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"Jimin hyuuuuuuung!" The moment that the three of them had entered the house, Jasmine jumped out the way as Jungkook launched himself at Jimin, knocking into an unaware Namjoon as the three of them tumbled to the floor like dominoes. Namjoon groaned as he had taken the brunt of the fall, twisting his body to the side in pain. Jimin had let out a pained gasp, the air pushed out of his lungs as his bunny held onto him with a vice grip.

"Hey bunny," he rasped, gripping the sides of Jungkook's waist as he attempted to move him off of him. Jungkook shook his head and held on tighter, pushing his face into Jimin's neck.

"Bunny, you gotta get off, we're squashing Namjoon." Jimin uttered, still trying to push Jungkook off of him. At those words, Jungkook scrambled off of Jimin straight away, looking at them with horror, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Noooooo, I'm sorry hyungggg!" He wailed, his ears flopping over his face as his hands went up to his eyes to cry into them. Namjoon and Jimin got up immediately as Jasmine approached Jungkook, trying to soothe the poor bunny by gathering him into her arms and petting his head comfortingly. Jungkook was much too big for her but he still turned into her arms and hugged her tight as he continued to sob. In the corner of her eye, she saw Taehyung walking down the stairs at the sound of the distressed hybrid's cry.

"Oh bunny, it's not your fault! We're okay, you didn't hurt anyone okay?" Jimin tried to get Jungkook to look at him but he only nuzzled his face harder into Jasmine's chest, hiccuping and sniffling. Taehyung's distinct hiss could be heard from behind Jasmine but she promptly ignored him so that she could focus on comforting the bunny. Namjoon stood on the side awkwardly, looking at the hybrid clutching Jasmine tightly.

"Umm I'm okay Jungkook, you didn't hurt me, look! All fine!" Namjoon gestured to himself, spinning in a slow circle with his arms outspread. Jungkook peeked his head out from Jasmine's chest, his lashes still wet and his bottom lip quivering.

"I didn't?" He sniffed, turning his head to look at Namjoon who smiled and shook his head. "Not at all."

"See, bunny? We're all fine. You're still my good boy." Jimin cooed, disentangling Jungkook's limbs from around Jasmine's waist. Jungkook allowed him to and sniffed one final time before beaming at Jimin and jumping into his arms. This time, Jimin was better prepared to hold the bigger hybrid and chuckled, pulling Jungkook tighter to him.

Jungkook released Jimin and pulled him to the living room, the rest following them. After Jungkook sat down, he pulled Jimin into his lap and began to scent him. Namjoon, who has never seen it before, furrowed his brows in question.

"He's scenting Jimin," Jasmine explained briefly as Jungkook rubbed his cheek along Jimin's jaw. "It's so that he smells like Jimin."

"Ooh, so he's like claiming his territory?" Namjoon asked, nodding his head with his brows raised as if it made complete sense. "I guess so," Jimin replied from the couch. "He said it's comforting when I smell like him, so I just let him do it."

Taehyung was still brooding because Jasmine had given Jungkook a hug and had yet to give him one. Frowning, he grabbed Jasmine's hand and pulled her to the loveseat beside the couch that Jimin and Jungkook were on. Jasmine gasped as she fell in a heap into Taehyung's lap but smiled upon seeing him.

"Hey Tae," she said, reaching up to fluff his hair. He was still frowning when he pulled her hand out of his hair. "Say hi to Jimin and Namjoon please, I shouldn't need to tell you this." She tutted disapprovingly.

"Hi Jimin, hi human." Jasmine made another noise of disapproval and Taehyung rolled his eyes before conceding. "Hi Namjoon." He muttered under his breath, pulling Jasmine tighter into him. Namjoon felt a pang of jealousy watching them and how easily Jasmine let him hold her. Jasmine smiled at Taehyung and reached up to pet his ears. Taehyung took a sniff and wrinkled his nose, pushing Jasmine away slightly.

"You smell, baby." His deep voice uttered, goosebumps shooting up Jasmine's arms at the pet name he called her. He had never called her baby before and she knew it was because Namjoon was watching them. Nevertheless, Jimin and Jungkook giggled as Jasmine's cheeks flushed pink.

"I smell how I always do!" She defended, her brows furrowing. "You smell way worse than usual. That human touched you, didn't he?" He growled lowly into Jasmine's ear, sending a shiver through her spine. She shook her head at him.

"Liar," he whispered. He began scenting her, gliding his nose and cheek along her neck and jawline slowly and deliberately, removing any trace of any scent from her that wasn't his or hers. Jasmine sat still, clenching and unclenching her fists at his ministrations. He did this everyday but she still couldn't get over the sensations of it. When he finished, he pressed his mouth to her neck right on top of where he could feel the blood pounding and left a lingering kiss there.

"All done, baby." He rasped, his pupils dilated as he pulled back. He smirked as he saw Namjoon watching them with his fists balled and his jaw clenched, eyes hard. Namjoon didn't like how Taehyung had scented Jasmine. It just seemed too intimate. And the icing on the cake was that Jasmine seemed just as satisfied with him doing it. Was he really losing this competition to a hybrid?

"Alright boys, you guys go upstairs and play while we sort out dinner!" Jimin hollered, hauling himself up before pulling Jasmine out of Taehyung's lap. "Namjoon, are you a good cook?" Jimin asked as they walked into the kitchen. Jasmine and Namjoon looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"Nah man, I burn water."

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