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"Crap." Jasmine cringed at the image her mind played in her head. Her brooding hybrid hissing and crouched low, standing protectively in front of her with his eyes more feline and slitted as they glared at Namjoon and his tail swishing up high behind him.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh at her expression and wrapped an arm affectionately around her shoulders. Jasmine pondered whether she should wait until Taehyung had arrived in the coffee shop and informed him that she would be talking with Namjoon first or just let him walk in and see for himself. Definitely the former, she decided.

"Alright Jimin, I'm off the clock now! But I'll be in the shop still, so if you need me you're more than welcome to call me over to help." Jimin modded absentmindedly, grabbing a bag of coffee beans and bringing them to the front of the shop. Jasmine followed him, pulling off her apron.

The bell chimed and Jasmine immediately locked eyes with Taehyung. His deep chocolate eyes were so alluring, so seductive that she forgot to breathe for a moment. Taehyung sauntered toward the front counter with mystified grace, keeping his eyes on Jasmine the whole time. She broke out into a smile upon seeing her favourite person and tucked her stray hair behind her ear. She walked around the counter and stood in front of him.

"Hey Tiger," she said lightly, reaching up with much difficulty to pet his ears. Taehyung bent his knees to help Jasmine upon her quest and purred lightly at her touch. Jungkook bounded in right behind Taehyung, his floppy ears covering one side of his face as he smiled happily at his owner with an excited wave.

"Hey Jungkook!" Jasmine chirped, twisting her body to look around Taehyung toward the bunny.

"Noona, hi!" Jungkook exclaimed, just as excited to see her as he was with his owner. He pushed Taehyung out of the way and bent down to Jasmine's face level, the top of his head pointed toward her expectantly. She chuckled at the low growl that Taehyung emitted before petting Jungkook's ears, his foot thumping lightly on the varnished hardwood floor.

"Umm Tae, an old friend bumped into me at work today so we're going to have a little chat by the window. Did you want to go home first or were you happy to wait with Jungkook?" Jasmine asked.

"Wait." He replied simply. Jasmine nodded before ordering Taehyung and Jungkook something to eat and drink while they found a seat on the other side of the restaurant. Sighing, she turned toward Jimin who gave her a thumbs up and shooed her toward Namjoon.

Namjoon was transfixed in his novel that he was reading and she almost felt bad when she walked over and took a seat in front of him. The seat scraped against the floor as she pulled it out, making Namjoon flinch lightly as he didn't expect the sound. When Namjoon looked up to see the perpetrator, he smiled beautifully, all dimples and teeth.

"Sorry, you were so into your book, I didn't know how to interrupt you." She said sheepishly. Namjoon shook his head and smiled.

"You're totally fine, Jazz. You weren't interrupting anything." He assured her, closing his book and putting it away. There was an awkward pause between them for a moment before Namjoon cleared his throat.

"So when did you move to Seoul? It's been, what, almost three years since I've seen you last." Namjoon asked curiously.

"About a year ago now, actually. It's been really lovely, my parents weren't able to move because of work but we call often, you know how my mum is." Jasmine laughed, shaking her head. Namjoon laughed right along with her, relaxing in his seat.

"Yeah, I do. Your mum is so sweet though, I loved coming over and always seeing her in the kitchen with cookies in the oven." They both chuckled and stared at each other wistfully, both caught in a reverie.

"I just wanted to say sorry about how we ended things." Namjoon murmured quietly, looking into Jasmine's eyes. Oh here we go.

"What even happened? We were doing so great, everything was so perfect but then you up and left." Jasmine cringed at the slight hurt undertone she detected in her voice. Namjoon sighed sadly.

"My parents weren't happy with the university even though I was getting top grades. They want me to eventually overtake the family business and it was wasn't good enough for them. They made me move to a more prestigious university to complete my studies. Of course I said no, my whole life was here and you were here. I didn't want to lose all of that for a silly university. But they wouldn't take no for an answer so they took my phone and my laptop and shipped me away. There was no way to contact you at all and I know it's too late but I just wanted to apologize." She could hear how sorry he was in his tone. Jasmine remembered back to the time Namjoon wouldn't pick up his phone or answer his messages for days so she drove over to his house to find movers taking things out of the house to move elsewhere. They wouldn't tell her where for confidentiality issues so she was left wondering all this time. Namjoon and Jasmine had been together for a year before he abruptly left her. It was one of the best times of her life but it was in the past now.

"There's nothing to apologize for, that's something you couldn't have done anything about but I'm glad things have worked out for you. I used to wish that you would have at least contacted me so that I wasn't left clueless but things are fine now. We've moved on and you've made something of yourself and I reconnected with Jimin and have never been happier with my life." Jasmine clasped her hands on the table and smiled at him. She felt at peace. This was the closure that she wanted and she was ready to close that chapter in her life. She now knew that she hadn't done anything wrong which made him leave her. Namjoon groaned and rested his head on his hands.

"I know," he mumbled, "but things would have been so different if I stayed." He whispered.

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