Chapter Thirty-Six

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Misfortune of the fortunate, Carl forgot to bring water along with the bikes so halfway with our trail, through Carl's guide, we stopped by a convenience store to quench our thirst and rest for a bit. It's by that time that he brought up the topic about Umbriel.

"You know, Umbriel is acting really weird lately," he began.

"Yeah? You've noticed?" I asked.

"How can't I? I've been so used to her... to her..." he stammered so I finished the sentence for him.

"Her flirting?" I suggested matter-of-factly.

He turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow, doubtful as if it was really the right word to refer to it.

"Don't look at me like that. I call it as I see it," I said and drained what's left of the mineral water I bought.

"Call it what you want. But last day was different. Don't get mad, alright?" he warned, gazing at me with utter concern.

"It still depends on what you'd be telling. So spill it out," I firmly said.

What Umbriel want is for the both of us to break the bond we have and not to be in good terms but I won't give her the slightest chance to relish satisfaction.

"So we were basically training at the gym last day in the afternoon. I was kind of distracted that time upon knowing that you and Umbriel had a fight. I was so eager to check on you if you're okay but you know Coach Tim and he won't ever allow me. So I planned to just see you after the training instead but it really went so freaking long and I can't even text you. After the training, of course I supposed you already went home since it was already late. Right then... I was surprised to see Umbriel waiting for me outside the gym. And guess what she did?"


"She gave me this."

He fumbled within his sweatpants pocket and gave me an envelope. I let out a laugh.

"She gave you an envelope? It looks and feels expensive though," I mocked, resulting for him to poke me on my side.

"There's something inside if you care to open it, silly!" he said and let out a throaty laugh.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened the envelope. The paper inside was the same by touch, thick and smooth. I'd really like to smell it if I were alone. Did I mention that I love the smell of papers? I guess I didn't.

I unfolded the paper and was greeted by the hand-written message in stanzas. Or better say, this happen to be a poem, scribbled in Umbriel's penmanship. I turned to Carl immediately.

"Sh-She gave you a poem?" I inquisited doubtfuly.

"Yeah, claiming that she wrote it by herself just for me."

"What?" I blurted then turned my attention to what's written on the paper.

This is insane. Umbriel? Writing a poem? That's impossibility to its own avail! My heart throbbed even faster when I read the contents out loud.

"First you appeared from sight, Fair-skinned with a fine height, Raven-haired and narrow-eyed, Slender, walking in a proud stride.
I see you this mellow,
Your identity I wanna know.
Passed you smiling of innocence,
The adoration I kept in silence."

Literally, my blood was draining out of me. How could this be?

"Yeah, I know. That's why I told you not to be mad. But seriously though, I'm flattered. I suggest you read on, she's really a good poet. I can't imagine someone wrote me a poem at all."

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