Chapter Five

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We're down on the last day before the reunion party. It's April twenty-seventh, one of the cursed days on Earth. Destiny wasn't yet contented that I was able to experience some devilry yesterday, and now I would be experiencing another one since I already suppose that I'll be able to see Ares again today. Who knows that it might be worse?

Think about all the mischief that Ares brought yesterday. First, he surprisingly came to our house and offered a ride, which to hell I won't ever take. Second, when my scooter got a flat tire, he never even offered a genuine help, another one that I won't take either. And the last one, yet the worst is to be able to see a real-life Medusa, and that's Cloe of course.

I don't know what kind of adversity awaits this day. But I suppose I should expect for the worst to happen. Well, I think I'm quite equipped though. I made lots of prayers last night. All I gotta say to myself is that, "NEVER BACK DOWN!"

I already arrived at the concurred venue on where the event would be held. Bash Central, that's the name of the establishment. This is the place on where most of the birthdays and wedding receptions take place. It is owned by Jassmine's mom. That's why we need not to pay anymore upon renting this place. Thanks that her mom agreed to it, we just came here to decorate it by ourselves. There's nothing wrong upon making extra effort than spending extra money, right?

Realizing that the place was already open, I came in without hesitation. I was walking through the entrance hall when the main door suddenly slams open. An elder woman in formal skirts and blouse came out with keys on her hand. It's just Auntie Lucinda, Jassmine's mom.

"Athena, it's nice to see you. How are you, dearie?" she spoke as she recognized my presence and then we shared a hug.

"It's nice to see you too Auntie, it's been a long time. Well, I'm feeling fine right now. How 'bout you?" I gladly stated.

"Oh, I really had a busy schedule. You know, weddings and stuffs. I just had a minute here to check on you guys. And before I forgot, I also brought some tablecloths that could help all of you in flourishing this place."

"No doubt that your sched is hectic. You're like, the best events organizer in town. But about the decors, you don't-"

"Wait. Hold on. I know what you're going to say. Don't refuse my offer. I mean it, so that I could lessen all of your hassles, okay?"

I wasn't able to finish what I was trying to say. But she already get my point. I was planning to refuse her offer. Yet she's right, buying some more decors is really a hard time, not mentioning the amount of money needed.

"Auntie, you have no idea how conducive it is for the event. Thank you so, so much! I awe you, big time!" I thanked her and after some set of words, she bid goodbye to me and then left.

Upon getting in, I noticed that there's already a lot of people inside. I can see that they're already starting to work on with the decors. I'm really glad to see them working together like this, it brought up memories of the past.

"Hey guys! Doing good?" I greeted all of them cheerfully as I pass by.

"Of course not. We're doing absolutely great!" Erin replied, all with a blissful visage, inexplicably dynamic.

"Good! You better keep that mood for the rest of the day," uttered I.

"I really will!" she replied once more, now with a wider grin while carrying the box full of tablecloths.

"What's wrong with her this morning?" I said, talking to myself as if there's a person right in front of me.

"But I guess there's nothing wrong with being happy, right?" I continued and ended with a sigh.

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