Chapter Thirty-Nine

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That first kiss with Carl is the one thing I can't get off my mind once I'm in the comfort of my bed. It felt so surreal and I just can't get over the feeling. I'm afraid this is just a stupid dream and I'll wake up kissing my pillow later on, but no, it's just so good to be just a dream.

I switched my position on bed a couple of times but my mind wasn't giving me a chance to doze off. My thoughts are keeping me wide awake, oblivious to the fact that I should be really weary by now. Screw this mind sometimes, it will make me look like a zombie in the morning.


Holliday talks has been buzzing all around the school this day. It's because the holliday vacation is due in one week. Now everyone was talking about their huge holliday plans, where they're going with their families, what food should be present and eliminated during the Noche Buena, what presents they'd buy for their loved ones and the usual talks about Christmas. Huh! Like I care about it. Dad won't be with us to celebrate that occasion anyway.

"So, hey! Listen. Which one do you prefer is a better gift to ask for this Christmas? A DSLR cam? Or an iPhone?" Erin asked the group once we're at Streetside's during lunch.

It's just me and the girls this time. Carl's still practicing with his bandmates for the upcoming battle of the bands while Jake was absent this day.

"I prefer the iPhone. There's already a camera in there just so you know," Sandra commented.

"The iPhone cam is so different from the DSLR just so you know too, Sands. DSLR is my vote," Jassmine retorted.

"Same with me," Martha agreed.

"How about you, Theena?" Erin asked, beaming.

"Ugh! C'mon! Does my vote really matter? Why do we really need to have gifts on Christmas anyway?" I complained.

Screw the material presents, I only want one thing this christmas and that is to be with my father. But I guess just like the previous years, I better get used to disappointments already.

"Months ago, you were really bitter about love when you haven't met Carl and now why exactly are you still bitter about Christmas?" Jass exclaimed, raising an eyebrow at me.

I sighed before answering, "You're really asking me that? Didn't you know it already? I'll always be bitter about christmas as long as Dad is still on service and celebrates it in the barracks with his military guys rather than his family at home." I uttered and the rest of them went silent, each throwing me ptitful looks.

"And don't ever look at me like that, it's not helping."

"Theena, I won't be saying it is fine but I'd say it will be, sooner."

Maybe Martha's right, it's going to be fine. But when will that day be? I'm counting for years now and there is still more to come. All this lot is a series of maybes and what ifs as well as events so unprecedented that it's hard to decipher what is yet to happen.


As christmas break kicks in, it couldn't be lonelier as ever. Dad's definitely not home with us of course while Carl is flying to Manila to celebrate the hollidays with his family and the rest of the squad is busy with each of their holliday plans. It's surprising that I still feel utterly lonely when I should be used to it of all the years that Dad was away in the same occasion. He simply can't run away from his responsibilities and spend a night with us especially at this point of the year where terrorists and mutineers- or who the helluva peace invaders they were- are most active. So basically, the military is all occupied in restoring the peace during this season. In conclusion, no chance of persuading or even coaxing Dad to take a leave and come home. Yeah, those are the drawbacks of being one of the men in uniform serving in the frontlines.

Anyways, it does look like it's just me and Auntie celebrating together at the house. Another lonely christmas in the record.

"Hey! Not that look on your face, young lady!" Auntie blurted, causing me to jolt and wake up from my reverie.

"What look?" I asked innocently and returned to mixing the ingredients of the Macaroni salad for tonight's Noche Buena.

"Look at the mirror and you'll see. And let me remind you, today's not the all soul's day or the lenten season so don't show that mournful visage, alright?"

Well, great! It's so hard to put on a mask and act as if I'm really happy. But I managed to plaster a fake smile which I'm aware Auntie knows it's far from being sincere but doesn't push the subject anymore and I thank her for that. Maybe the one thing she could give me best for now is understanding so as patience.


Dad called once while we're having our Noche Buena yet it wasn't much of a converstion and more of a rushed greeting. Well, maybe all I could give him best is also understanding of how his profession works. When you could manage to do so, even the simplest, briefest greeting of "Merry Christmas" was priceless to hear so as the words "I Love You" and "Take Care" all the same.

Just a few years more and he'll be free of the service with guns and artilleries and we'd have all the time in the world if we want to. I will patiently wait for that to happen even if waiting is the least of my forte. I know having patience will be paid off soon.

Shortly after Dad's call, I received a text from Carl and my friends declaring the same greetings of "Merry Christmas". I texted them back quickly and finished my meal with Auntie before we proceed to our usual exchange of yule gifts. I got her a new knitted scarf since I noticed that her favorite one badly needs a retirement of all of the decades of providing her warmth. On the other hand, I got a new set of books from her to be added to my already existing collection.

Auntie might be strict and overreacts sometimes but I'm all too grateful to have her at my rescue all the time. She's like a second mother to me and I totally don't know how I could get along well without her in my freaking existence.

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