Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tuesday morning, I woke up feeling better and decided to come to school. Slowly but not slothful, I showered, dressed and ate a heavier breakfast. Aunt Mathilda forbids me to ride my scooter considering that I'm still recovering. Instead, she drive me up to school through her red pickup truck and reminds me nonstop while we're on the road to still take my meds and update her regarding my condition every now and then.

I still feel heavy from within while walking to our classroom but this way around is better than being bedridden. I can't wait to see Jass and Erin to ask about the lessons I've missed and about the other happenings here in the campus while I'm gone.

"Theena!" yelled Erin at the moment she saw me step inside the room. I joined the two gals at our seats on the second row and hugged both of them firmly.

"So, how are you feeling?" asked Jass.

"Like a person who just had a fever," I replied.

"Great. You're still the Athena we know."

"It's not like a fever could tarnish my personality. Anyways, what did I miss?"

"Lots! In just a day pal, you've missed worth a whole week's gossip," Erin declared.

"And what are those exactly? Good or bad?"

"Both." the two of them blurted at the same instant.

"Go on then. Unveil the gossip."

"But before that, tell us first about what Carl said when he came to visit you at your house," Jass stated knowingly.

"And how did you know about that?" I asked for as far as I know, I didn't mention it to any of them yet.

"Because Carl told us so. And it's by him that we're able to know that you were sick," Erin explained.

"Oh, alright."

"So, what exactly happened?" Jass inquisited, her anticipation clearly showing off.

And so, I told them about Carl's sudden appearance, the three pink tulips that he gave me, our small chatter when he said "I like you", and every detail of it I spilled to these two gossip-hungry girlfriends of mine.

"Oh my God! He said he like you? Present tense? Goodness Athena! Now you're really up on a Shan Tsai level," exclaimed Erin.

"There's no surprise there. I've sensed it all along. So what did you say? You also confessed what you feel, right?" Jassmine asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't say you like him back?!"

"Jesus, calm down! I didn't know what should I reply to him that moment, alright? But believe me, I really wanted to say I feel the same."

"So what's holding you back?" asked Erin.

"I don't know. Maybe I don't wanna rush things, I guess. I really want to know him even more and I want it that the moment I say those words to him, I know that I'm completely certain of what I felt," I explained.

I guess that's really what I wanted, what I need to do, for now. The two of them quieted down as they pondered what I said, the least I expected.

"Time for your talk. What's the good and the bad news then?" But right after I asked, Mrs. Montealegre entered the room. I guess that topic shall be saved for later.


It's now breaktime after two periods in the morning and we're currently hanging around in the cafeteria with Martha and Sandra who joined us minutes ago. Jassmine and Erin delightedly told them about Carl's visit last Saturday. I allowed them to do the storytelling honor since I'm already tired of repeating myself all over again.

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