Chapter Eighteen

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"Theena, do you still have Jake's number?" Sandra suddenly asked.

We're currently at Streetside Diner, hanging around a bit after having our lunch.

"Yeah, I guess so. Check it out," I replied, handing her my phone.

"Why do you have to ask for Jake's number? I thought you already have it," Martha said as she applied some lip balm.

"I told you, it's in the other phone."

"Ugh! Why do you have to have so many phones?" I uttered but was then ignored by each one of them as Sandra let out a tiny, surprised gasp as she scrolled through the screen.

"What on Earth! You already have Carl's number and you didn't even bother to tell us?" she exclaimed.

"What?" I yelled in confusion, eyebrows literally crossing as I snatched my phone.

Then I saw it right after Jake's number, a caller ID I didn't even remember saving in my contact list. It reads 'Just Carl'.

"Holy horse! Who the hell saved it in here?!" I exclaimed.

"Who are you actually asking? It's your phone for Christ's sake, Athena!" Jassmine retorted.

"No! I mean... I wasn't the one who saved it! Damn, I don't even know his number! I swear! Or... or this could be someone else's?"

Their faces were all muffled in confusion and I'm as sure as hell my visage just shows the same.

"And how the heck did that number get into your phone if you weren't the one who saved it? Plus, if that belongs to someone else, how many Carl do you know?" Erin inquisited.

"Only two. Him... and Karl Anthony Towns," I answered.

"Goodness! That's an NBA players for Christ's sake!" Jass yelled.

"I know! And I'm a fan by the way. But... oh, shit!" I bellowed, now drowning with the forthcoming waves of realization.

"What?" Sandra asked.

I remained silent.

"What is it?" The four of them shouted, not caring about the presence of other students.

"He saved it into my phone! Heck, I should have known!" I announced, now having a clearer view of the whole picture.

"Who exactly?" Martha asked.

"Who else? Carl of course. Yesterday when he's with me, he borrowed my phone to text his grandmother because he said his phone was dead. Who knows it was just an alibi. Then one thing I've noticed was that he returned it to me with a visage of utter triumph. Maybe he did register it that time!" I explained.

"So you're alone together yesterday then. Hmm..." Erin concluded as she nudged my side.

"You're making actions without letting us know. It's. Getting. Fishy."

"What are you saying? He just helped me tow my scooter to a vulcanizing shop because the tire was slashed. That's all! Nothing would qualify as fishy, Erin."

"Whatever you say. There's only one thing to do to know if it's really his number," Sandra declared and snatched back my phone.

He dialed Carl's suspected number. After seconds of ringing, the person on the other line answered and Sandra put him on speaker.

"Hello?" That familiar husky voice replied.

"It's him," I mouthed silently to Sandra.

"Hello?" Carl's voice said once more, now with traces of irritation. I then pressed the end button.

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