Chapter - 27

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Oikawa was pregnant once again.

One of the reason was that Oikawa would have to return back to Argentina and Iwaizumi didn't want that. The other reason was that Oikawa really wanted a girl for child and now they were a bit more stable to have children than they were 4 years ago.

They plaued the match between Japan and Argentina and Japan won. The Argentinian team left soon after that match leaving their setter in Japan. Oikawa was just so happy to be back home!

It took a while for Haru to adapt to the surroundings. He was kinda the more quiet and observant type and he kinda found his twin annoying at first.

At some point of time he even questioned his parents if Hato was actually related to them or not.

Let's just say, Haru's personality was kinda like Iwaizumi's. Hato was more outgoing and joyful and playful like Oikawa. Haru was more mature than Hato and sometimes people questioned if Hato was really the elder one cuz Haru was more mature. I mean, WHAT THE F- HOW DOES BEING MATURE MAKE YOU OLDER? WHY DO PPL EXPECT THAT- ehem, sorry for the ranting but what people said to my brother... Wasn't nice.. I mean sure I don't like him, but...

Anyway, everyone were happy.

Gender Reveal!

Hato: Mama! Mama! Is it gonna be a  baby sister or baby brother like Haru??

(Their speaking is clear now and they are 5!!)

Haru: Hey, *annoyed* I am not a baby. You are the baby here. You cry for everything.

Oikawa: Stop arguing with him Haru... *Sighs* Hato babe, we will get to know if you will have a sister or a brother soon! Are you excited??

Hato: Yes!!! I am sooo excited!!!!! *Jumping around*

Haru: Tch. Stop jumping around like that so much.

Iwaizumi: Haru... Your brother is just a bit excited, you should be excited too.

Oikawa: Yeah baby... Anyway which gender do you think it will be you two??

Hato: Gender...?

Haru: Gender is basically being boy or girl.... *Sighs* Are you that dumb brother?

Hato: *teary eyes* Mommy... Haru is teasing me again...

Oikawa: Come here baby. *Hugs him and consoles him*

Iwaizumi: That's enough Haru... He is still small...

Haru: Um.. Technically Hato is older to me and 2 centimetres taller than me... I don't see what you mean when you say he is small.

Oikawa: Stop bullying your brother Haru...

Haru: I am not... *Pouts*

Oikawa: Now that you have calmed down Hato, tell me what the gender of the baby will be?

Hato: Boy!! It is gonna be a boy!!!

Haru: I hope its a girl.. Hopefully she won't be as annoying as him...

Iwaizumi:  Hmm.. I think it will be a girl this time too!

Oikawa: Same!

After everyone they had invited came!
The gender of the baby was revealed.


But I like this brother better than the twins so it fine :)


Haru: *annoyed* Tch.

After returning home after the gender reveal.

Oikawa: A boy again.. *upset*

Iwaizumi: No matter the gender the baby is still ours Tooru.

Oikawa: I know but I really wanted a girl... I don't wanna have to go through that hell again....

Iwaizumi: Then you don't need to? *Confused*

Oikawa: B-But.. I want a girl child...

Iwaizumi: Are you upset right now?

Oikawa: Maybe...

Iwaizumi: You actually aren't. Its those moods swings that are playing with you. Deep down you are happy no matter the gender.

Oikawa: You are right... As long as our baby is healthy, it doesn't matter!

Iwaizumi: *smiles* Besides, who said we couldn't try for another?

Oikawa: *surprised and blushes* Iwa Chan.. Would you actually want another child? Don't you think 3 are enough?

Iwaizumi: Um... If you think three are enough.. Then its enough... You need to go through all that.. So its your call..  *Blushes* It doesn't matter how many kids I have if you are their mom and as long as you are with me to raise them...

Oikawa: *blushes* I thought you wouldn't want another child Iwa Chan.. Thats why.. I wasn't gonna ask to try for another...

Iwaizumi: You have done a great job raising Haru, I am sure you would raise all of them well so I don't mind 10 kids either.

Oikawa: You raised Hato better. I am sorry again Iwa Chan...

Iwaizumi: For what?

Oikawa: .... For leavi-

Iwaizumi: It wasn't your fault. Stop apologising unless you want a punishment.

Oikawa: You can't punish me Iwa Chan :) *smirks*

Iwaizumi: Watch me. *Smirks*

Oikawa: Iwa Cha-

It was nothing but sweet kisses Iwaizumi placed on him. Since they had a hectic day the two of them fell asleep.

After the gender reveal Oikawa was kinda upset that it was another boy but that didn't mean he wouldn't love him the same as he did for Hato and Haru.

Soon, the baby was born and the two of them were proud parents to another son! They named their son Hikaru! Another addition to the Iwaizumi Family!

Iwaizumi Hikaru is my favourite brother (I'm kidding I like them all equally).

But things... Weren't exactly going that well for our Uncle Omi and Uncle Tsumu...

Kiyoomi was a fabulous pianist. He had been learning it since he was 4. Whenever his parents would fight he would play the piano to make himself feel better. The piano was his best friend when no one was. The piano was there with him when he shut himself up and distanced himself from others. It was there when he was sad, when was happy, when he was angry, It was basically always there for him.

Atsumu enjoyed having Kiyoomi play the piano for him. It made him really happy and he would often brag about to others too. It was Kiyoomi's wish to play the piano in front of the greatest pianist there was, Mr. Jonathan Michelin (THIS PERSON DOESN'T EXIST IRL) Mr. Jonathan was his idol. Playing and learning under him would be such an honour.

Atsumu's happiness of being with Kiyoomi wasn't gonna last that long though...

Hope y'all liked this chapter! Send me your questions in the comments here or anywhere in the further chapters! I will answer them then and there lol

Have a great dayy!!! 💖💖💖✨✨

Love you 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖✨✨

Byeeeeee~ ✨✨💖💖😻

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now