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"I'm heading off to work now, tiger. Breakfast is on the table. Make sure you clean up when you're done." Jasmine roused the hybrid sleeping in her bed.

"Do you have to go to work?" Taehyung griped, pulling Jasmine back into the bed on top of him and trapping her in his arms. She laughed, wrapping her arms around him.

"Yes, I do. Now let me go, you're wrinkling my clothes." She tried pushing his warm body off her but he only shook his head and dived further into the crook of her neck. She sighed in defeat. She was going to walk to work today but he was being more clingy than usual, so she supposed she could spare him a few minutes and drive to work instead.

"Five minutes." She said simply, melting into his embrace. Taehyung wiggled the blanket trapped between them down and pulled it over the both of them before pulling her against his firm body.

"Mmm, you smell good." He sniffed her neck, sighing contentedly. "That's because I just showered." She replied, closing her eyes, enjoying his warmth. Something warm and wet touched her neck, causing her eyes to snap open.

Taehyung's mouth followed the curve of her neck up and down as he slid his tongue against her sensitive skin. She sighed breathily. She should have known. Taehyung pressed kisses on her neck, sliding his tongue on particularly sensitive spots, causing a moan to slip between her lips. He pulled her mouth down to meet his and kissed her hungrily, sliding one of his thighs between her legs. She responded to the kiss just as enthusiastically, teasing his tongue with hers. His groan of pleasure shot heat straight to her core.

She kissed him with more fervor, her hands gripping either side of his head before moving down to kiss his jawline. Taehyung leant his bed back onto the pillows and tilted his head to the side, giving her more access. She slid down his body slightly so she could flick her tongue against his neck, pressing her tongue against his Adam's apple.

A guttural groan left Taehyung at the combined sensation of her warm tongue on his throat and her scent wafting through the air. He pulled Jasmine's hips against his so she could feel what she was doing to him. A strangled gasp left her mouth as his bulge pressed against her core.

Taehyung moved his lips back to her neck as the now familiar sweet smelling scent drifted through the air and awakened Jasmine's senses. She felt herself flood with arousal as her eyes rolled back from just a whiff of that scent.

Taehyung's lips moved to the collar of her shirt, tugging it down before pressing a harsh kiss to the revealed skin. He licked at the skin before opening his mouth and pulling it into his hot mouth, flicking it with his tongue. A twinge of pain was felt as he sucked at the skin, no doubt leaving a bruising hickey in its place. Jasmine let out a gasp of pleasure and arched her back, pressing her core into his. Taehyung purred loudly, his tail twitching in response.

He trailed his mouth back along her neck and pressed his teeth against where her pulse could be felt. Experimentally, he bit down lightly feeling the flesh against his teeth. It was like it was scratching an itch he didn't know he had.

He moved up her neck and pressed his teeth against the line of her neck gently, Jasmine's sighs and soft moans spurring him on, as well as the heavy scent of her arousal. Moving up to her jawline, he pressed his teeth where her jaw and ear met, flicking his tongue against it to soothe the slight pain.

Jasmine had never felt such pleasure. All she could do was hold herself up and take it as Taehyung marked her in a different way than usual. It didn't hurt, at least not in the way it you'd think it would. It felt like gentle caresses of his teeth, not even close to breaking the skin, barely enough pressure to hurt or bruise.

She rolled her hips against his unconsciously, reveling in the hiss that escaped him. Moving her hand up to his tousled hair, she slide her fingers through his roots and pressed her fingers against the base of his ears.

Taehyung's lips detached from her as he threw his head back and let out a loud purr, his body twitching underneath her. She continued to massage the base of his ears and pulled back to watch him with heavy eyes. His dark wavy tendrils were a stark contrast spread against the fluffy white pillows underneath him.

Taehyung's eyes were closed and slightly scrunched up and his mouth was parted in a seductive 'o' shape, his tongue resting on his top lip as pleasure tingled through every part of his body. His fingers gripped her hips more firmly and pushed his hips against hers slowly, another flash of heat tearing through both of them.

"Feels so good baby." Taehyung murmured lowly, looking up at her with hazy eyes, rolling his hips up into hers harder, doubling the sensation of their pleasure. Jasmine wanted to make him lose control. She could see that he was close to snapping, all she needed to do was put in a little more work and push -

Jasmine's eyes widened and she pushed herself off of Taehyung in a hurry. Work. She was late! Any remnants of arousal had evaporated from her body as she stumbled off the bed.

"I'm late!" She cried, reaching down to grab her bag before scurrying down the stairs. Taehyung watched her helplessly before looking at the ceiling, a heavy and defeated sigh escaping him. His heart was still pounding and his body still felt sensitive and electrified from his ears being stimulated for so long. Reaching down, he palmed at his clothed bulge with regret. A cold shower it is.

My Cat Hybrid : kth حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن