Chapter Forty-Four

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The next floor wasn't like the rotten and stinky dungeon with skulls and bones as what I expect it to be. But it was still as dark and empty as the previous one I'm in. Only a wooden stool was present at the middle of the dingy room and I couldn't make out what's resting on top of it. When we came close, it's only then that I could unravel what it was. An explosive vest. I've only seen that one before in movies but Dad told me about it once. I bet I did figure out right then and there what that vest is exactly meant for.

All my limbs went weak and I can no longer suppress the shaking of my whole system. Never had I ever imagined that I would come across this kind of adversity in my life.

The big guy holding me picked up the explosive vest and ordered for me to sit on the stool. The hell I would! He just stared at me waiting for me to move as he ordered when I heard the high-pitched, warning sound of the wailing police sirens. Sensing a great opportunity for an escape, I kneed him hard on the groin and hit a roundhouse kick directly at his head. He didn't expect it as he loose his guard. When he toppled and lose his consciousness, I searched for weapons in his pockets but only got a pocket knife.

I immediately ran stealthily to wherever escape there is available and managed to loosen the binds on my hands while on the run, my wrists sickly purplish, swolen and slightly bleeding.

As there is no ther way out of this floor except the stairs that we once tread a while ago, I carefully wave down each step, listening intently as Roger shout orders to his men, distressed of the coming cops.

Hell! There's nothing more troubling than having no available weapon at hand other than a mere knife. These guys have loads of high-power guns and bandoliers of ammunition. One more mistake and a clear shot is all it takes to get my coffin ready. How could I escape this? Oh! Dear heavens, bless me! I do miss my Mom but I don't want to see her just yet.

"Benjamin! George! At the window, get your guns loaded. Dammit! Dammit! You effing idiots!"

Both Benjamin and George positioned themselves at the window as Roger ordered, viewing the front lawn which I bet, is now sorrounded by men in uniform. They held their weapons at arm's length, ready to fire whenever necessary.

"Roger Concepcion, Benjamin Abella, George Palominos and Ariel Mariano, you're now sorrounded by our team. Surrender yourselves and the victim to us immediately and no one's gonna get hurt."

I guess that's a police officer negotiating from outside. Just please turn me over to the good hands.

"Leave us all alone and she won't die," Roger shouted.

I hate those words. And hell! I shouldn't be just listening here waiting for some last minute miracle to happen. What should I do? I'm awfully trapped right now but Roger doesn't know that I get to escape from one of his idiotic puppets. That's the drawback and the perk this time.

Half hidden in the shadows, a sudden force pulled my hair from behind, causing me to loose my footing on the stairs and dropped the knife I was holding. I turned in time to see the big guy I just knocked off already recovered and he's gripping my hair so hard it might all sepparate from my scalp.

"How dare you, daughter of a whore!" he exclaimed, staring daggers at me as if wanting to rip me off to pieces right then and there.

"I've had enough. Come here, you little bitch!"

With one swift motion, he yanked me by my hair and dragged me down the stairs heading to the room where the other assholes are. I yelped in pain and toppled a few times, only getting worse pulls and throttling grabs every now and then. Why are these men in uniform so slow? Aren't the SWAT team supposed to work out a way to retrieve me already? Ugh! How I want this excruciating minutes to end so badly.

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