Chapter Forty-One

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Junior Week is a whole week days celebration of the founding of our school on the second week of February, exactly by the end of it was the Valentine's day. It's by far the most anticipated event in RCBMHS. It'd be a double celebration that's why the preparations are all-out. Well, actually it would be a triple treat since the battle of the bands will also be on the fourteenth of this month.

So two weeks before the event, everyone at school was busy with the preparations. It's like we're taking a few days pause from academics and we're all focusing on either practicing for the different grade level contests or working to put up the decors around the school. Aside from doing the fundraiser booths once more, there will also be the mass dance presentations, the usual foundation rite at night and the themed daily costume dress-ups which I'm really looking forward so we could be free of our uniforms at least for a week.

February 10th, Monday, was the formal opening of the Junior Week. Today's dress-up theme is the Go-School-Spirit Day 1 in which except for our school uniforms, we'll dress something that is school-related instead. Like for example, the varsity team jerseys, club T-shirts and so on.

Our morning is booked for the opening programme which for me is more of a torture because of our principal's very long discourse that I doubt everyone's even listening to.
Since the fundraiser booths are already set-up last week, this time after the programme it's finally fully operational.

Not just each of the grade levels has its own entry but also the different clubs and organizations here in the school. For the CAT, we have the archery booth and since I'm the highest-ranked cadet officer, I'd be spending the rest of my leisure time officiating the booth. Of course, responsibilities be put forefront, I just need to be my goody-two-shoes self and follow orders again.

Luckily, during Tuesday I was able to take a break from being a booth personnel and spent the rest of the morning trying out the different booths with my friends.

Same as the other passing weeks, Carl is still frantically absorbed in their band practice. I so badly want them to have a break not just to spend time with me but also with the fear that he might no longer have his blessed-breed-of-a-voice during the actual day of the competition. Nobody wants that to happen and if I were the coach, those poor band fellas are already having helluva fun time during this event.

Wednesday is set for the Go-Characters mid-week and even if we aren't sure if Mr. Rosales will allow them to take a day off rehearsals, Carl and I still managed to agree and dress-up as Queen Susan the Gentle of Narnia and Prince Caspian of the Telmarines for this day. And just like an answered prayer, Mr. Rosales gave them half of the day to at least unwind the sickening pressure brought by the coming battle of the bands that will happen this Friday.

"This whole scenario is freaking me out a lot more than the probable injuries that I could have in playing Taekwondo," Carl shared to the rest of the squad during lunch.

He heaved a breath, staring at us currently eating ice creams that he knows himself he wasn't allowed to eat.

"It's just the anticipation and the build-up that's been adding to the nerves and the towering pressure. I know you'll be fine at the end of the day so just chill it out, it will be over before you know it," I uttered solemnly, surprised that those words really came out of my own mouth.

I'm not like this usually and thanks that Snadra isn't laughing at me right now but instead added, "And you also said you've done this kind of thing before, right? So what's the difference? You already have the advantage of an experience."

Then I thought of the day Carl shared to me the reason behind not wanting to be in any bands anymore. His past experience isn't that good as what Sandra might be expecting. Of course I didn't tell the others about it. I'm not in the place to share those kind of stuffs.

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