Chapter Sixteen

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THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTY OF THEIR DREAMS. I wake and gazed at the words cleaved on top of my dresser. Everyday I awoke and stared at those words but today, it seemed to sink and absorb deeper within me, more significant than usual.

Today is the first of June, first day of the sixth month of the year and the first day of my fourth year in high school.

It's half past five when I showered but before doing such, I played the music "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors, loud enough so I can still hear while at the shower. It might wake the neighbors, but I don't dare to care even just a bit.

When showered, I then dressed, not in our school's uniform but of the Citizenship Advancement Training's. It is a task force and a military-oriented club or organization at our school. It's an annual tradition that before the start of term classes, we firstly have a reception ceremony, welcoming the first years and greeting back the old students. And our club will be the one to lead the said ceremony.

I put on the navy green T-shirt with the CAT emblem at the front. Printed at the upper right was my rank and name while at the back, the bold, lime-yellow word 'OFFICERS' was stamped. I tucked the shirt in my fatigue pants and wear on the garrison belt before putting on the heavy combat boots. I then combed my hair and placed it in a bun before fastening the navy green beret on my head. I took a last full-body glimpse at the mirror and then grabbed my school bag so as the sword needed for the ceremony.

"Oh! Look at you! Just like your Dad. If he's just here right now. Oh! Athena," declared Auntie Mathilda as I enter the kitchen.

"Auntie! It's not the first time you've seen me wearing this!" I said but she just ignored me and continue to mutter something which sounds like 'very proud' and 'we're blessed', as she handed me a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate.

After making sure that everything is set, I bid goodbye to my Aunt and drove myself to school.

The sign at the top of the gate reads, Romulo C. Bautista Memorial High School that still reflects a faint glow at the gateway amidst the unquenchable rising sun. I parked my scooter at the almost deserted parking lot and headed to my new classroom. I crossed the ground to the western buildings and met Ellain and Minerva on the way, wearing the same uniforms as I am.

Both of them stepped aside to my left and rendered a salute which I then returned. I almost forgot that I am the highest ranking CAT senior officer as of the moment. It's not like bragging but I really do like the feeling when junior officers look up to you in respect.

"Are there many of us already?" I asked.

"Yeah. They're at Mr. Rosales's room. He also said that he'll have his final instructions before we rehearse," Ellain informed.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

Then I head to the room in the first floor labeled 'Grade 10-A' and placed my bag at the second chair at the second row. Then I found another thing that's worth celebrating as I laid an eye to the master list of students, to my already listed classmates. There's no Ares Flynn Concepcion printed on the list. That only means he's in the other sections, good thing. It would be best if he just transferred.

After Mr. Rosales's last instructions, we had a few go of practicing the drills, commands and positions, correcting every flaw and making sure everyone is moving snappily and in unison. At exactly seven thirty, students started to move in queue to the grounds, assisted by their new advisers.

Me and the other twenty selected officers are at the middlemost part of the ground forming a horizontal line. While the colors of non-officers are at our rear, bearing with them the Philippine flag and the school's emblem. The disorganized chatter of the students was then silenced by the sonorous voice of Mr. Rosales on the speakers.

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