Thirty Two.

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"Jimin hyuuuuung!" Jungkook's familiar call came as Jimin opened the front door. Jasmine and Taehyung had stayed outside so that they could avoid the inevitable - the Bunny Barrel as Jasmine liked to call it. Jungkook barreled into Jimin's awaiting arms with a gentle 'oof' as Jimin braced himself.

Once they had deemed it safe and clear, the other two stepped into Jimin's household and slipped off their shoes as well as relieving Taehyung's ears and tail from their confinement. After Jungkook had finished scenting his owner, his eyes snapped up and his long ears stood up at attention.

"Noona!" Jungkook yipped excitedly, running over to give her a hug. Immediately, Taehyung stood in front of her protectively and hissed ferociously. Jungkook stopped in his tracks immediately, his ears moving in all sorts of directions as he cowered from Taehyung's gaze nervously.

"T-taetae?" The bunny uttered anxiously, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet. "Mine." Taehyung growled, baring his teeth as his ears flattened back. Jungkook cautiously took a couple of steps back blinking rapidly as he looked at Jimin for reassurance. Jimin watched on with caution and nodded at Jungkook.

After Jungkook had created some space, Taehyung visibly relaxed, a smile breaking out on his face. "Hi Kookie." He called, walking up to his best friend and just like that, the tension evaporated. Jungkook's foot thumped against the floor, relieved that things had gone back to normal.

"I was just gonna say hi to noona," Jungkook pouted.

"You can say hi from over there." Taehyung said pointedly, pointing his chin in a direction far away from Jasmine.

"Oh don't be silly," Jasmine scolded, walking around her overprotective cat to greet Jungkook. Taehyung growled and pulled her back behind him. Confused, Jasmine looked at Jimin. She didn't understand why Taehyung was being overbearing all of a sudden. Jimins expression was calculative. He was still trying to completely figure out what was going on in Taehyung's head but didn't want to make any rash decisions.

"Well we can't stand here all day tiger," Jasmine rolled her eyes, slipping her fingers through his so she could pull him further into the house. Holding his hand seemed to calm him down so he followed her until they were seated in the lounge. Jimin brought over a tray of drinks onto the coffee table while Jungkook sat on the floor, animatedly talking to Taehyung. Jasmine was sitting on the couch and Taehyung was curled up beside her while talking with Jungkook. She found it endearing that he wanted to be so close to her, his head resting on her shoulder.

"Dinner should be arriving any minute now, I ordered takeout in the car." Jimin announced as he handed Jasmine a cup of hot tea. Taehyung had reached out and taken the cup from Jimin's hands before handing it over to Jasmine. She couldn't help the laugh that gurgled out at his silliness. Jungkook's nose twitched excitedly at the prospect of dinner.

"I'll help set up the table for dinner!" Jasmine volunteered, moving to sit up from the couch. Taehyung made a noise of refusal in the back of his throat, his arms holding her down. "I'll help too then." Taehyung said lowly. He didn't want to part from her.

"No, you two stay here. Jungkookie will help me, won't you bunny?" Jungkook pouted but nonetheless followed his owner into the kitchen.

"Are you feeling okay, tiger?" Jasmine asked, turning her body to look at him. Taehyung was looking a bit more pale than usual but he didn't look tired or dizzy.

"M'fine." He murmured. He dived his head in to her neck and just breathed in her scent. The prickling sensation seemed to buzz around his skin more strongly now. It felt like all his hairs were standing on end constantly and the only thing that helped was being close to Jasmine. Breathing in her scent soothed him immensely and he felt himself calm down and relax, the sensation lulling into a light buzz.

Jasmine just laced her fingers with his and sat contentedly, listening to the clatter of dishes in the kitchen and the muffled noises of Jungkook's whines, most definitely getting his way.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang. A muffled "I'll get it!" sounded through the house before the scampering of Jungkook's feet could be heard. Jasmine prompted Taehyung to move off her so they could sit at the dining table. Taehyung followed her like a lost puppy, scooting his seat right beside her as everyone sat down.

"Bit close, don't you think?" Jimin laughed, squinting his eyes at Jasmine and Taehyung. Taehyung grumbled and shifted even closer to her. "Not close enough." He grouched. Jasmine just smiled, shrugging helplessly at Jimin before helping herself to dinner.

"Pass me the salt please, love." Jimin called, pointing toward the salt shaker at her elbow. A low hiss resonated through the air as Taehyung's ears flattened back from Jimin's words.

"Mine." He glared at Jimin before grabbing the salt shaker and barely holding himself from hurtling it at the human.

"Yours." Jimin conceded, taking the salt shaker from him quickly.

"Be nice, mister. Jimin invited us into his household so you better behave." Jasmine tutted at him, frowning. Taehyung's tail drooped as he lowered his eyes. He didn't want to be scolded by Jasmine. But he didn't want Jimin to touch her, or call her any sweet names. She was his.

Her heart lurched at the sadness on his face, so she petted his ears and ruffled his hair. His purr of contentment put a smile on her face. "I know you didn't mean it tiger, but you can't get upset at people just because you're not feeling well." Taehyung nodded sullenly at Jasmine's words.

Suddenly, a spatter of food flew across the table and landed on Taehyung's cheek. Everyone stared in shock before turning to look in the direction where the food came from. Jungkook stared back at everyone, his long, chocolate brown ears standing proud on his head as he smiled innocently.

"Oops?" He said sheepishly. Immediately, his eyes widened and he yelped, scrambling out of the way as a dark mass lunged across the table.

"Taetae! Stooooop!" Jungkook hollered, running as fast as he could away from the angry feline. "You're so dead, Kookie!" Taehyung growled, picking up his pace.

Jasmine and Jimin watched them before look at each other. After a few seconds they bursted out into laughter, shaking their heads. Life with a hybrid was never ordinary.

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