Chapter Thirty-Five

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"What a perennial bitch!" Sandra yelled once I told her and the girls about my mere encounter with Umbriel.

"What else do you expect? Umbriel will always be Umbriel," said Jass.

"She's really on for it. What a desperate move," Martha added.

"So what's your plan now Theena?" Erin asked.

"Plan? For what?"

"For that beauty queen bitch! You and Carl had been together for less than a day and already, there's some basilisk on the loose, wanting to snatch your guy once you lose your guard" Jassmine declared.

"Cool it off guys, alright! I think it will be unnecessary so I'm not planning anything as of the moment. Umbriel went with the desperate move but she can't ruin what Carl and I have. I won't let another gorgon succeed," I firmly uttered.

"We do trust your decision, mate. Just remember we're all here if you need some sort of counter-attack," Martha said.

Of course, I got some back-up incase a battle would arise.

"I'd always remmber that, Marth."


"Dammit! It's not here either," I exclaimed upon checking my locker.

"It's not in your bag nor in your locker. Maybe you left it at your house?" Jass declared.

I could tell she's also loosing her patience likewise I am with mine. We've been looking for hours and still, my poetry notebook is nowhere to be found.

"No. I'm absolutely sure I brought it with me this morning. I can't be mistaken, I bring it with me everytime."

I searched my backpack once more but the freaking notebook is still no show. Jass let out a weary sigh.

"I'm not a Seeker, Athena, nor are you and we both hate finding things. C'mon! Just give it up, that notebook will just show up when you ain't looking for it. This is really tiring me out."

"No! I can't just stop searching. You know that notebook is freaking important, right?"

"Yeah, not just your collection of self-written poems and thoughts but your other self so to speak. Yes, Theena,  I totally get it," Jass muttered, lacking vigor in her words.

I closed my eyes as I leaned at the locker, trying to get the screws inside my head working. Where the hell did I put my notebook?

"Why don't we just sidetrack to the bathroom for a moment and continue searching later?" Jass suggested.

It seems like the invisible switch just clicked on and I'm already enligtened with hopes to what she said.

"That's right! At the bathroom!" I yelled then pulled Jassmine and ran towards the bathroom near the library where I want to go to a while ago. The very place where I went face to face with another Medusa in my screwed up life.

"Whoa! Whoa! Could you please slow down? We're not running from zombies, are we?" I didn't listen to Jassmine's protests but instead, doubled my pace while pulling her along by her wrist. Heck! Why is that bathroom so far away from our building?!

I dragged the two of us inside the bathroom but much to my disappointment, the notebook is not at the sink where I left it, or so that's what I remembered when Umbriel fired the cannons at my wake.

"Alright, so why are we in this bathroom? There's one closer to our building just so you know," Jass ranted as she tries to catch her breath.

"I swear! This is the last place I remembered where I brought that notebook with me," I explained, searching through every empty cubicle.

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