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Weeks had passed and true to his word, Namjoon had come by frequently and become a loyal customer at Jimin's shop. Even on the days where Jasmine wasn't working, he would come by for a cup of coffee during his break at work. Jimin had stated that he had magical beans, which is why Namjoon couldn't stop himself from coming.

Although Namjoon had come many times, they hadn't had a moment to chat and catch up again due to his work schedule. Still, it was nice to see him come around and they were on really good terms at the moment, making passing jokes and small talk while he ordered or when she brought his order over.

Namjoon and Jimin had become good friends too, and Jungkook seemed to enjoy his company so Taehyung was often left sulking in the corner because he didn't want to talk about Namjoon or be near him if he could help it. Lately, the boys would spend more time at the coffee shop than at Jimin's house, playing video games due to a particular cat's demand. Jimin had chided them that they had to be on their best behaviour here, even though he knew they would bicker about nonsensical things.

One afternoon, Namjoon came into the coffee shop with his hair ruffled over his face instead of revealing his forehead, wearing comfortable sweats and a loose white shirt. Jasmine couldn't help but be reminded of him back when they were dating and he would dress comfortably just like this. It was one of her favourite looks on him.

"Just rolled out of bed, Joon?" She teased, putting through his usual order without him needing to tell her. He always ordered the same thing anyway. He smiled sheepishly and pushed his fingers through his fringe.

"I've got no work today. I was up until 5am this morning finishing up a project so I think that these sweats are well deserved."

"These magical beans keep you coming back Joonie!" Jimin's voice chimed from the other side of the room. They all laughed before Jasmine ushered Namjoon to take a seat.

She deftly made his order and went to deliver it on the tray, taking off the items and placing them on the table.

"Here you go, your usual! Enjoy Joon." She cheered, turning around. Long, cool fingers grasped her wrist, making her turn back around in surprise.

"Uhh, sorry," Namjoon muttered, embarrassed. She giggled at him. "I was just wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me tonight?" Namjoon's eyes were big and hopeful as he awaited her answer.

"Oh I'd love to Joon, but I've actually got dinner plans at Jimin's house tonight. I'm sure he wouldn't mind an extra person over if you'd like to join?" Jasmine offered.

"The more the merrier, right love?" Jimin called, smacking Jasmine on the butt as he passed by, making her yelp and jump, rubbing her butt as she glared at Jimin in mock fury. He just cackled at her and continued to work. Namjoon snickered.

"It's not funny," Jasmine whined, jutting her bottom lip out and crossing her arms like a child. "But truly, your company is more than welcome tonight Joon, if you wanted to come by. Jimin makes the best kimchi jjigae I've ever had!" Namjoon pondered for a moment before smiling at her.

"Sounds good, I guess I'll follow you there when you guys finish work?" He questioned. Jasmine nodded.

Jimin and Jasmine worked quickly to serve customers and close efficiently at the end of trade. Namjoon had stayed sipping his coffee with his nose in a book, looking all soft and much like his younger self.

When they finally closed for the day, Jimin shooed them both out of the shop in order to lock up before walking toward his car.

"Shall I ride with you so you don't get lost?" Jasmine suggested, a teasing lilt to her tone as she smiled cheekily at him.

"Yes please, I know for sure I'll get stuck at one of the red lights and get left behind with my luck." He shook his head, chuckling at himself.

"Alright Jiminie, I'll see you soon!" Jasmine hollered, hopping into the passenger seat of Namjoon's sleek and albeit expensive car. Namjoon slid into the drivers seat and began to drive.

"Nice ride, the seats are so comfy!" Jasmine sighed, sinking deeper into the seats as she relaxed.

"It's the reason I bought this car." He smiled, taking a quick glance at her. There was an awkward moment of silence, both not saying anything and not knowing what to say. Jasmine cleared her throat and reached for the knob to put music on. Namjoon had reached at the same time, his fingers brushing against hers lightly. Her breath hitched in surprise, pulling back slightly. Namjoon reached for her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers as he kept his eyes on the road. He didn't want to risk looking at her and seeing her expression.

"Joon, I-" Jasmine started, pulling her hand out of his grasp but Namjoon only tightened his grip slightly.

"Just for a little bit, Jazz." He whispered. So she let him. She relaxed back into her seat and held his big hand that used to give her so much comfort. Her mind whirled back to the time when they would just laze around on a picnic blanket in the park, reading books aloud to each other as they kept their hands intertwined or wrapped around each other in warm hugs. The rest of the ride to Jimin's house passed in a comfortable silence, both of them lost in their own memories.

Namjoon really missed her, he still felt the same kind of affection and love he had for her from the moment he met her until now. Nothing had changed for him, except time. She was still as beautiful as she was before, maybe even more now. Her smile still made his stomach do flips and his heart run into overdrive. Her voice was just as soothing as it was before and her hand still felt so warm and small in his. He wanted to pretend that nothing had changed, even if it was just for a moment.

When they finally pulled up to Jimin's house, Namjoon turned off the engine but they both sat there for a moment longer. Jasmine knew that Namjoon was stuck in his own thoughts so she left him be for a little bit. Sighing, Namjoon pulled their intertwined hands up to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand.

"Thank you." He mumbled, releasing her hand with a gentle smile and equally gentle eyes. He hopped out of the car and walked to the other side, opening Jasmine's door before she even unbuckled her seatbelt. Smiling in appreciation, she hopped out and walked to where Jimin was meant against his car, a questioning gaze pointed at her. She shook her hair and mouthed 'later' to him. When they arrived at the front door and Jimin began unlocking the door, Jasmin could hear the heavy thundering of feet against the floor inside.

"Jimin hyuuuuuuung!"

My Cat Hybrid : kth Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant