Thirty Seven.

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Taehyung had awoken abruptly from a sharp sensation that seared his skin. He let out a yelp of pain as the once prickling sensation began to feel like needles stabbing into his skin. Another pained groan left him as the sensation rolled though him, a dull ache left behind.

It felt like the room jumped up in temperature all of a sudden and Taehyung felt heat clawing at him from the inside, trying to burrow its way out. His eyes screwed shut tightly as his body turned to the side, breathing harshly as he gritted his teeth. Sweat began to drench his pajamas and he weakly struggled to take them off in a slow, tedious process. It was a bad idea. As he had tried to pull off his pants, his fingers brushed against his hard bulge, pleasure radiating through him as he moaned, low and deep.

He was rock hard and heavy, need coursing through him. Panting, he tried to breathe deeply to calm down but instead, he breathed in Jasmine's lingering scent that decorated her bedsheets. The scent had soothed his pain only a few hours ago, yet right at this moment it felt like both bliss and torture. Taehyung shuddered, his nose flaring as another spike of pleasure passed through him from her mouthwatering scent.

Another jarring pain split through him, causing a broken whimper to pass through his parted lips. His body felt heavy yet electrified at the same time. He fisted the bedsheets, hips rolling unconsciously as the pain once again faded and a heavy ball of need took its place.

What time was it?

Where was Jasmine?

Just the thought of her sent a jolt down his spine. But it was like he couldn't move. Every time he tried to move a muscle, it felt like a lightening bolt of pain would strike him, rendering him immobile. All he could do was try to focus on his breathing and ignore the heated ache in the pit of his stomach. Ignore the heavenly scent that fogged his senses every time he inhaled.

Minutes or hours passed, Taehyung didn't know. But when he heard the front door unlock, he felt a wash of relief pour over him for a split second until another wave of primal heat coursed through him. Jasmine was home.

Taehyung groaned in a mix of agony and pleasure as he rolled onto his back, his large hand cupping himself, providing a dizzying friction to soothe his pain yet aggravating his burning need for anything, anyone. His hips began to rut against his fist, another pained groan leaving him. Sweat matted his hair to his forehead and left his skin feeling damp and flushed.

Jasmine paused at her closed bedroom door, her hand frozen on the doorknob. Was it a bad idea that she turned down Jimin's offer of another hybrid?

How was she going to help Taehyung?

Another muffled groan of agony resonated through the door and Jasmine's heart ached at the sound. She didn't want Taehyung to suffer anymore. So, holding her breath she twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open slowly.

What she didn't realize was that she most definitely was not mentally prepared for the sight she saw before her.

There, in the middle of her king bed surrounded by a nest of bedsheets, was Taehyung. He was laying on his back in all his naked glory. Every inch of his toned tan skin was on display, the hard ridges emphasized by the thin coating of sweat that glistened on his body. His eyes were hazy and had this depth of darkness in it that she wasn't sure was from his pain or from pure, unadulterated heat. But what made Jasmine clench her thighs together was how Taehyung had a hand wrapped around himself, rolling his hips into his fist weakly, trying to get himself off but not having the strength to.

Jasmine was, once again, frozen in place. She realized how much this situation was out of her league. She wasn't prepared for this at all. What could she do to help Taehyung? She still didn't really know what him being in heat was!

Taehyung's nostrils flared as the scent of Jasmine's arousal filtered through the air. A guttural groan, deeper than Jasmine had ever heard, split through the air as he turned his head to look at her, eyes darkening to an almost onyx hue. He panted harshly, tugging on his length more insistently as pleasure seared through him at her scent. It smelt stronger than usual, more intoxicating. More sensual.

He released a groan of pleasure at the combined sensation of her scent sending shocks of pleasure through him and his hand sliding back and forth on his length. Another flood of arousal swept through Jasmine as she watch the scene before her. She felt her nipples bead underneath her shirt and her breathing become heavier. She was stuck in place, not having moved from the door as she watched him like a vulture.

Suddenly, Taehyung howled in pain, twisting his body in a fetal position and curling up in on himself, his fingers gripping the bedsheets once again. Immediately, Jasmine rushed to his side and checked to see where he was hurting.

"Are you okay tiger? Where does it hurt?" She asked, placing her hand on his damp shoulder as she tried to move him out of his fetal position. She noticed that his skin felt overheated, too warm under her palm.

"Hurts everywhere." He groaned, barely able to speak through the pain as his eyebrows furrowed and eyes clenched shut. He clenched his jaw to brace through the ear splitting pain that stabbed him.

"You're okay," Jasmine soothed, rubbing her palm up and down his back in an attempt to ease his pain. She continued to murmur sweet nothings to him, trying to help him get his mind off what he was feeling.

As the white hot pain slowly ebbed away, another sensation took over Taehyung. The way Jasmine's fingers trailed over his hot skin shot ecstasy right through his whole body.

Instantly, Jasmine was flat on her back. Taehyung had flipped her under him as he hovered over her, his palms on either side of her head.

"You shouldn't have come in, baby," Was all Taehyung uttered before he pressed his hot, naked body down against her.

Hi guys, sorry for the late update. This is the last pre-written chapter I have for My Cat Hybrid and it's safe to say I have writer's block. I don't really know where I'm going with the storyline at the moment so please bear with me for now! Thank you all for the love and support of my first book, it really makes my day reading your comments and seeing your votes💜

My Cat Hybrid : kth Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora