(Admin's) "vacation"

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[Admin typing....]

So.. Rn I am in this awesome hotel room which is the only plus point I see in this "vacation".

Yesterday we first travelled for 6 hours to reach one temple. That temple had sooooo many people (less according to my parents). So there was a queue. With people pushing me :). For a person who hasn't gone out for 10 months was suddenly stuck in a crowd of people. I was panicking, unable to breathe, suffocating and apparently I was overreacting :).

After that we travelled to another temple which was 1 hour away. We got into our room which wasn't very hotel like but ok. Then we went the temple there. IT HAD LIKE A MILLION PEOPLE. I WAS DYING IN THERE. THERE WAS A HUGE QUEUE WITH PEOPLE PUSHING YOU, WITH ME DYING, (This was at night) THEN MY PARENTS WANTED TO EAT AT THE TEMPLE. I REPEAT EAT AT THE TEMPLE. So basically that temple is a very important temple for the hindus and the temple provides food for like thousands of people everyday and they wanted to eat here. I CLEARLY DIDNT WANNA EAT THERE OR STAND IN ANOTHER QUEUE FOR THAT. BUT IN THE END I WAS FORCED TO :) . There were many instances yesterday when I wanted to cry due to the queue and the stuffing but at that point I couldn't... I cried. In the queue for the dinner, I cried :) .  That queue was so long that it took us 25 mins to get in. After that we came back to our room and I read some downloaded fanfics :) And then I slept. Oh btw, I had period cramps the whole day to add on to all that :) .

In the temple when we were in queues, all the men started to strip- Ok maybe not strip but they had to be topless to see the god. There was a cute guy in the templ- WHICH IS NOT THE POINT. THE MAIN THING IS ME DYING :) .

Also due to my period I wont be able to swim :) .

Anyway, we are gonna be in this hotel till monday and go to my grandm's house and then go back home. I CANT WAIT TO BE HOMEEE.

[Iwaizumi Yuki typing...]

Sorry for having to listen to the crap my admin had to say. I have good news for you! I am making a sub- story for this one so that you guys can get to know how parenting was for my 18 year old parents with twins lol.

I am writing it now that I am free and Imma publish it after I go back homeeee!!!

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