Chapter - 15

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Guysssss im back! Imma post properly now. Kk. Lets get back to the story!

"Kk....what is your sexuality Kiyoomi?"

"Um....I don't know. I haven't really been attracted to male or female or at least I have tried not to...."

"Any crushes?"

"Um...I think I had this crush on a elementary school....I don't know and why exactly are you asking all this?"

"Yesss. My cousin is gay!!! Or bi but all I know is that you like guys."

"Ok fine but that was in elementary school. Why are you asking me all this?"

"Nothing just wanted to know 😛👀. Anyway byeee see ya at dinner!!"

"Weird kid."

"Hey Tsum! How was your day?"

"Hey Tooru!! It was good! Samu and Suna had come too!"

"Oh. How are they?"

"Samu is good. Hair is coming back... Suna is fine as always lmao. How was your day?"

"It was good I guess lol. We told the team that we are dating. You had to see Maddog Chan's face and everyone's faces, they were like 😮. Yahaba even said, 'Isn't Oikawa San a little too pretty for Iwaizumi San 🤣😂."

"Maybe you are..? 😂😏✨"

"Y'all flatter me 😳."

"Why wouldn't we? Oh by the way.... You know Sakusa San right?"

"Oh yea... That kid you are interested in!"

"😳 I'm not interested in him.... I just want a distraction from my stupid thoughts maybe....."

"Um.. S H O R E. You like him yo."

"😳 No I don't. I just want to be friends with him...I guess..."

"Only.. Him?"

"N-no he seems lonely....."

(He explained Sakusa's entire life story)

"Oh.....that's just sad....... Parents divorcing is something I have been through....but not being wanted is just......"

"Yea..... Wait don't cry.."

"I am trying not to.... Since mom died...... I feel guilty.....cuz my life seems to be going well...... I feel guilty for being happy..... I feel guilty for immediately having a boyfriend.... I should not- Overall...I am guilty...."

"I am sure your mom is watching you right now and she is probably ruffling through your hair and telling you not to feel guilty for anything. She wants you to be happy. So be happy for her. It will give peace to her soul k?"

"Ok..(chuckles) your the best."

"Trust me I know that. 😂 Just kidding. Where is Iwaizumi?"

"He went home... His mom's health condition hasn't been good for the past three days...."

"Oh.... Is it something serious?"

"I don't think so... His mom is kinda old considering the fact that Iwa Chan is the youngest of the 4 children. The first one and the third one are girls. Second and fourth which is Iwa Chan are guys. First two are married and have a kid each. They are literally the cutest things on earth! I wanna meet them once."

"You like kids Tooru?"


"Hmm... Hope his mom is ok."

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now