the pizza's here." Jasmine stuttered, all but running to the door to collect their food. Before walking back, she took a few calming breaths and put on a brave face. She'll just have to act like nothing happened. She didn't want to make Taehyung feel uncomfortable.

Walking back to the living room, she noticed Taehyung lounging lazily across the couch with his legs propped up, tail swishing lazily behind him.

"Come on tiger, time to eat." Jasmine hoped she sounded nonchalant as she handed him a plate she collected from the kitchen. He took it from her and settled down beside the coffee table where the pizza was situated.

"Thanks J, I'm starving!" Taehyung exclaimed, taking a slice of pizza and taking a huge bite. Taehyung didn't seem affected at all by what just happened. She felt more at ease and decided to ignore what happened and tuck in too.

After dinner, Jasmine sent Taehyung up to shower while she organized all his clothes into the closet in his bedroom. She heard the bedroom door open.

"Hang on Tae, I've just got a couple more to do." She called without turning around, folding away one of his jumpers.

"I forgot to grab pajamas." Jasmine chuckled, reaching to grab a pair of pajama pants and shirt. Turning around, she held the items outstretched in her hand. "Here yo-" The words got stuck in her throat as she looked at Taehyung. A towel was wrapped low on his hips, displaying his soft but lightly defined stomach. Taehyung was drying his hair with another towel, his bicep contracting with every movement. Her mouth dried and she swallowed harshly to remove the lump in her throat. Taehyung stared at her as he took the clothes from her hand.

"Thanks." His voice smoothed over her like melted chocolate. She shook her head to pull herself back to reality.  Taehyung was out of bounds.

"You're welcome tiger. Your underwear is in the second drawer as well, but you can grab them yourself." She smiled, keeping her eyes from straying below his neck. It was a hard feat but she managed.

"I don't wear underwear to sleep, J." Welp, there goes her sanity. Jasmine had to leave the room before she did something stupid. Muttering a goodnight, she swiftly exited his room and shut the door, leaning against it with a heavy puff of breath. Out of bounds, out of bounds, she chanted, walking to her room to shower.

After her shower, Jasmine got ready for bed. Just as she was about to slip under her sheets, her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" She picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"I've missed hearing your voice, J." Her mother's loving voice made her smile.

"Hey mum, we just called a few days ago! How are things over there?"

"They're good sweetie, your father's been driving me insane. He's purchased a karaoke system and has been blaring it for the past few hours now. I think I'm partially deaf at this stage." Jasmine chuckled, she could imagine her father singing along to the tunes, swaying back and forth on his feet while trying to get her mother to join him. They chatted for a few more moments, catching up on the couple days that had passed. Jasmine's mother loved to talk, and Jasmine usually just hummed along while her mother chattered away.

"Now, I know I always ask this but I just want to make sure you're okay J. Are you lonely over there? Because you know if you are, your father and I won't hesitate to fly over and spend a couple of days there to keep you company." Jasmine's mother was worried. Her sweet, little girl was all alone but she knew that Jasmine did want to be more independent which is the only reason she agreed for Jasmine to move in the first place.

"Yes mum, I'm fine. I've actually adopted a... cat. He's very needy but he's adorable." Her mum's tinkling laughter filter through her hears.

"Oh how lovely J! What's his name? It's so strange, you always loved cats when you were little, but wanted a dog when you were growing up. And now here you are, adopting a cat!" Jasmine pondered over her mother's statement.

"His name is Taehyung. Hey mum, when we used to visit grandma and grandpa in the summer, did I ever meet a little boy?"

My Cat Hybrid : kth Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя