Chapter - 31

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Atsumu and Osamu go to Oikawa's room and find Oikawa crying.

(Atsumu)" I-I am sor-"


(Atsumu)*crying*"I am sorry T-Tooru... I am truly sorry for hurting Haru.."

(Oikawa)" *crying* D-Don't apologise... You didn't do anything on purpose... Just remember its not only Atsumu now... You have someone inside you... You can't end its life because you wanted to kill yourself..."

(Atsumu)"... I don't wanna believe that... There is nothing inside me... Stop saying that..."

(Osamu)" But that is the truth... What do you wanna do with it?"


(Oikawa)" No... No you won't...  Don't even think of it..."

(Atsumu)" What else can I do? *Crying* I don't want to bear his child..."

(Oikawa)" But... Its not only his child. Its your child too. And if I recollect properly... He said there was another surprise right?"


(Osamu)" That's it! This was the surprise! He planned it. He wanted this child. He won't abandon you Tsum.. He wanted this baby. So dont worry about him not taking responsibility for the baby.... Because he will... At least.. I hope what I said is right..."

(Atsumu)" What's the point in him wanting the baby when I don't want it myself. I am not ready yet... I want to play more volleyball till my body can take it... All this was meant for later... You know how much Rin had to do to get back in shape after Shiro was born.. And.. At the least.. I wanted to experience all this with him... Not alone..."

(Oikawa)" Trust me I know how hard it is to stay away from your partner. And I know its worse in your case cuz everyone will want their partner by their side. But... That doesn't mean you can kill yourself or the baby. Especially by stabbing yourself. What had gotten into you?"

(Atsumu)" I am sorry.... Really sorry... I didn't know what I was doing..."

(Osamu)" See... If you really don't want the baby so bad... Abort it... But don't kill it by stabbing it and also killing yourself. Your life is worth more than him ok?"

(Oikawa)" But please rethink it... Don't get rid of it. Please.."

(Atsumu)" Yeah.. I will... And I am sorry again Tooru.. Can we go see Haru...?"

(Oikawa)" I wanted to but Iwa Chan told me not to come... Because I might faint again and all... Aparently its pretty deep... I don't wanna see that... Iwa Chan said that they are stiching it right now.. He said that he would call me and tell me when I should come... "

(Osamu)" Hmm... K Imma leave you two here and go check on those two.."

(Oikawa)" Hmm... Check on Shiro mainly... She is just three we can't leave her like that..."

(Osamu)" Four. She will turn four in a week and she won't get scared or anything. After all she is my daughter."

(Atsumu)" Yeah, yeah. Says the guy who was scared to go to the washroom alone till he was 10."

(Osamu)" Are you talking about yourself??"

(Atsumu)" No I am not. I am talking about this very specific Onigiri lover who's name is Miya Osamu."

(Osamu)" Shall I call mom up and ask who used to be the scared one??"

(Oikawa)"Wait speaking of your mom... When do you wanna tell them..?"

(Atsumu)" ...I don't know.. I still gotta decide if I want it or not..."

(Osamu)" Its your call... I guess...."

(Oikawa)" But-"

(Osamu)" Let him do what he wants... Maybe we should go to the hospital..."

The two of them leave the room, to give the blonde some space and time to think of what he wants to do. No matter how much he wants to hate Kiyoomi, deep down he knows he can't.  He knows he still loves him. That's exactly what angers him.

Atsumu doesn't know where Kiyoomi is or whether he would return. If he doesn't return.... He would have to raise the kid himself... Without any help... Kiyoomi hadn't marked Atsumu either... Which sucked because now he had a child without a proper alpha... and he doesn't know where his boyfriend was...

Atsumu's thoughts

Ugh.... What should I do....? Getting rid of it would be better..... But.... I just can't seem to come to terms when it comes to abortion... I'll think about it later...

I know I haven't published in ages, but I had my reasons 😔

And I know this chapter is very short... But I was too lazy to write more... And I wanted to publish right now...

But I have a question,

I have thought of two endings for this story,

One is angsty

The other is not that angsty but not exactly a happy ending... I guess....

Temme which one you want!

If you want angsty and maybe you wanna see the other not so angsty and sad version I could make it as an alternate ending if you want..

Can't wait for the exams to get over! I wanna get back to writing soon. You remember the sneak peek of a story idea I had got?? I soooo wanna write that!

I missed y'all!

Byeee~ 💖💖💖💖💖💖✨

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now