Chapter Forty-Eight

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I waited when we were back home before opening the envelope from Ares. Inside, I was greeted by a long message of his own handwriting. I read it in the privacy of my room, completely digested in each of his words.

Dear Athena,

I was never really good at words but I'm better off writng them to you than saying it in person. First top, I wanna say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done... hurting you, disappointing you, all of it. They're so many that I don't have the courage to show myself to you. I do understand if you're angry, I do get it if you won't forgive me. Because out of all the things I've done, forgiveness is the last thing I deserved. You're probably aware right now that Roger was my father. I hated so much to admit it but yeah, it's true. I used to be so proud to be his son, you know. Yet that's the point, I used to. I also wanted to be like him, a soldier of dignity. How could I still dream of it when one day, I found out that my father was convicted of commiting treason. And coming from his own mouth, he really did it. All those times, I think of him as a great guy, as someone to be proud of. I was wrong. He lied to us. I detest him that's why I claim that my father was dead when I met you. Yet now he truly is. My mother is constantly urging me to give him a chance, she's repeating it to me tirelessly. And I came across this moment on where I could really offer him forgiveness. One chance won't be too bad because after all, I still owe it to him the life I have. For a moment, I thought we could still save our family. But his plan was different all along. He wanted to get free from the bars that's why he planned a jailbreak which he then succeeded of doing. He managed to nearly kill your father through a single bullet. I felt mad. I felt terribly mad at myself. I know it's not my fault but I'm blaming myself for what happened to your father. And because he failed at the chance of an easy kill, his next plans were more damned. He wanted to get you to come close to your Dad. Once I heard of it, I wanted so badly to report him to the authorities, to prevent his evil plan from happening. But I couldn't afford to do so. I became weak. Or even weaker as I already am. That means choosing between my Dad and you. It wasn't easy, Theena. You are still the girl I love and even if my Dad was convicted of a crime he did, even if is he's purely wicked, he's still my father. That's why I need to choose the both of you. He also threatened to take the life of my Mom- she is the only one I've got so as my sister- that's why I was forced to give him informations about you and your father yet protecting you at the same time as far as I can. I tried so hard to make you open your eyes of the incumbent danger but of course you won't believe me. I hope I tried even harder so that it wouldn't have happened. But it did and none of us can take it all back even if we wish to. My father paid the prize of his actions, though. I admit I feel bad for his life was taken but it would be much worse if it were you nor your father. You're lucky to have such a loving and benign Dad. I was the opposite. Nevertheless, I'd still continue to give him a chance if he did change for the better, for our family but I know it's unlikely and it's all too late. Bare in mind, I'm not blaming you or whatsoever. It's not your fault and you'll never be responsible for anything that happened. Even the sanest people could get blinded by the lust for revenge, Theena. I'm just relieved that it's now over... Well, maybe not completely since some of the stains still suffused. But in time, I know our feelings will renew itself. I hope this letter could explain almost everything but there are just some that's better left unsaid for there are no exact words to use. I'm sorry again that I won't be there to say this in person, I just couldn't afford to right now. I'd be away for a while... not running away from things but trying to get free of my personal burden. I love you, Theena. I'm saying this maybe for the last time. We can't be so sure if our paths will cross again. No one knows if destiny might or might not bring us back together, but I hope it will. 'Til our paths find its way back to each other again.

Always yours,

P.S  I know Carl won't hurt you the way I did. So cheer up! Destiny got you the best guy that you deserve to have and to keep.

Warm tears cascaded down my face. I placed the letter on top of my chest and braced it tightly, not wanting to let go as if it's the real Ares I'm holding. True to its words, certainly this is the most painful utterance of goodbye.


I'm wearing a lustrous, satin-made, navy blue dress while Carl's dressed in a black, semi-formal evening suit. Somehow, we complemented each other since he's wearing a tie, the same color as my dress. It was unplanned. I chose to wear this sartorial because it was his favorited color. It was initially for him and I was utterly relieved when he liked it... No, he loved it.

We're on our way to the graduation formal, the event held after our graduation ceremony. I'm looking forward to this event since the day it was announced. But I guess it wasn't all about the gaiety, it's also a day filled with goodbyes. We shall bid farewell to all the friends we made along the way as we went our sepparate paths. This night would be for our parting.

Seen from the backseat window of the car, the last glow of the setting sun emanates in the horizon, the remains of its golden light flecks the sky. Another day that comes to an end, another tomorrow that awaits.

"You ready to go?" Carl said once we're at the front of the school.

I just beamed at him and nodded. He held a hand and ushered me out of the car driven by Rick.

Side by side, we silently ventured towards the school's gymnasium where the event takes place. While we're still crossing the grounds, the whole building was sorrounded by illuminating fairy lights, radiating different hues that reflects elsewhere. A sweet music was aready blaring from the gymnasium, inviting the new-comers to get in.

The entrance hall was transformed into a memory lane, adorned with assorted photographs reminiscing the treasurable memories of our fourth year. Each photo holds a different story to tell and reliving all those is totally priceless.

Inside was just as glorious as the exteriors. The dance floor was sorrounded by countless of round tables arranged under the giant, dangling disco ball. I don't believe that there's such thing as perfection so I'll say, the sight is nearly perfect.

We sat alongside Jassmine, Sandra, Erin, Martha and Jake as we eat, drink, laugh and danced the night away. We look back to the memories we all shared. The achievements and success, the throes and fiascos and how we handled all those in this split-second journey. I relished each of the scene as this is the conclusion to our voyage before the introduction of another sail.

The reggae music switched into a sweet and mellow one and slowly, the crowd poured into the dance floor in pairs, swaying subtly with the tune.

"Care to have a dance with me?" Carl asked, offering his hand for me to take.

I beamed at him and replied, "You know I wouldn't say no."

He then ushered me to the dance floor as we join the other dancing pairs. I placed both my hands around his neck as he twined his around my waist.

It seems I was rooted on the spot, lost by the intensity of his dark eyes. I hold on to him, tightly, as he did the same. The space between us no longer exist. I leaned my head on his beating chest, feeling his solacing warmth wrap around me.

"Do you believe in such thing as destiny?" I asked out of the blue.

"Nope... but now I do," he plainly replied, causing me to smile across his chest.

"Destiny wasn't so resentful after all," I stated.

"Yeah, destiny played a fair game."

I couldn't agree less. Indeed, it was a fair play. The obstacles set along the course had a sweet prize of overcoming in the end. One of these prizes is the guy I'm now holding.

He could shake my world but never destroy it. I could get lost with his stares but could always find my way back through his smiles. He makes me breathless but never suffocating. I love the way how it goes with my Carl and right now I'm content.

The thought alone that we'd both stay would suffice, enough to take us to more chapters that we'd both unfold, together.


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