Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Much to my displeasure yet I have no other choices rather than to have failing grades, I spent the whole weekends absorbed in making my missed school activities and outputs. I was lucky enough that Erin and Jass- with great desire and altruism- came to the house Saturday morning to offer their utmost aid with the bane I currently possess.

Pain in the arse, really! I hate paperworks! But it would be way better to write essays than to deal with the unending problems of algebra. With all these X's and Y's? Like, the hell you'd bother to use that when buying groceries, right?

Instead of spatting the subject all day 'round, I slowly started to work with the solving or ransack my brain in short. I was almost glad when the day was over so I could finally nettle on my soft bed. But that's the point, almost. I still have to do History and Biology tomorrow. Thank God that Chemistry is not up until the second term or else, I'm all screwed up. And hell! I already am.


The last day of Mark's five-day leave was on Tuesday and that's when Aunt Mathilda said that she'd be home when I talked to her on the phone. They're all worked up and persistent not to leave me here all alone or in other words, unguarded when in the past years they didn't even bother that I'd be home alone for a day.

I wonder if Aunt Mathilda already knew about these security measures that Mark is clearly doing the best that he could so I won't notice about it. Well, I'm not vain to not sense something wrong is going on and it's far from being fine and easy to handle. I know it isn't.

I've done all the bribing tactics I know for Mark to spit out the informations I wanna know. Who really is Roger Concepcion? Why are they so worried about my safety all of a sudden? Did they already know the gunman who shot Dad? Is he still on the loose? Damn! Even a single one of those he never gave an answer.

I still feel bad about him being so discreet until Tuesday night when Auntie was finally home, and the least I expected, she's with Dad. They arrived not long after Mark fetched me from school through my scooter, of which I'm still restricted to ride all alone.

Gilbert, one of the workers in our farm was the one who fetched Auntie and Dad. I don't know if I'd be glad or be more worried regarding Dad's arrival. But I'm still trying to be optimistic about things, thanking that they didn't get me a military escort though I don't see any reasons why they would. Yet all the while, I'm also trying not to get choked up in this situation of ours.


Mark eventually left the next day, as much as I want to be angry- I still am, really- it pained me to see him go, not knowing when I'd be able to see him once again.

Amidst finding it really hard to forget my worries, I tried my best and let myself relish each of the scene that I get to be with Dad. I don't know when exactly was the last time we both dined together in the house or the last time we cooked dinner together. Though he's still on slings, he was grateful and elated enough that he could help me just a bit.

"Mmm... Wow! This one's delicious. Now I know that boiled egg isn't your only best recipe so far," Dad stated mockingly once he tasted the Chicken Adobo I cooked for dinner.

"Thank goodness! I can't bare it when you underestimate your daughter's cooking skills." He just laughed, a hearty one.

There are tons of questions that I want him to answer yet I don't know if he'll give me the answers that I need. I hope he's unlike Mark. I should at least try, but not now. I won't let my being inquisitive take away and vanish the glee we can barely share just for once.


"What did you just say?" I yelled at Carl. We're currently sitting at a bench outside the gym, he just had his Taekwondo training.

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