Chapter Thirty-Three

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This day is filled with the brighter side of things. Forget about Roger Concepcion's mysticism, forget about Ares's probable links to him, or overall, forget about all the negative vibes. Today is the opening day of the District School's Athletic Meet!

Aside from the different events that are definitely worth the watch and the two-day full without classes, we'll also be doing the colors for the opening ceremony. There's really that undefined, extraordinary feeling everytime I'm commanding for the colors. It's like responding to my heart's calling.

The two flag bearers, rifle bearers, the seven staff and I will be leading the parade from the catholic church at midtown, passing the highway to our school. Well, I'm way too blissful for this day to be bothered by the blistering heat and my aching feet due to the combat boots' weight. Is it insanity? Or passion for what I'm doing? Maybe the latter.

After about an hour of merely standing in attention on the stage, waiting for the parade of people to arrive, the programme immediately started. It's only by the end of the invocation and the national anthem that we get to rest at the benches designated for us.

Wow! I didn't realize how badly I needed a seat. My legs were like paddled dozens of times. The opening programme ended but I didn't even caught a sight of Carl from the massive crowd. My conscience is eating me up. How could I even forgot to say goodluck to him? Shame. I realized it just now.

The crowd started to clear out and my fellow officers still need to report back to Mr. Rosales and maybe there's still some work waiting for us. I wish I could see him before his match starts since a text would be useless because I'm sure Coach Tim forbids them to use their gadgets at this moment.

As expected, Mr. Rosales- not just a fourth year music teacher but also our commandant- assigned us the job of giving the snacks and morsels to the athletes from our school only. Yeah, one of the disadvantages of being part of this military-oriented organization at school.

Good thing about being a Colonel and the highest ranked CAT officer is that I'm the one tasked to assign where my fellow CAT officers would be stationed to give the goods. So, taking the given advantage, I assigned myself together with Alexis, Ellain and Minerva at the gym where the boxing, Taekwondo and Arnis matches were being held. Nice sneeky move, isn't it? Now all I'm hoping is for Carl's match not to start immediately.

"You really picked the gym, huh! Now it's really fishy," Alexis blurted once we started hauling the boxes of gatorade and bread to the gym.

"What do you actually mean?" I replied, playing safe and innocent.

"With all you do respect, Colonel, please don't be naive! The suspicious rumors about you and Mr. Transferee slash Mr. Martial Artist slash Mr. Vocalist is like the talk of the fourth years or maybe the whole junior high community!"

I scoffed without actually intending to. Is she kidding me? The last thing I really wanted is to draw any attention to myself or to whatever's going on between Carl and I. Leave it to Umbriel to be the talk of the school just by her posts and photos on the net.

"You're joking! Just by the sound of those 'suspicious rumors', it's like scary and so not comfortable at all," I replied.

"You can't blame the students. Well actually, you can't blame us. We've seen you both together a lot and you're like... you're so good together. There's no mistaking the sparkle in both of your eyes," Minerva declared, a little bit melodramatic.

Damnation! This is so not the kind of topic I'd like to talk about with these girls. Yes, they're peers of mine but I'd rather be comfortable and prefer if they were Jass, Martha, Erin and Sands. There's that certain bond that we have developed through the years of being inseparable.

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