Chapter Forty-Five

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I've never seen so horrific a scene before. Sure, I watched movies with blood and killings but I've never saw it in person, not until now. I was saved, but Ares's father was killed. More so, I'm not absolutely delighted.

I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted with the luminosity of my contexture. Everything's white, that's all I could make out. Is this the moment on where I get confused if it's either I'm in heaven or at the hospital? If that is so, I hope it's the latter.

I moved my head to my side gently, scanning my sorroundings. I saw some complicated equipments that you could only see in hospitals. Good. Maybe I'm really in an actual hospital. Or do you dream about it when truth is, you're already in heaven?

But veraciously speaking, I didn't feel myself like dying a while ago- depends on how long that while thing is. True, I had some injuries, but it's never close to the matter of between life and death scenario.

"Athena?!" I heard Auntie's soft voice.

I look around in time to see Aunt Mathilda stood up from a lounge near the door. As she walked over to my direction, I could conclude that clearly, anxiousness hasn't left her yet, seeing through her visage.

"Oh! Good Lord! You're finally awake! How are you dear? Are you feeling alright? Does anything hurt?"

Her series of questions made me dizzy at some point but I know she's just utterly worried.

"Auntie, first of all, you need to calm down."

My voice came out as hoarse that's why I cleared my throat before I continued.

"I'm totally safe right now, alright? And aside from some sore injuries, I assure you that I will live. You don't need to worry where to burry me. But just so you know, I prefer a casket than a sarcophagus."

My attempt at humor eventually failed as Auntie's visage turned into a much worse grim.

"Don't joke around like that! You have no idea how worried I was when I heard that you're abducted. You left the house just to watch the battle of the bands and the next thing I knew, you're gone!" she exclaimed and heaved a breath.

"Sorry," I just replied mousily.

Her brows just furrowed and she sighed once more.

"Anyways, where's Dad?" I asked.

The last time I saw him was forsooth not the best scene for a father-daughter reunion.

"He just left to take care of some things, you know, regarding the incident. He told me he might also report back to their base but don't worry, he'll be back before you even know it," she plastered a solacing smile and reached for my hand, rubbing it subtly.

"I really want to talk to him," I stated.

"I know sweatheart."

Admittedly, there are heaps of things I want to speak to him about. I already know regarding Roger Comcepcion's side of the story, now I want to know about his.


Later in the afternoon, after I become fully aware that it's now Sunday, two days after I was kidnapped, my friends visited me and at the very least- through their unmanageably giddy company- saved me from being a preserved mummy here in the hospital.

"Oh my God! Theena!" Jassmiine exclaimed once she let herself into my hospital room.

She then excitedly ran towards my bed and braced me for a bone-crushing hug that I responded with a yelp tha nearly made me cry.

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