Chapter Twenty-Six

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We arrived at Camp Lapu-Lapu Hospital which was manned by an unbelievable number of military personnel. I saw Mark waiting for us at the lobby so I quickened my pace to meet him.

"Hey, little sis," he greeted me with a hug.

"Hey," I timidly replied.

The bulky soldier whose name I forgot eyed Mark inquisitely but just stood near us, gazing attentively at our small reunion.

After Mark greeted Auntie, he finally introduced himself to the troopers.

"First Lieutenant Mark Mendes, Philippine Air Force. I'm Colonel Mendes's nephew."

He shook hands with the soldier who's eyeing him inquisitely yet now looking relieved. They're really taking this security detail stuffs very seriously.

"Captain Harold Chan, Philippine Army."

He finally uttered his introduction, reminding me of this bulky soldier's name.

"He was moved to the ICU, it's this way," Mark declared and gestured to the left hallway.

We followed after him, passing several rooms and turned to the right where I saw a lone man-in-uniform, sitting erect on one of the hospital's benches.

1Lt. Chan and the other troopers under him rendered their salute and eventually putting their hands down when Lt. Col. Herrera (I read from his uniform) returned the gesture.

"How's he now?" Aunt Mathilda asked the question that's been hanging at the tip of my tongue.

"They just managed to remove the bullet. They're currently doing the blood transfusion, thanks that there's enough supply of his blood type at the blood bank. We should wait for more updates from Dr. Medina," informed Lt. Col. Herrera.

I don't know what's more infuriating, waiting endlessly for more updates or dwelling in oblivion, not knowing what will and might happen next. I guess it'd be both.

I texted Carl that we arrived safely but still awfully waiting for some news.

That's good. Still hoping 4d best.

He replied and I simply stared at the words flashing in the screen, didn't have either the gut or the energy to reply.

Then I remember his voice message that was saved to my phone. I immediately get my earphones inside my bag and listened to his mellow voice as I tilted my head on the wall and closed my eyes. I hope that it could easily drown away the dominating pain and distress. But it can't, it isn't enough to make the situation better.


It was midnight when Dr. Medina finally relayed his news that everything went well, from the operation down to the transfusion. Visitors aren't allowed yet until he'll be transfered to a regular room when his condition gets better.

That's the hope which I'm holding on tight, I'll see him lively again in a few days range and he'll get definitely well. I've known my father as a fighter and I know he'll get through this.


We've been temporarily staying at Uncle Steve's house while Dad's still under thorough observation at the hospital. I've been absent from school for three days now but I still communicate with my pals about our lessons and stuffs back at RCB.

It's only by a pact made with Auntie that as soon as Dad will wake up and when I could talk to him will I fly back home. It's by that agreement that they weren't hauling me back to our house.

Mark drove me to the hospital early in the morning before he proceed to their base. I also bought some flowers along the way to be placed in Dad's hospital room. He's finally transfered to a regular one and te're allowed to visit and stay from time to time.

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