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"I know," he mumbled, "But things would have been so different if I stayed." He whispered. Jasmine was confused by his statement and she wasn't sure if she was meant to hear it or not.

"What do you mean?"

"I'd still be qualified to take over my parents business but we would still have been together. Maybe we would been engaged or something by now." Jasmine's heart stuttered at the gaze that Namjoon was giving her. She swallowed.

"Joon, your parents were just doing what they thought would be best for you at the time." She soothed. Namjoon's eyes crinkled at the use of his old nickname.

"I've missed you Jazz." His large hand reached over and placed it on top of hers affectionately. Her eyes bugged out of their sockets. Oh no. Sure, she loved him at one stage of her life and she was still attracted to him, I mean who wasn't, but she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment again, especially when she has her own hybrid to love and care for.

"Joon, I-" Jasmine was cut off by the low growl of her cat that suddenly appeared by their table. Taehyung had been watching their interaction the whole time from across the room. He didn't listen in, even though he definitely could have, because he knew Jasmine would have wanted privacy but her friend was male, and being male meant a threat. He was brooding the whole time while watching Jasmine and her friend who was most definitely not as handsome as himself. Even Jungkook couldn't snap him out of it when talking about games. But the moment her friend put his hand on hers, Taehyung flew out of his seat to her side.

Smiling apologetically at Namjoon, she pulled her hand out from under his. She placed her hand on Taehyung's arm and squeezed comfortingly. Jasmine knew that Taehyung would have ripped Namjoon's hand off of hers if he could but refrained from doing it and she was proud.

"Namjoon, this is Taehyung. Taehyung, say hi." Taehyung grudgingly said his greetings, still on alert for if Namjoon was going to reach over again.

"Hey. You're a hybrid right?" Namjoon questioned. When Jasmine nodded, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled brightly. It was good news for him. Hybrids and humans don't date.

"Taehyung's been with me since I moved here, but we actually met when I was a little kid." Jasmine explained, looking at him fondly. Namjoon didn't miss the way the hybrid was looking at her. Like she put the moon and the stars in the sky. But there was no way. Hybrids and humans don't date, right?

"I know everything about her, human." Namjoon knew that Taehyung said that to make him back down.

"You know Jazz, you look just as beautiful now as you did back when we were dating." Namjoon emphasized while looking at the hybrids expressions change. Taehyung's tail slipped out from his pants and stood on end and his pupils once again slitted. He bared his teeth at Namjoon, stepping in front of Jasmine.

So he was right, the hybrid was in love with her. Jasmine knew that Namjoon had said that to rile up Taehyung and huffed in exasperation. She pulled Taehyung backward and kept her hand on his back for comfort, but mainly for her to pull him back if he decided to move toward Namjoon.

"Thanks Joon, but I've really got to go now. It was really nice seeing you. I'm glad we got to catch up and everything." Jasmine stood up and Namjoon followed suit. He smiled adorably at Jasmine and she smiled back so prettily that Namjoon's heart faltered for a moment.

"No, thank you. I'm glad I could explain everything to you. Could we meet again some time?" Namjoon asked hopefully, holding his breath as he waited for her answer.

"Yeah of course! I work here, so you're more than welcome to come by for a chat another time." Taehyung's tail swished agitatedly at Jasmine's response. Namjoon wasn't 100% satisfied with Jasmine's response but it was a start. He smiled beautifully, displaying his dimples that Jasmine loved.

"Sounds great. I've got to go back to work now too so it's perfect timing. I might stop sometime this week if that's alright with you?" Namjoon stepped toward Jasmine and wrapped his arms around her in a big hug. Chuckling, she hugged him back. It was nice and comforting, just as she remembered his hugs to be.

"Alright, I'll see you then." Waving one last time, she tugged on Taehyung to follow her. She said gave Jimin a goodbye hug and a little hug and scratch to Jungkook before heading out the coffee shop and back home. Taehyung was eerily silent the whole way. She knew he was mad but she didn't think he had a right to be. Sure, she didn't mention to him that they used to date when she said she was chatting with a friend, but she wasn't trying to hide it either. Maybe the final hug set him off.

Walking into the house, Jasmine tugged off her shoes and placed her keys away before locking the door. Taehyung quietly took off his shoes and placed them away before walking to his bedroom.

Jasmine was confused. Usually, he would scent her right at the doorway once they got home. He couldn't stand the smell lingering in the house otherwise. Jasmine walked to his room where his open door showed him laying in his bed.

"Tae?" Jasmine called quietly, unsure if she should walk in or not. She tiptoed in quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed beside him.

"Tae?" She called once again, placing her hand on his shoulder. Suddenly she was flipped onto her back with Taehyung hovering over her, the ends of his wavy hair almost touching her face. Taehyung had straddled her hips with his legs bent on either side of her body, his palms pressed on the bed on either side of her head.

"Him or me?"

My Cat Hybrid : kth Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin