Chapter Eight

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I don’t know how I got home last night, but one thing’s sure- I got a fine parcel of scolding from my Aunt of breaking my curfew and let alone getting home stinking drunk.

I’m slowly massaging my temples as I get down the stairs and head to the kitchen. I could actually spend this whole day lying on my bed but only to find out that it’s now eleven o’ clock and my stomach is that poorly hollow, so I badly need to get on my feet and of course eat.

“Still want to drink that much?” the foremost greeting of my Aunt.

“Probably not. Being sick is an understatement.” I replied, hands still on my aching head.

“There, drink this. It’ll help you feel better. Also, after you dig in drink some Advil to cure the hangover, will you?” Auntie said as she handed the tomato juice to me.

“I surely will take some Advil but I don’t think I could handle these tomatoes. It’s kinda… gross.” I frowned, staring at the glass full of blended tomatoes, the color alone makes me sick even more.

“You should’ve think about it first before you drank too much. And oh! Before I forgot, you should probably thank the guy who brought you home last night,” Aunt Mathilda stated as she head off outside.

I ponder, the guy who brought me home? Then I nearly choked on the tomato juice I’m drinking. “Hell!” I exclaimed then fuzzy memories of last night came into my mind.


“Hey, this isn’t my ride. It’s not Jassmine’s Chevy,” I uttered indolently while still supported by Ares's arms to keep me from falling face first on the ground.

“What are you expecting? Her mom already fetched her. For sure she’ll have a nice shot of horn-mad mom since she’s as dumbly drunk as you are.” He then pricked my nose.

“C’mon, let’s go,” added Ares.

I protested no more and ride with him. At this present state of mine, I doubt that I could still get home alone.

“You know what?” out of the blue I started once we’re settled in his car.

“You’d make such a perfect boyfriend,” I continued then I laugh.

After an instant of laughing I burst out, crying. The long been kept tears from the pain of yesterday were now haunting me again.

“And if you didn’t kiss that f*cking serpent- Chloe of course- on the day that I’m about to say yes to you, we might still be a perfect couple by now.”

He just remain silent but I notice that tears are gathering in his eyes too but he’s just holding them back, not wanting me to see that he’s also aching.


“Shit! Holy shit!” I groaned and then slapped my face on purpose. Was it even the real thing that happened?

“How dare I to say those crap!? Ugh… what a mess it’s been!” I let out a long, deep sigh.

“You’re still you Athena. No big deal.”

I sighed extensively once more and finally convinced myself, “Definitely not a big deal.”

Though I know deep inside that it is the other way around.


That night I called Jassmine and talk to her about last night’s party and regarding the stupid words I’ve said to Ares.

“Are you even sure that what you’ve said is the real thing that you’ve said to him at that actual hour? Aren’t you just hallucinating or something?” Jassmine inquisitively said.

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