Chapter -24

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Oikawa would cry every night.. Cuz it was hard for him to be away from everyone... Especially his son and his Iwa Chan.... He would wonder on how Hato and Hajime were... He was worried about Hato's nutrition.. He was worried about Hajime's mental health... He was completely worried about everything..

The two of them had been COMPLETELY brainwashed...

Hajime was made to think that Oikawa left him for good.... His mental state was bad in the start.. He would lock himself in a room and cry.. Osamu and Suna were the one usually looking after Hato.... They soon grew fond of babies. Atsumu's condition was pretty bad too... Atsumu was extremely sad.. He felt betrayed.. He couldn't believe Oikawa would leave them just like that... It was hard for everyone to believe... But after looking at Atsumu and Hajime's pathetic state.. It angered Suna, Osamu and Kiyoomi... It developed hate in them for Oikawa... Hajime too slowly developed for Oikawa..

This is exactly what Iwa's parents wanted.... They wanted to seperate the two... They wouldn't let Hajime gp to Argentina and meet him either..

Four years passed... Oikawa and Iwa hadn't met or spoken to each other since that day... Oikawa was now the setter of the Argentinian Volleyball Team... He wished so much to go back home.. See everyone... Meet them... See Iwa and Hato... But he wasn't allowed to... The only way in which he knew that they were alive was The Japan Volleyball team..

Hajime had a tough year when Oikawa suddenly left but he soon got over it cuz he had to provide and look after his child.. He developed hate against Oikawa for not only leaving him but also leaving his son... Hato needed to be properly taken care of and Hajime did that. He loved his son dearly. He was an awesome dad! He was probably a better parent than Oikawa was.. Hajime didn't really get another omega or marry anyone even though his mom showed him a million girls to marry though she knew he was gay... Iwa now trained the Japan team. The Japan Volleyball Team  was training EXTRA EXTRA HARD cuz they were up against Argentina now.

(Btw, Atsumu and Kiyoomi play for MSBY too)

As for Oikawa, he didn't have another alpha either. He was loyal to Iwa even though he suffer because he had a little hope of wanting to get him back.. He looked forward to this day for 4 years cuz he would finally get to go to Japan and meet everyone. He could meet his son! He would get to meet Iwa! He was excited for this match!

Haru was now a four year old who knew about his father and the fact that he had a twin. Oikawa had told him that, the two of them were living in Argentina temporarily and would go back to Japan soon. While on the other hand, Hato was told that his mother had died... And Hato never knew that he had a twin. To make Hato develope hate on Oikawa, Iwa's Mom told the child that his mother had left the two for another guy... The poor baby didn't even know that his mom was a guy..

Atsumu and Kiyoomi had been dating for the past 3 years now. They started off by helping each other through heats and ruts (not mated)  and later started to date. It all happened like this.

One day Atsumu suddenly got into his heat... Exactly when Kiyoomi was on his rut... The heat pills weren't making such an affect on Atsumu...

Atsumu: "K-Kiyoomi... Its really w-warm... The pills aren't helping.... *Turning extremely red* Y-You don't have to c-control y-yourself... You are already r-releasing pheromones...

Kiyoomi: You asked for it Miya.

A few months passed.. Kiyoomi started to develope feelings for the blond. Finally one day with a lot of courage and with Suna, Osamu and Hajime's help,

Kiyoomi set up a date, for his beloved Atsumu....

Kiyoomi: Um.. Atsumu.. Do you wanna like... Go to the terrace?

Atsumu: Are you sure Om-Kiyoomi San?

Kiyoomi: Yeah... I want fresh air...

Atsumu: Um.. Ok! Lets goo!

Atsumu goes up the stairs to the terrace with Kiyoomi following him. He couldn't believe what was in front of his eyes...

Atsumu: Wha- Kiyoo-

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Atsumu: Wha- Kiyoo-

Kiyoomi: *Holding a volleyball in his hand* *shows it to him*

Kiyoomi: *Holding a volleyball in his hand* *shows it to him*

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[Instead of go to prom, its date me]

Atsumu: Y-You l-like me? A-Are you sure...?

Kiyoomi: Y-Yeah... And.. I hope I won't be a burden... To you... And I promise.. I won't leave you.. Or betray you..

Atsumu: *tearing up* D-Do you know how long I have liked you? Almost 5 years now... I-I love you..

Kiyoomi: I-I love you too..

Atsumu: You did all of this for me?? You are soo sweet Omi- Kiyoomi San!

Kiyoomi: Omi. Omi is fine..

Atsumu: *blushing* Uh.. Ok..

And they enjoyed it. They have had a beautiful relationship since then. Even though Sakusa's phobia can be a pain in the ass Atsumu loved him dearly and even though Atsumu could be annoying at times, Kiyoomi loved him way too much to leave him for that.

You think that's happy news? Wait till you hear this-


(Shiro - white)

Oikawa and his son Haru were on a plane to Japan, along with all the Argentinian teammates. Oikawa was really happy to finally get to go back home, free from that jail he was living in for 4 years. He finally got his phone back. He told Haru that he was finally gonna meet his father, which made the little boy very happy!

On the other hand, Iwa had literally trained them to win against Argentina. Suna, Kiyoomi and Atsumu were gonna give their best to make Argentina lose, to make Oikawa lose...

Hope you guys liked this chapter!!!

Don't think this story is gonna end after this match lol. There is A LOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to goooo for that.



Loveeeee y'all 😻😻😻😻💖💖💖✨✨✨

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now