Chapter Twelve

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It's by noon that we arrive at Uncle Steve's house. The interlaced, ebony gate was free from it's latch and was already wide open as if to usher the guests into the ivory-hued two-story house.

The last time I've been here was when Mark graduated from PMA and Uncle Steve invited us for a small celebration barely two years ago.

Jay, Uncle Steve's manservant helped us with our bags. The house seemed empty still except for the maids who busied themselves by preparing our lunch.

"Where's everybody?" asked Mark to Jay as he carried our last packs to the bedroom upstairs.

"Your Dad went to fetch your sisters at the airport. Giselle just left an hour ago for a meeting with the wedding planner and the rest of your cousins went to the plaza to play basketball," informed Jay as he turned towards the stairs.

"Too bad they didn't even wait for us," I said as I slumped down on the tan living room couch.

"By the way, Jay! Where's Dave?" Mark called out.

"Still at the base," replied Jay.

"Who's Dave?" I asked Mark.

"Carl's brother," he answered as he turned on the TV and sat down beside me. Carl eventually joined us, bringing with him some chocolate cookies.

"Want some?" he offered.

"Sure," Mark and I both replied.

I took one cookie, biting and chewing at it absentmindedly as I rested my head on the couch and closed my eyes, seeming not to care about the show on the television. Even the boys are silent still beside me, they must be tired of the travel also.

I was about to doze off when my phone vibrated inside my jacket pocket. I immediately slid it off and arched down to see what it was. Turned out to be a video call from Sandra. I took no delay and answered it, tilting my phone horizontally.

"Hey, Sands!" I greeted

"Hey, Theena! Wait a minute," uttered Sandra who then seemed to be bellowing at someone to join her.

Moments later, Erin, Jass and Martha all joined her with exultant visages.

"Hi, Theena!" they all hooted.

"So, already arrived?" asked Martha.

"Yeah. Obviously," I replied, wheeling the phone around for them to see that I'm in the living room right now.

"Who's there with you?" Jassmine asked.

"I'm with Mark..." – he then showed himself at the screen and waved at them– "...and Carl." I then turned the phone to his side and he just beamed.

Jassmine set a knowing look and said intriguingly, "So, you finally met someone!"

I just throw her a stern look that ought to say, "Don't you dare!" and "Stop it!".

"I mean, having a good time?" she rephrased but the riveting look is still there. "Hmm... So far,  I could say, yeah I am."

"Mark! Athena! Carl! Lunch is ready," called Aunt Mathilda from the kitchen.

"Right, I'll talk to you guys later. I'm really starving."

I ended our little chatter as the three of us joined Auntie Mathilda who's already at the dining.


That afternoon when I'm completely changed out of my travel sartorials, Uncle Steve along with Rita and Noreen (Mark's sisters) finally came from the airport.

They were then followed by our cousins– Chris, Drew, Clint, Matt and Benj– all soaking wet with sweat.

What came to be an aloof, stiffle and muted house minutes ago turned into an amplified, blaring and rackety dwelling as individuals started to show up. This house was never been this jam-packed on a normal day before, or maybe I wasn't just able to be in a house so full. All appeared to be restless but quite frenzied to hear from each other.

We all gathered at the house's veranda as usual when we all meet to play stupid games, have a jam session even if none of us are really talented at singing, or mainly catching up and intervening with the goings-on in each of our lives.

"All right, guys!" Clint began. "Since for the first time a person from the outer sphere of the Mendes clan will be joining us, it is by the decision of the council that before Mr. Carl Cortes enter our realm, he'll therefore perform first the Mendes ritual," Clint declared and it's only due to my respect to him being our eldest that I forced myself not to laugh at his choice of words.

"Carl, pleasure it would be for us to witness you do the rite," Clint continued while Carl is derisively chuckling to himself while standing beside my cousin. Good thing he's not overthinking what awaits for him to do. Well, it's so simple really, nothing impossible to do.

"You know what? Just drop it. What shall I do?" he asked, seeming to loose patience with Clint's absurdity yet laughing at the same moment.

"You just need... to sing a song for us," said Clint, finally dropping his not-so-good-monarchal-character.

"Don't worry, Athena, he won't snatch your record as the worst entry of the Mendes ritual," Mark said mockingly.

"Are you supposed to be my cousin or what?" I snapped, and the guy just laughed at me.

"Enough of it, you two. Now, let's all put our hands together for Carl!" Clint exclaimed.

I noticed that he's now holding a guitar. Is he really that good? Or is it just another kind of hoax? Hmm... Let's see what he's capable of.

I watch him intently as he began to strum. The way his fingers laid upon the fret and his every stroke at the strings is utterly subtle, exquisite. Then he began to sing, and it's then that I'm entirely drawn in.

"Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And everything you do

Yeah, they were all yellow

I came along

I wrote a song for you

And all the things you do

And it was called, "Yellow"

So then I took my turn

Oh, what a thing to have done

And it was all yellow."

He's currently singing 'Yellow', a song by Coldplay. Indeed, one of my favorite songs.

Goosebumps. I'm having real goosebumps as he perform. He's got a pretty, lovely voice. The raspiness is well-blended with the tune and to the hummable melody.

"Close your mouth, you might drool any moment," Mark whispered me a reminder, drawing me out of my trance.

I just slapped him hard on his left arm and turned back my attention to Carl who's still singing. But Mark was right, I won't deny that my mouth was parted ajar out of awe.

I just heaved a deep sigh to get hold of my self. But eventually failed, his stellar voice still put me on a verge of daze.

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